
Chosen By The System: The Avatar's Journey

In the veiled embrace of an everlasting darkness, a fateful encounter unravels, where destinies converge in a celestial choreography of cosmic design. James, a man devoid of memory and senses, stumbles upon a profound purpose – to guide the unassuming Miller, a vessel teeming with uncharted power. Empowered by the enigmatic SYSTEM, Miller becomes a harbinger of salvation, though the shroud of secrecy obscures his true mission. With the hour of reckoning approaching, an epic clash between light and shadow looms. James shoulders the responsibility of mentoring Miller, traversing a treacherous path to prepare him for the impending collision. Their fates entwine, leaving the lingering question: will Miller's strength surge to vanquish the malevolent forces, or will darkness prevail, leaving hope shattered and the realm in eternal despair? Simultaneously, Miller embarks on an unending journey, fulfilling SYSTEM-assigned Quests, until a foreboding juncture emerges: "Your life force dwindles with each passing moment, unless you take a life." "Waste no time, for a dormant Killer Mode awakens if life reaches the precipice of nil." Venture through a captivating tapestry of destiny, as a narrative of bravery, sacrifice, and impending fate unfolds in this mesmerizing saga. ............................. Tags: Male MC, System, Supernatural, Action, Adventure, Werewolf, Vampires, Dhampir, Magic, Sci-fi, Fantasy, Thriller, Mystery Academy, Weak to Strong e.t.c. Exclusion Clause: Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is purely coincidental. The author, AbalandeFK, shall not be held liable for any coincidental similarities or unintentional defamation that may arise from the portrayal of characters, events, or circumstances in this work of fiction. The characters, names, places, and incidents are products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. THE COVER FOR THIS BOOK IS NOT MINE. PLEASE DM IF YOU WANT IT REMOVED. NOTE: THE STORY OF MILLER STARTS FROM CHAPTER 10. CHAPTER 1 TO 10 TALKS ABOUT JAMES THEODORE AND A LITTLE HINT OF EARTH-16

AbalandeFK · Fantasy
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424 Chs

A Problem After Another




The footsteps of Jacob could be heard. He was holding Alex in his arms. Watson was far Behind him. Jacob was using his full speed as mutant, he had even forgotten that Watson was behind him.

Finally, they had all escaped through the tunnel, when they got out they had arrived in the school.


A cool breeze touched their faces. From the burnt marks, it was clear that some parts of the school had been burnt.

"Someone is coming, Run." Jacob said to Watson.



Jacob knew what this is. He couldn't see the person moving, but he could smell and hear him clearly.

'A mutant with the ability to turn invisible.' Jacob thought. 'If they are here. It means i have to fight.'

Jacob didn't hesitate he dashed towards the Mutant.

"ahh." The mutant shouted as Jacob's sharp fangs had bit his shoulders causing blood to trickle.

His shout sound was transmitted through his watch. A watch he had on his Wrist and it sent out information to all the Anti-Meta Human Officers.

The Anti-Meta Human Officers started heading to their area. Jacob could hear their footsteps and in an instant, he used his sharp claws to cut of the man's neck. Killing him in an instant.

'May your soul rest in perfect peace.' Jacob thought as he carried Alex and Watson and ran with full speed.



Both Catherine and Miller just appeared in the school market area. The fiery dragon was no more, Miller was still in his Killer mode state and was still angry.

The first thing Miller did was flapped his massive wings.


She opened a Portal Immediately in front of her and the wind entered the portal. Another portal appeared behind Miller and it hit him. Although, he only budged a little.

Miller dashed towards her flying in the air he stretched his claws as always.

She hit him with an energy blast


Miller blocked the attack from hitting his chest by using his wings to block it. His bony wings broke and then reappeared again.

'It seems like his wings are more durable than his body.' Catherine thought.

"Roar!" Miller roared and he dashed again.

"It seems like he is not tired." Catherine said in frustration. "He is just coming back for more."

At the right time as Miller stretched his claws and it was about to hit her face. She opened a portal and the claws went through and then reappeared, hitting Miller's head. But as usual, the claws broke.

She instantly grabbed this opportunity and sent ENERGY Blasts after ENERGY Blasts.




They hit Miller and sent him flying backwards.

'I hope that's going to make him rest for a while...' Catherine thought.

Right in front of her eyes. Miller's body healed instantly and he was ready to attack her again.

"Why isn't he tired." Catherine said. "Oh my, i am going to need help."


"Finally." Jacob muttered as he reached the school bush area.

He knew this wasn't a safe heaven for the three of them, but he knew it was the perfect place to hide especially with the Anti-Meta Human Officers moving around and finding who to kill.

They were at the middle of the bush, Jacob was listening to every sound carefully to know if anyone was coming. He was soon distracted by Watson's question.

"Was it necessary." Watson said, his face was looked sad.

"What?" Jacob said, but he immediately realized what Watson meant. "I had to kill him. Werewolves are supposed to be kept secret."

"Don't try to cry like a baby." Jacob said with anger in his voice and he hardened his sharp claws more and looked at Watson. Fear gripped Watson, this was just a reminder to him that Jacob was a Werewolf and he was just a mere human.

"But at least, i know about the Werewolves and you haven't hurt me yet." Watson questioned. "Why, must you kill him."

'The park is coming for you, Lillian and Emily, you fool.' Jacob thought.

"There are some things that you don't understand. What is meant to be secret, should stay that way." Jacob said.

Watson didn't reply, he could feel the weight of Jacob's words.

"Hmmm..." Alex who had been unconscious for some amount of time started making sounds.

"Alex." Watson said with joy.

Alex's wound had totally healed up. But it came at a cost. A cost, the two weren't ready for.

"Please i need blood." Alex said holding his throat.

'It seems like today is a bad day.' Watson thought. 'Why do we keep on getting Another problem after another.'


Miller still hadn't stopped his attacks. He still continued attacking her more and more and he had finally laid a few scratches on her arms. Her wounds took time to heal more than usual. Her suggestions was it was because of Miller's claws. Whenever Miller's claws touched her, she felt weaker until that wound was finally healed.

Catherine was tired as her stamina was almost depleting. She couldn't even concentrate. It was like Miller was a zoombie that could never get tired until he kills her.

Looking at Catherine she was gasping for breath. Miller stretched his claws in an effort to stab her. She casted a spell and a purple shield formed in front of her blocking the attack.

But to her surprise the shield broke and the claw pierced her left shoulder. She instantly sent out an energy blast. It hit Miller, he only budged a little and dashed again at full speed with his claws stretched.

As he got close to her, he jumped aiming his claws at her chest.

'So is this how me and death is going to meet.' She thought as she closed her eyes. Catherine was not standing anymore. She was lying on the floor and was extremely weak. She didn't even have the strength to fight back. As a Dhampir and a skilled magician, she was like a super human, but that was useless against Miller. No matter the attacks she performed, he would come back for more and would heal instantly.


A white light suddenly out of no where appeared and from the white light, a strange blue energy came out of it and it hit Miller before he could successfully stab Catherine who was on the floor.


The attack hit Miller hard and it sent him flying backwards far away from her.

'Who has that power.' Catherine thought.

She forced herself and as she looked behind her. The white light had disappeared and there was a man standing with some kind of blue energy completely wrapped around his entire body that his facial features could not be easily identified.

"Don't worry. I will take good care of him," James Theodore said to Catherine.



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