
Chosen By The Lover's Constellation

Lianna Velcross, a girl who came from nothing, with no family, no worth to her name, and no place in the world. Enverna Alteri, a young woman carrying the weight of an entire house's expectations on her shoulders. One wants nothing more than to have a purpose, the other has one but cannot possibly fulfill it. These two women who would never have crossed paths normally end up with their fates being intertwined when a Constellation decides to empower them both, on one condition... That these strangers, from different nations with different beliefs, get married. And, both of them accept. --- A GL story about a marriage arranged by a higher power!

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214 Chs

Children of Mana, Part Thirty-Four


The night draped the city in a blanket of darkness. 

Inside Mel's inn, the atmosphere was tense as Lianna, Caroline, Xi, Desmond, and Miss Taylor gathered in the common room to discuss the events that had unfolded. Mel was speaking to Al'has Varim on the phone and Zura was with Vayn, by the inn's entrance, making sure no one was spying on them. 

Taking a deep breath, Lianna began to speak, her voice steady despite the gravity of her words.

"Since the, uhm, last time we spoke, a lot has happened," she began, her gaze sweeping over each of her companions in turn. "First, Olin. Unfortunately, Jack absorbed him, gaining even more power."

Xi's brows furrowed in concern, her lips pressing into a thin line as she absorbed this new information.

Desmond's jaw clenched visibly, his expression darkening with a mixture of anger and determination.