
Chosen By The System: The Avatar's Journey

In the veiled embrace of an everlasting darkness, a fateful encounter unravels, where destinies converge in a celestial choreography of cosmic design. James, a man devoid of memory and senses, stumbles upon a profound purpose – to guide the unassuming Miller, a vessel teeming with uncharted power. Empowered by the enigmatic SYSTEM, Miller becomes a harbinger of salvation, though the shroud of secrecy obscures his true mission. With the hour of reckoning approaching, an epic clash between light and shadow looms. James shoulders the responsibility of mentoring Miller, traversing a treacherous path to prepare him for the impending collision. Their fates entwine, leaving the lingering question: will Miller's strength surge to vanquish the malevolent forces, or will darkness prevail, leaving hope shattered and the realm in eternal despair? Simultaneously, Miller embarks on an unending journey, fulfilling SYSTEM-assigned Quests, until a foreboding juncture emerges: "Your life force dwindles with each passing moment, unless you take a life." "Waste no time, for a dormant Killer Mode awakens if life reaches the precipice of nil." Venture through a captivating tapestry of destiny, as a narrative of bravery, sacrifice, and impending fate unfolds in this mesmerizing saga. ............................. Tags: Male MC, System, Supernatural, Action, Adventure, Werewolf, Vampires, Dhampir, Magic, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Thriller, Mystery Academy, Weak to Strong e.t.c. Exclusion Clause: Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is purely coincidental. The author, AbalandeFK, shall not be held liable for any coincidental similarities or unintentional defamation that may arise from the portrayal of characters, events, or circumstances in this work of fiction. The characters, names, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. THE COVER FOR THIS BOOK IS NOT MINE. PLEASE DM IF YOU WANT IT REMOVED. NOTE: THE STORY OF MILLER STARTS FROM CHAPTER 10. CHAPTER 1 TO 10 TALKS ABOUT JAMES THEODORE AND A LITTLE HINT OF EARTH-16

AbalandeFK · Fantasy
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424 Chs

Reverting Back

From Catherine's perspective it looks like James just allowed Miller to stab him. It was like he was begging for death. She knew that James was fast, so why did he just let Miller stab him like that.

This was the plan the mysterious man told James. James had observed that his body seemed to heal from almost any wound. It was like he was already dead, but was conscious. So he knew clearly that even if Miller tore him apart, he would still heal from a single part.



After those words flickered at his retina. His body started to shake tremendously and his wings started to go back inside his body.

'He is finally changing back.' Catherine thought with a smile. But that smile Immediately vanished as she just remembered what had cost that.

It was at the cost of this man's life. She thought she would be powerful enough to stop him from attacking. But she was wrong, she was strong enough to beat him. But he was still coming back.

But a man whose attack was very fatal to Miller had now been stabbed by him.

Finally Miller had totally reverted back into his usual form. His spikes were no more. But the strange thing, he fell on the floor Immediately as he changed back and went unconscious.

Catherine ran to see how he was doing. Even if he had almost killed her. She knew that it wasn't his fault and based on how he had warned them earlier, he was not in control.

As she got there. Subconsciously without her real intentions, her eyes narrowed through his six packs abs. When Miller changed almost all parts of his cloths tore except for the part wrapped his butt and his little man.

'Cute Cowboy.' Catherine thought as she bit her lip. She still found Miller cute and sexy.

"He is going to wake up." James said.

"What the f..." Catherine stopped herself from Completing her sentence.

Looking at James, the holes weren't there anymore and he looked as good as new.

"You have a cool healing factor." Catherine replied.

A white light suddenly appeared out of no where. James knew what that white light was and it was time for him to go.

"Please if he wakes up. Tell him that James THEODORE was the one who paid him a visit and I can't wait to see him home." James said and the white disappeared with him.

"Wow." Catherine uttered.

With her super hearing, she could hear his heartbeat.

'I guess he is resting.' She thought. 'Wait a minute, Alex, Watson and Jacob.'

'Where the hell are they.'


Watson was the one who gave Alex his own blood to drink. The reason was because Jacob was a Werewolf and his blood wouldn't be sweet for Alex's tongue.

The Vampires tongue naturally had a bad taste when testing a Werewolves blood. The smell of their blood wasn't attractive either.

Remembering what had happened in their room last time. Watson didn't allow Alex to stab him with his fangs instead, he told Jacob to make a cut in his palms.

"Ah." He complained because of the pain.

Watson still took safety measures and he told Jacob to put his claws behind Alex's neck and to be ready to strike at anytime. If by chance, anything goes wrong. Alex on the other hand didn't complain either, he understood why Watson was taking this safety measures; besides he was a Vampire at the end of the day.


Watson's blood tricked from his left palm that had been cutt by Jacob's blade. As the blood touched Jacob's touched. He could feel a whelming energy around his body. He could feel a newfound strength. A strength a little greater than before.

"Thanks." Alex said as he used his tongue to lick his lips.

Honestly speaking, Watson didn't like this thing. The way Alex licked his lips like he just liked honey, but in reality it was Watson's blood.

'How do I even leave with a Vampire.' Watson thought confused.


Instantly the three of them looked to their right and they could see a portal. Each edge of the portal was made of pink colour. Looking inside the portal they could see Catherine who was looking at them smiling and Miller on the floor unconscious.

'Wow... She defeated him. No wonder the King is protective of her.' Alex thought.

Alex wasn't the only one who presumed that she had defeated Miller, both Jacob and Watson thought thesame thing.

"So are you guys going to enter inside or what." She said.

The three of them having no option entered inside the portal. When they entered inside the portal, they had arrived at the School Market.

Jacob Immediately informed Catherine of the Anti-Meta Human Officers moving about. Catherine without hesitation made an invisible barrier around them and made portal and they all entered the portal and arrived at the library (inside).

"I believe we would be safe here till morning." Catherine said.

It was true, the Library was locked from outside, so the Anti-Meta Human Officers wouldn't bother to find anyone here. But In case, Catherine used an invisibility spell to wrap them all.

And that was how all of them slept exhausted. Jacob turned back to his human form.

As they all laid on the floor of the Library. They all said in unison: "Good Night."



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