
Chosen of Summer

[MATURE CONTENT] This story will be very gay…. Move along you’re not interested. It’s going going to be a dark journey, love interests will be everywhere. Not doing harem, but one night stands most definitely. Fantasy awaits! ps this is my first time writing, please me gentle with me. constructive criticism is nice but please don’t be mean to me. I’m a big softy >.

3crows_in_a_coat · Fantasy
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16 Chs

10 Ruffled Feathers

The people of the village were gruff to outsiders, but if you spoke their language you would see a completely different side of the community. The Sky Elves held respect and customs highly, so the idea of coming into someone's home and not at the very least showing an attempt to following their customs was met with hostility.

The man wore loose linen pants and tight wrapping around his waist in a herringbone pattern. The wrapped fabric, was to keep the pants from falling mid flight, so the technique made the fabric tight around the man's abdomen muscles like a corset.

"Sorry for my tongue, human's tend to be…. Entitled." He had nervously patted wrinkles flat. He had fallen off his stool guarding the tavern entrance after Stratton responding with the Avi tongue in kind to being called "pretty but obviously empty headed"

"I'll hold no offense to being called pretty if it's coming from off your tongue" Stratton giggled slightly at the man, olive skin turning closer to crimson. Stratton's accent was thick, however the man seemed to understand him plenty well. "May I join in on the congregation" Stratton inclined his head slightly toward the open door, the fabric curtains muffled the boisterous pub.

"We… usually only let in our people…" he looked Stratton up and down seemingly loosing focus, turning into more ogling versus intimidated. Stratton had Nexus, his living cloth, take the shape of the customary clothes of the area. So currently most of Stratton's upper half was on display. The rugged guard definitely didn't seem to mind.

"May… I ask your name traveler?" He had licked his lips slightly, the man's yellow eyes had found Stratton's but with difficulty. Stratton didn't mind the attention, if he was being honest, a night with the door man sounded tempting.

"Stratton, and of you gorgeous?" Stratton's smirk made the man's feather puff up slightly.

"I'm called Nyccal" his chest puffed up slightly, he looked behind him and back around checking to see if anyone was around before stepping closer to Stratton.

Stratton was tall in his human form but the night winged man was looking down him a whole head taller, he rested his arm on the wall above his head. Stratton wasn't against the wall entirely, but the man was looking down at him close enough Stratton could feel the heat of his skin. "I'll let you in… under one condition…" he paused flashing a cheeky smile.

"Oh what a surprise! What is it?" The man stiffened stighly as Stratton walked his fingers up the guard's pectoral, each finger emphasized a syllable before gracefully tracing his nails across his exposed collar bone and down the arm at his side.

The man's eyes had widened and his smirk grew to a dashing smile. "If you are invited into a man's bed on this evening, I wish to be there as well. AND for some reason you don't find a warrior to wrestle, I get you.. to.. my.. self." The man's hard chest was pressed against Stratton, the warm breath whispered the sentence into Stratton's ear. Nyccal had wrapped his free arm around the human before him, grabbing Stratton's butt kneading the younger man. "What do you say to my terms?"

" Exactly what I was hoping to hear" Stratton pulled him into a gentle kiss before Nyccal stepped out of the way.

"Invite as many warriors as you wish, the Tevi of our village… love sharing." Nyccal smacked Stratton on the ass while ushering him into the Avi gay bar.

Stratton smiled to himself devilishly, if he was going to rebound, he wasn't holding back.


The air was musty, the smell of booze and sweat hung in the air. It smelled of horny men, and Stratton couldn't of been happier. Stratton had descended the stairs into the dump lit space with out catching to much attention. He had made it to the first landing when the whistle caught his attention off to his left. Deep set alcoves lines the walls were cushioned lounges, each being large enough to be a bed. The room was large like a concert hall, dug into the sandstone, three leveled wrapped around a center stage. Some of the coves had drawn curtains but silhouetted figures left little to be imagined. The whistle came from a cove with a open curtain, three men were lounging in the cove drinking wine. They were still in their armor, city guards off shift for the night. The one that got Stratton's attention had beautifully deep sun kissed skin and ashen hair. His wings were gray with white spots, the man tried staying something in the human imperial dialect, making Stratton confused. However he did walk over anyway.

He said something again but this time sounded agitated at being ignored.

"My apologies, the human languages aren't my native tongue. I'd prefer to speak with you in your own if that would be okay?"

The swordsman's face lite up, "no my apologies for making an assumption! Ha no wonder Nyccal let you in!"He had turned on his side, the position showed off his impressive physique, he was closer to Stratton's hieght, but had larger muscles than the door man, "did he make you take him in the alley way? Cause honestly, I would have." The man bite his lip, looking the human before him head to toe.

"I noticed as I got here that most the other guests are already… occupied. Why would three strapping guards be so…unattended?" Stratton had sat down the edge of the alcove, but the man off the right lounging against the wall patted the spot next to him. Taking the cue Stratton snuggled up next to the man, the guard wrapped his arm around Stratton pulling him snug against his side. The unnamed guard had a deep black hair covering his chest and arms, his manicured beard was cut neat, the side of his head were shaven and the length of his hair was tied into a bun atop his head. The guard managed to rock a sexy man bun, his blue eyes trailed his new companion as he ran his hand through Stratton's scalp. "We got off duty not very long ago, so all the bar's hired boys are busy", the man holding him had a deep voice, one that made Stratton's toes curl instantly when he spoke. "Not that we would mind, all those fools missed a perfect sheath" he whispered the last part in Stratton's ear while gently tugging his hair, making a stifled moan escape the human.

"Boen! I wanted make the first move!" The brown haired

Boen chuckled, the reverberation of his chest made Stratton wiggle, he felt arousal, "oh spare me Zeph, you act like his not ready to be shared." Boen turned Stratton's head to look up at him gently by the chin, "after all he came here of all places, he's human but he knows the den he walked into." Boen kissed Stratton roughly, as the kiss deepened Stratton found the man's tongue entangling his. He broke away, a silvery string still connecting their mouths, "Faisen, go get someone to cover Nyccal's post, this little vixen's begging for our touch." Stratton saw the third man move to leave. He also had black hair, a scar cut across his face giving him an intimidating roughness, he was rubbing his obvious hard on through the linen pants. The size made Stratton gup, he didn't even attempt to hide it as he walked off to the bar. He was seen talking to the man making drinks, he nodded and dipped into the back. Faisen came back and started unbuckleing his armor, Zeph was already taking his boots off.

"What is your name?" Boen's voice made Stratton shiver, the guard had guided his had to the thick manhood straining for release under the thin linen. His lips brushed Stratton's ear as he continued, " I would like call your name as take you"

"Stratton" the grip he had tighten as he swhipered.

"Stratton? Well you're about to be calling four names out, now undress. You have no need for cloth here."

I said it would be very rainbow oriented, so take it or leave it.

3crows_in_a_coatcreators' thoughts