
Chosen Legacy

I stared across the clearing into the piercing golden eyes of the wolf that I had seen a thousand times before. However, despite seeing her over and over again, I had never once seen her face to face. While I was running, I kept repeating a word in my head. The same word over and over again. “Mate! Mate! Mate! Mate!” I thought at first that it was me saying it, but it wasn’t my voice, not exactly. It was close to my voice, but not a perfect match. “Is that you?” I asked myself as I ran deep into the forest. I wasn’t going to be able to hold out for much longer. “Is that really you?” I sobbed in relief.. Rika is nineteen and has a secret that she has been keeping from her family. She is a wolf shifter in the most famous and well-known pack in the world. She is daughter to Trinity and Reece Gray, the King and Queen of all the shifter and magic users in the world, and yet, Rika is losing touch with her wolf more and more each day. Not only that, but she can feel her slipping away from her inch by inch, and fears that she might lose her altogether. On top of feeling as if one day very soon she might never be able to shift again, Rika and her twin brother Reagan have been given a very complicated task. They must help foster the peace between the humans and non-humans of the world now that the veil of secrecy has been removed. The world knows now that the creatures that go bump in the night, vampires, werewolves, witches, Fae, werebears, and more, oh my, are all real. Not all of those people who now know the truth are all that happy about it. Foster a positive relationship with the humans, sure thing. Find the group of people responsible for supposed monster bashings, no problem. Navigate life while also trying to find their own mates. Now that might be a problem. On top of all the other things on their plate, Rika, Reagan, and all the other children of the fabled legacies must learn how to be themselves in a world that will never be the same again. Love and lust, anger and rage, happiness and confusion, emotions will be all over the place as the Chosen Legacy fight for all mankind, human and not. “Rika, you need to tell someone about this. You need to tell them what is going on.” Reagan was glaring at me as I fought that empty feeling inside of me. “I can’t, Reagan. You don’t get it. You don’t know what it’s like to lose that part of you.” “You’re right, I don’t, but it will never get better if you don’t try to do something about it.” His anger made his eyes flash bright blue in the darkness of the night. The way that they were shining, I could tell that it wasn’t just the reflection of the moon, this was his power, this was the essence that was my brother. “Leave me alone.” I snapped as I ran away from him. I was fighting against my tears, holding them back so that he wouldn’t see how much this was hurting me. Not only that, but I couldn’t let him see that it was too late, that my wolf was already gone. Chosen Legacy is a story that has a little bit of everything. It is a coming of age story, where multiple legacies, Rika included, matures emotionally and mentally while learning to navigate the ever-changing world. It is a mystery and suspense as the twins, along with their group of friends, search for the group that has been attacking innocent people around their campus. And it is a hot and steamy romance where each of the legacies will find their one true love to last a lifetime. Who and what does fate have in store for these legacies, and what adventures will they have along the way? This story will change the POV so that it will focus on multiple characters. The character name will be in the chapter title and at the top of the chapter. This is a massive story that will encompass many mating between different characters and a lot of the cast from the book 'Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha'. It is a stand-alone book. However, you do not need to have read the original to follow along.

Deni_Chance · Fantasy
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412 Chs

Chapter 24- Elias – First Day of Work (VOLUME 1)

*~*Elias's POV*~*

Things have been happening in our group lately. I knew that there was something going on with Reagan and Rika, but they weren't talking about it. There was that group that we were starting, and that was going to take a lot of time and focus from us all soon. And there was the fact that somewhere on campus, my mate was waiting for me. I had sensed her. I had smelled her. And I knew that she was close to me. It was almost like there was an electric charge surging through me as I walked the grounds of the school. I couldn't wait to meet her.

When I had first gone to the place that I was going to work, Addams, Bryant, Charleston and Associates, I had smelled that intoxicating scent. It was the same scent that I had smelled around the campus, and I knew what it meant. My mate was close by.

Throughout the tour that I had taken, I had gotten more whiffs of that smell. That smell was so powerful, even when it was faint. Each time that I got a trace of it, it was like someone was hitting me in the face with a baseball bat. And that scent was strong, even with just faint traces.

There were traces of honey and chocolate in that intoxicating mixture, but there was more to it as well, there was cinnamon and ginger. It was like a spicy and sweet yet mouthwatering dessert. I just wanted to lap up wherever that scent was emanating from, but that would be indecent. So, instead, I just went about my business like nothing was different.

No matter where I went that first day though, I didn't see the person that the smell had come from. Whoever and wherever she was, she had left the building before I had arrived in it. That was not a very happy thought for me, because I didn't know if she would be back there ever again. I hoped that she would.

Now, it was Wednesday, my second day of working at my internship and my first official day of work. Or rather, my first day of training. I was excited, nonetheless. Even if I was going to be a gofer for the lawyers and their higher ranked lackeys, I was still happy to have this opportunity.

I arrived earlier than I needed to, per my usual way of doing things. I was the only one that was entering the building at the time, and I was heading toward the check-in station. I had been given a badge and I needed to go through a metal detector so that I could prove that I wasn't bringing anything dangerous into the building. It was much like entering the courthouse, only this was a private office building.

After I was through the checkpoint, I headed to the elevator and pressed the call button. I could smell that scent again. It wasn't just traces from the last time that I was here, this was stronger, fresher.

"Is she here?" I asked myself in a whisper as I stepped onto the elevator. The moment that I was in the car, that scent was ten times stronger. She had been in this elevator, and it had been very recently.

"She is here." I whispered to myself. I didn't need people to think that I was crazy. I needed this internship for my future. And I didn't want to let anything slip through my fingers. Not when I could help it.

Still, I had to will my body not to react to her scent. It was like pure arousal pouring in through my nose, and I needed to make sure that I wasn't showing that to the bosses. It would be a very bad idea.

Finally, the elevator stopped on the fourth floor. This was where the interns were usually put unless they were needed. And when we were needed, it was going to be our jobs to fetch coffee, make copies, find a file, take notes, and things like that. Still, we got to listen in on a lot of conversations that the lawyers had, as long as they weren't part of the attorney and client privilege that banned us from listening in.

The moment that I opened the door to where I belonged, I was assaulted with that scent. No, that was the wrong word. Assaulted would mean that I didn't enjoy it. And I won't say overwhelmed either. No, this was different. I was surrounded by the scent, and it was extremely pleasant. So pleasant, that it took every ounce of my control not to pounce into the room with a raging erection.

Slowly, and slightly stiffly, I walked into the room and took a look around. There were four other people in the room. Richard and Jeremy were with me on Monday when I was touring the building, so I knew that they couldn't be my mate. I was sure that my mate was a woman, but I knew from listening to Shawn's story that Fate was the one to decide that for me.

Another of two people in the room was the intern leader, an associate whose job it was to teach us what we needed to do. She was also the person that we went to when there was a problem. Her name was Suzette and I had met her Monday. Again, I knew that she wasn't the person that I was looking for.

The last person in the room was a beautiful and exotic looking woman that I had never seen before. She had a lovely mocha complexion that was smooth and flawless. Her dark brown eyes were slanted just slightly, and her features were thin and delicate. She looked to me like she would have been about five feet seven or eight inches tall, close to my cousin Rika's height. Her hair was black, smooth, and pulled back into an elegant knot at the back of her neck. And she was dressed beautifully in business casual attire. She had on a pink blouse with a black skirt and black heels.

Everything about this woman spoke of beauty and perfection. And I couldn't take my eyes off of her. I smiled when I entered the room, thankful that I had taken in all of these details in just a fraction of a second, so that no one needed to ask me what it was that I was doing just standing there doing nothing.

With my eyes locked on the most beautiful woman that I had ever seen in my life, I walked over to where she was sitting. There was an open place next to her, and I meant to take it.

"Good afternoon." I said as I sat down and spoke calmly. And that calmness was hard fought. "My name is Elias Whitton, it is lovely to meet you."

I saw it. That look in her eyes. She felt what I was already feeling, and I hadn't even heard her voice before. It was clear to me that this woman was already feeling the pull of fate. Although, for her, it had been triggered by my presence before her. My voice, my face, everything that she could see and hear, because as a human, she likely couldn't smell me like I could her.

"H..hi." She smiled and stuttered a little. "My name is Haley. Haley Mitchell." She held her hand out to me and I took it. I meant to shake it, a normal greeting and all that, but that isn't what happened.

"What a lovely name." I purred the words before I kissed the back of her hand. "You are quite beautiful, Haley."

"Ahem." I heard Suzette clear her throat to get my attention.

"Way to go, Romeo." Jeremy called out.

"You're wooing her already." Richard laughed out.

"Can we settle down please?" Suzette told them. "We have two more due to arrive, and then we will begin our training. And since we have an even number we will be splitting into pairs. Elias, can I trust you not to distract Haley if I pair you together? You two already seem to have connected in a way." She was smiling as she spoke. I think that she wanted to give me a chance at getting to know Haley. It also helped that Suzette was a feline shifter and probably knew what was happening.

"Of course." I nodded without taking my eyes off of Haley. "I will make sure that I am a perfect gentleman while learning my job alongside Haley." I almost said 'my mate' but that would have been really bad.

"Good." Suzette nodded and moved on.

After the others arrived, Dana and Victoria, we were paired off. Haley and I were the only male and female set. Dana and Victoria were together while Richard and Jeremy were together. With that settled, we left to get started.

It was tedious and boring, but I had been prepared for that. This was work, and that meant that it was usually not exciting. We practiced finding files in the archives, and highlighting notes that were meant to be used for trials. We got coffee for the meeting that was due to take place that evening, and a lot of other stuff that was just menial little tasks. And it was all made better because Haley was there with me.

Finally, when the night was over, we were leaving as a group. I didn't say anything to Haley though. I wanted to wait until we were outside and in the fresh air. It would be better if I had a clear head when I was speaking to her. That scent of hers had been filling my senses all afternoon and evening.

The moment that we were out of the building though, and the others were spreading out to their respective locations, I called out to her.


"Yes, Elias?" Her response was immediate, and the smile was perfection. "Uh, I..I mean, yeah, what can I do for you?" I think she thought that she had responded a little too eagerly. That was the opposite though. I loved the way that she had just spun and said my name so easily.

"Would you like to get a bite to eat? It is late, and I am sure that things at the campus will be all closed up. I can drive you back after we eat." I pointed down the street at the parking garage that I had my car in. "I don't live on campus."

"I would love to." Again, she spoke eagerly, and it made me smile.

"Great." I was a little naïve here as well. I had dated, but not much at all. Instinct was taking over when it needed to, but it wasn't perfect.

She had accepted my invitation, something that made me want to sing. Now, I was holding my arm out to her, an offer to escort her. I almost cheered out loud when she took it and stepped close to my side. My wolf was howling in delight as well. He was screaming again and again in my mind: MATE! MATE! MATE! MATE!

I took Haley to a nicer restaurant. I didn't want to treat her to just fast food or a cheap diner. I was going to count this as our first date, no matter what she thought of it. This was a special night for us. It was our first night, and I wanted to remember it for the rest of my extremely long life. And I was hoping that maybe, just maybe, Haley was thinking the same thing.

Haley looked nervous, but also excited as we sat at the table. She seemed smart, sweet, and innocent. I could tell that she wasn't usually the type that just accepted a man's invitation like this. Of that I was overjoyed. It meant that she felt something special for me already, even if she didn't know what it was yet.