
Chosen By The Gods

villain? Who is a villain? Someone has killed many people to get power? Or someone who kills for fun? Or maybe someone who breaks the hearts of innocent girls? All of these are evil in some way, but what if one person has all of these qualities? Kazuto is exactly that, someone who only kills for pleasure, but tortures his targets before killing them. So if, like me, you are interested in evil and stories full of death and sadness and sometimes failures that end in victory, read this novel, of course, if the first few chapters don't satisfy you, don't be disappointed. don't be Because surely Kazuto and other characters will surprise you with their unique characteristics and past (in my opinion, of course). Oh but wait, why was Kazuto killed? Is the novel not finished yet? Well, Kazuto will soon return to 10 years ago to make an even more amazing ascent

FX10000 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
41 Chs


Kazuto placed his hand on the orb.

As Kazuto's hand rested on the orb, he felt something being sucked into the orb from inside his hand.

Little by little, the brilliant purple color of the sphere became darker and after a while it became one with the blackness around it, as if it did not exist at all.

The only thing that made Kazuto know that the orb was still here was that the orb was still sucking something from his hand.

As the orb turned completely black, a surprised voice shouted from the depths of the darkness.

" How is it possible?!!"

The voice paused and then continued

"How can someone be so compatible with me?"

Kazuto took a deep breath and said after a few moments

"Lady Mino, I actually know you."

The voice said again.

"How do you know me? I've never been used by anyone."

Kazuto replied confidently

"It doesn't matter how I know you, there is a more important issue at the moment."

Kazuto withdrew his hand and continued the conversation, feeling that the orb's suction was no longer there

"I want you to allow me to use your original ability."

After saying this, Kazuto was silent for a while, waiting for an answer, but he didn't get one, so this time he spoke louder.

"If you give me your original ability, I will help you take revenge on that hateful God of Love"

Kazuto suddenly felt a great and unbearable pain in his heart area, as if his heart was collapsing, he grabbed his chest with his right hand and tried to resist the pain.

He coughed a few times causing blood to come out of his throat, he tried to say something, but the blood pooling in his throat prevented him from being able to speak properly.

After a lot of struggle and effort, he finally managed to get a sound out of his mouth, but before he could speak, he felt a great pain all over his body, as a result of which he wanted to scream from the depths of his being, but the blood in his throat It prevented him from making a loud cry, and as a result he could only make a small sound

After a few moments of agony, Kazuto's body disintegrated and split into thousands of pieces.

After about a few seconds, Kazuto felt that it was no longer dark in that place, and when he looked around, he realized that he was in the previous environment.

[ you died ]

[You will be revived in a few seconds]

For a moment, Kazuto imagined what would happen to him if he didn't have the ability to die.

[1..2...3 you survived]

[You will be reduced by 1 level due to the death penalty]

[You received low level pain resistance]

[This passive ability will not be shown on the status page]

Kazuto was still checking the system messages, when suddenly he was hit in the stomach by a strong blow and he was thrown to the side.

Kazuto didn't feel any pain from the blow, but he couldn't make a sound due to his surprise.

Kazuto's voice caught the attention of Hela, who had just finished fighting the wolves.

And when Hela looked at Kazuto who was wounded in one spot, he felt a slight pain in his heart.

Kazuto didn't really have a problem, and these were just a few superficial wounds that caused some bleeding on the surface of his body.

But Hela didn't pay attention to anything at that moment and just seeing Kazuto's bloody body made Hela send a lot of blood lust towards the werewolf.

The wolf wanted to move towards Kazuto so that he could kill him, but as he was about to move towards Kazuto, he felt a suffocation that took away his ability to breathe and at the same time he felt a strong killing intent.

Greg was struggling to catch his breath when he felt something hit his back, and then he felt a pain in his stomach and when he looked down at his stomach

Seeing a small, delicate hand sticking out of his stomach covered in blood, it took Greg a few moments to regain his composure and understand the situation.

The wolf angrily launched its paw at Hela who was standing behind him, causing Hela to pull her hand away from the wolf's body and jump back a few meters.

Looking into Hela's eyes, Greg felt fear that shook every bone in his body.

Hela had blood red eyes, which were now like the eyes of a hunter who looks at his sugar, but not a hunter who hunts for need, but the eyes of a hunter who hunts for hate and for revenge.

"You will pay the price for hurting my master."

Although Kazuto saw Hela's actions, he had no intention of interfering with her work.

Kazuto watched with amusement at what Hela was doing.

The wolf roared and jumped towards Hela, there was a tree behind Hela and when Hela jumped back to avoid the attack of the wolf, she hit the tree, Hela wanted to go in another direction, but the wolf was very close to her and He did not have the opportunity to do so

The wolf raised his paw and lowered it towards Hela's head

Fortunately, Hela managed to avoid the wolf's attack by lowering her head

But the wolf's blow was so strong that it could cut the tree behind Hela's head in one blow

[You detect the use of an ability]

[Ability Name: King's Winning Claw]

Oh, this ability seems to be stronger than the winning claw ability.

[ Do you want to learn it?]

" Yes"

["system warning"]

[Your adaptability level has increased with the ability to learn quickly]

[ Now you don't get penalized for learning abilities and spells and other things that are lower than "S" level and you just have to complete the learning requirements, but to learn abilities of S level and above you have to complete the learning requirements and Also be punished]

[Conditions for learning "The King's Claw": Killing the owner of the ability]

Hello friends, please help me by giving me the stones to write the chapters for you faster

FX10000creators' thoughts