
Chosen By The Lover's Constellation

Lianna Velcross, a girl who came from nothing, with no family, no worth to her name, and no place in the world. Enverna Alteri, a young woman carrying the weight of an entire house's expectations on her shoulders. One wants nothing more than to have a purpose, the other has one but cannot possibly fulfill it. These two women who would never have crossed paths normally end up with their fates being intertwined when a Constellation decides to empower them both, on one condition... That these strangers, from different nations with different beliefs, get married. And, both of them accept. --- A GL story about a marriage arranged by a higher power!

Already_In_Use · LGBT+
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214 Chs

The Highest Bidder, Part Seventeen


Admittedly, it took an almost shameful amount of time for Mel to process what was happening.

Jack had shifted his attention away from the rest of the recruits, focusing mainly on reaching Lianna. As Mel leaned over the railing, she watched with wide eyes as Jack slowly chased after the crimson-haired newcomer, putting all of his attention on preventing her from escaping. 

Somehow, everyone behind him, whom Jack had been so focused on earlier, was currently exiting the guild hall even though they hadn't been able to before.

[What changed?] Mel wondered before shaking her head. [It doesn't matter... I need to leave!] 

Pushing the constant messages she'd been receiving out of her mind, Mel finally got up and ran forward. Physical activities like these weren't something that she'd ever been good at, or could ever be good at, but right now all she could hope to do was to put her legs to work.

"Come on, come on..."