
Chosen Heroes

Felix was going to be reincarnated as a hero. He had to work with the other reincarnated heroes to slay the Demon King, pretty simple right? Just one tiny problem....The Heroes he's supposed to work with are trying to kill him....

CaptainCrimson · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 2: God of Life

As the eons (or what felt like eons) passed in this surreal void, Felix's mind started to fray at the edges. He began to mutter to himself, the soundless echoes of his own thoughts reverberating in the darkness.

'Is anyone out there? Hello? Can anyone hear me?' Felix mumbled

But no reply came, only the soundless void persisted. The isolation weighed heavy on his psyche, and he began to slip into the realms of insanity.

'Well, Felix, you've really outdone yourself this time. Stuck in an eternal abyss... what a life you're living!'

He chuckled to himself, the sound echoing strangely in the emptiness.

For a moment, he indulged in his own absurdity, finding humor in the bleakness of his situation. But then, a fleeting moment of clarity pierced the darkness.

"What was I thinking? I must be losing my mind. Joking about being stuck here like this... it's not helping."

The realization that he might be spiraling into madness sent a shiver down his non-existent spine. He needed to hold on to his sanity, even in this surreal place.

'Okay, Felix, pull yourself together. Jokes won't get you out of here. Focus. Think. There has to be a way out, or at least some meaning to all of th-'

Interrupting him, a sudden, blinding light pierced the darkness of the void. It was so intense that, if Felix had eyelids, he would have reflexively shut his eyes against the searing brilliance. The light seemed to push the very boundaries of the void back, as though a portal to another realm had been forcefully torn open.

The presence of the light was overwhelming, its radiance seemingly carrying a sense of foreboding and an aura of immeasurable power. In this light, Felix would have felt a sensation akin to sweat pouring down his face if he had a physical form. It was as if an ominous force lurked within this newfound brightness, casting a stark contrast to the desolation he had grown accustomed to.

Felix's racing thoughts and fading traces of insanity were immediately replaced by a sense of awe and fear. He remained suspended in the void, unable to move or act, his consciousness utterly at the mercy of this enigmatic illumination.

As abruptly as it had appeared, the blinding light vanished, revealing the form of a strange, humanoid figure in its wake. Felix's gaze fell upon this enigmatic being, a pristine-white silhouette radiating with an otherworldly, divine glow. In the profound darkness of the void, it stood out like a beacon, its presence both mesmerizing and foreboding.

The figure's most striking feature was the two horns that jutted out of its head, twisting and curving to form an intricate visage that resembled a twisted halo. This "halo" shone with an even greater intensity than the rest of its luminous body, casting an eerie radiance upon the dark expanse around it.

The face of this being was devoid of features, except for two unsettling yellow eyes that pierced through the very essence of Felix's being. These eyes seemed to hold all the mysteries of the cosmos, observing him with an intensity that sent shivers down his spine.

In that moment, Felix's thoughts raced as he struggled to make sense of this surreal encounter. 'Is that an angel?' he wondered, or perhaps 'the grim reaper?' The figure's angelic glow contrasted starkly with its eerie visage, leaving him both captivated and unnerved, as he awaited some clue to the purpose or nature of this enigmatic presence in the void.

Suddenly, the enigmatic being raised a hand, palm open, and with an ethereal gesture, a human body formed—an exact replica of Felix. He felt an inexplicable pull towards this new body, a force dragging him towards this inexplicable doppelganger. Everything blurred, and darkness descended once more as Felix blacked out.

When he came to, a surge of disorienting confusion washed over him. His eyes widened in shock as he stared at his hands, flexing his fingers, examining the lines on his palm, the scars on his skin. It was himself, an exact replica down to the smallest scar, the very essence of his own being standing before him.

His nonexistent mouth fell open in astonishment, the shock leaving him speechless. The being, now closer, exuded an otherworldly energy that chilled Felix to the core.

As the being raised its hand towards Felix and extended an open palm, a strange and wondrous transformation occurred. With a mere gesture, a human body began to materialize, an exact replica of Felix himself. It was an awe-inspiring display of power that defied all understanding, and it left Felix in a state of awe and wonder.

He felt an irresistible force drawing him toward this newly formed body. It was as though he was being pulled by invisible threads, guided by a will greater than his own. In that moment, his consciousness was consumed by darkness once more, and he lost all sense of time and space.

When he finally awoke, he found himself in a state of profound shock. Staring at his hands, mouth agape, he struggled to comprehend the enormity of what had just transpired. The body he possessed was an exact replica of himself, down to the scars on his face.

Questions flooded his mind, but the answers remained elusive. What was the purpose of this creation? Who or what was the enigmatic being that had performed this sorcery.

Stammering, Felix finally managed to utter, "Thank you," his response emerging reflexively in the presence of the enigmatic being. His voice wavered, and his gratitude was laced with a mixture of apprehension and curiosity as he attempted to break the eerie silence that had enveloped them.

Finally, the entity's voice, deep and powerful, resonated from all directions, despite its lack of a mouth. It introduced itself, "I am one of the Gods. The God of Life, and you... you are a dead soul, it seems." Felix couldn't help but notice the "God's" eyes briefly glowing brighter. The silence that followed hung heavy in the air, and Felix's gaze remained fixed on this enigmatic being.

Then, the God continued, "I offer you two choices. I can release you from the torment of this void, resetting your soul and propelling you back into the cycle of reincarnation. Alternatively, you can choose to become my Chosen. Speak freely, Felix."

As he comprehended the words, a realization struck him, like a bolt of lightning in the dark expanse of his thoughts. 'There is no heaven or hell,' he thought, 'only a cycle of reincarnation. How many lives have I lived before this one?' The weight of the revelation added another layer to his decision, a sense of continuity that transcended the singular existence he had known.

Felix's mind raced, struggling to process the enormity of the choice laid before him. To lose his memories and start anew was a tempting prospect, a chance to escape the burdens of his past and the scars that had marked his life. Yet, the god's offer to become a 'Chosen' carried an air of mystery and intrigue. What would it entail? What did it mean to serve a God?

The silence persisted as Felix grappled with his decision. He realized that this moment was an opportunity to redefine his existence, to embark on a path unknown. But it also meant relinquishing the memories of his past, the pain, the love, the triumphs, and the losses.

Felix finally found his voice, though it quivered with uncertainty, as he asked the god, "What does it mean to become your chosen? What would I have to do?"