
Chosen For You

I'm Kade and I'm turning seventeen soon. On my birthday I get to take a personality test that determines whether I'll become a vampire, werewolf, or stay human. After that I get to meet other people which I've never done. I'm not sure why they keep us separated. I don't have a mother or a father. I know how a child is made though. Where are my parents? What happened? I don't know how I'm here. I wonder what it's like outside of all the white walls? I wonder why they keep us separated? I wonder who I truly am?

Zarksy · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Chapter 5

Kade's Pov:

"So what happened yesterday in the commons?" The man sitting across from me asks. "Um, I was petting Jaxson and Gerry got angry and then came at us. We did nothing to provoke him unless you think affection is angering." The man sighs then stands up and walks out the door, leaving me alone in the white room.

I got brought here right after I woke up. I haven't even had breakfast. I don't know where Jax is or who that man was. Am I allowed to leave?

The door slides open and a woman walks in with Jax behind her. He looks defeated; his ears are down and his tail is partially between his legs. What did they do to him? "Good morning Kade." The woman says as she sits down. There are not any chairs open so Jax sits down on the floor next to me. "Alright, let's go over what happened again." She folds her hands on the table and waits for me to respond. "Um, ok. Well, I was petting Jax in the commons then Gerry got offended and came after us. That's all that happened."

I look down at Jax and he looks so sad. I pet his head. He leans into my touch and his dark expression lightens. The woman begins to speak again, "Well, he does have a right to be upset. Gerry is a higher rank than Jaxson and we have to respect that as well. We are here to protect you but also to learn about your species. Vampires and wolves aren't supposed to be together but you are chosens for each other and that fact cannot change. Gerry will be punished by being put in solitary for a week and you two will be separated for the unseen future." I feel my blood begin to boil. I know now why Jax is so upset. I stand up and begin to yell, "WE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING WRONG! WHY ARE WE BEING PUNISHED?!" The lady's face doesn't change. I hear Jax whimper next to me. I feel him grab my arm. "Kade please calm down." I see a tear fall from his face. He's scared. What am I doing?

The woman stands up. "You have 5 minutes to say goodbye. You do not know when you'll see each other next." She walks out of the room leaving Jax and me alone.

I get down on the floor with Jax who's trying to hide the tears falling from his gray eyes. His ears are down and his tail is tucked away. "Jax..." He wraps his arms around my neck and pulls me onto his lap. He places his head on my shoulder and cries silently on my shirt. I feel tears begin to leave my eyes. I hug him back and pet his head. "We'll figure this out. We will." He leans back and looks into my eyes. "What am I gonna do without you? How can I protect you without being near you?" I've never seen this scared side of him. He's usually the strong one. I lift his head and kiss him. He kisses back. Jax pulls back and smiles slightly. "We will figure something out. I promise." He puts his head on my shoulder again and pulls me as close as he can.

I hear the door slide open. I get pulled away from Jaxson. I reach for him but he's too far. He stands up and tries to reach for but two men are holding him back. I hear him yell for me as I get dragged down the hallway away from Jax for I don't know how long. I get thrown into a room that looks just like the one I lived in for 17 years. The people don't say a word then they leave. I sit down on the bed and put my head in my hands. What am I gonna do?

Jaxson's Pov:

I watch as the men drag Kade away from me. I try to escape but they hold me down and inject me with something. I slowly drift off then I'm out cold.

I wake up and try to rub my eyes only to find I'm chained to a wall. What the hell? Both my hands are chained to the wall. I sit up and scan the room. It's all white except for the gray chains.

The door slides open and Amy checks behind her then walks in. She whispers, "Hey, I'm not supposed to be here. I'm going to get you out. Not now but I'm working with the administration to get you out. There has never been this nasty of punishment, but with recent events, it's expected. So give me a week alright?" She gives me a slight smile. "Ok. Is Kade alright?" Amy gives me a nod and then leaves me alone in this room. I sigh a sigh of relief. Kade is safe. I smile knowing that fact.

Two weeks have passed. Amy said one week but that seems like forever ago. I haven't been fed once since I was put in here. I can feel my muscle leave my body as more days pass. What kind of punishment is this? Where is Kade? Is he suffering as well? I hope he is ok. I pull myself up and sit against the wall. I begin to smile as I think about the kiss with Kade. He's the only thing that's keeping me going while I'm stuck in here.

The door slides open and a man walks in. He begins to unlock the chains wrapped around my wrist. "What's happening?" My voice doesn't even sound like mine it's raspy and dry. "Something happened to your Chosen. Your punishment is up as well." Something happened to Kade!? "Where is he?!"