
Chosen by the Elements

In a parallel universe where magic is not just a thing of legends, Alex, a young student struggling with his mundane life, embarks on an extraordinary adventure. After enduring endless taunts and disappointment, Alex's life takes an unexpected turn when he stumbles upon an ancient ring left behind by the late Mr. Johnson, the school's enigmatic security guard. Little does he know that this seemingly ordinary ring holds the key to unlocking a world where magic reigns supreme. As Alex puts on the ring, he is transported to a parallel universe, a realm pulsating with raw magical energy and inhabited by mystical beings. Here, he discovers that he possesses an innate connection to the elements, he sets off on a captivating journey. Join Alex as he explores enchanting landscapes, encounters mythical creatures, and delves deeper into the mysteries of this magical realm. With each step, he unravels the secrets of his newfound powers and learns to navigate this new world. ----------------- After 30 chapters the real story starts so please read till there or start reading from there. You can skim the first 20 chapter's mostly details and yada madada in there. ------------------------ Chapter release: Every Monday and Wednesday. Maybe Saturday(Will see if I can make time in my schedule)

Shadow_482 · Fantasy
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30 Chs

Chapter 16: A Place to Call Home

After making that declaration, I felt embarrassed and blushed, but then I peered at the headmaster and saw him looking at me with a face filled with warmth and a hint of pride. For some reason, I knew his expression was genuine and not a mask to deceive me.

He said while noticing my obvious embarrassment, "Alex, there is no need to feel ashamed or embarrassed about what you said. But whenever you make a promise, remember to always keep them. Say what you feel confidently and make others realize your ideals. Never show weakness and let others take advantage of you."

Upon hearing the headmaster's speech, I was inspired and said, "Headmaster Hartley, you keep adding to the list of things I am grateful to you for."

Just when the headmaster was about to reply to my remark, the door opened and Sierra, the girl from before, came in. I just noticed, but she had forest-green hair. She was around my age and looked stunning even in the casual T-shirt she was wearing. I don't know how I ignored her presence previously.

The headmaster looked towards Sierra and said, gesturing to the chair next to him, "Sia, come here." He continued after she sat down. "Let me introduce both of you to each other."

The headmaster then turned towards me and said, gesturing towards Sierra, "Alex, this is my granddaughter, Sierra Hartley."

And then gesturing towards me, he continued, "And Sia, meet my new disciple, Alex."

After the headmaster stopped speaking, Sierra hurriedly spoke, "Grandfather, why are you taking a disciple now of all times, and how did he even become your disciple all of a sudden upon arriving?"

The headmaster smiled gently and spoke, "Sia, this is my final decision, and Alex here is more than worthy enough to become my disciple."

I was getting overly conscious of myself as the grandfather and granddaughter pair continued their conversation. I zoned out and imagined the incident of when I first put on the ring, encountered the apostles, and arrived at the Arcane Nexus Institute, and then later guided to the headmaster. The journey felt surreal, like some fantasy novel, but this was real life.

Lost in my thoughts, I was startled when the headmaster's voice broke through my reverie.

Headmaster Hartley spoke, his voice filled with concern. "Alex, are you with us?"

I quickly snapped back to attention and nodded, feeling a bit flustered, and said hurriedly, "Yes, Headmaster. I apologize for drifting off."

The headmaster chuckled lightly, understanding my distraction.

He continued, "No need to apologize, Alex. Allow me to continue the conversation."

He turned his gaze back to Sierra, who was watching the exchange with a mix of curiosity and skepticism.

Headmaster Hartley: "Sia, my decision to take on a new disciple is a matter of destiny and opportunity. Alex has shown remarkable potential and possesses a genuine passion for learning. It is not a decision that I have made lightly."

Sierra crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair, still skeptical.

Sierra: "But why now, Grandfather? And why him? It seems sudden."

The headmaster's eyes sparkled with wisdom as he leaned forward, meeting Sierra's gaze.

Headmaster Hartley: "Sia, there are certain things that cannot be explained in words. Sometimes, you must trust in what life is offering. Alex's arrival and our meeting were not mere coincidences. I see great potential in him, and it is my duty as the headmaster to nurture that potential."

Sierra studied me intently, her forest green hair cascading over her shoulder. There was curiosity and skepticism in her eyes.

She spoke up after digesting her grandfather's words. "Well, I suppose I'll reserve my judgment for now. It's nice to meet you, Alex."

I smiled awkwardly at Sierra, feeling both awkward and grateful for the opportunity to make an acquaintance in my age group.

I somehow replied, swallowing my nervousness, "Likewise, Sierra. I'm honored to meet you. The headmaster has spoken highly of you."

Sierra arched an eyebrow, a hint of a smirk playing on her lips. She spoke playfully, "Has he now? Well, let's hope his words hold some truth."

The headmaster chuckled, clearly amused by his granddaughter's playful banter.

The headmaster interjected in our conversation, saying, "Now, now, you two. Let's not get ahead of ourselves. We have much to discuss and prepare for."

Just as the atmosphere began to settle, the headmaster's next words caught me off guard.

Headmaster Hartley: "Alex, you will be staying with us. You will have a place to call home here."

Sierra's eyes widened in disbelief, her skepticism resurfacing.

Sierra: "How can he live with us, Grandfather? We barely know him!"

The headmaster's expression softened, and he spoke with a gentle tone, addressing Sierra's concerns.

Headmaster Hartley: "Sierra, my dear, Alex is an orphan who has recently encountered some hard-to-digest moments in his life. He has no place to call home in this unfamiliar world and no one he can depend on. It is my duty to provide him with guidance, support, and a sense of belonging. I believe that by welcoming him into our family, we can help him find his footing and provide him with the stability he needs."

Sierra's skepticism began to fade as she took in her grandfather's words, her eyes filled with understanding.

Sierra: "I see... That changes things. I didn't realize he had gone through so much. Perhaps living together could be an opportunity for us to support him."

The headmaster nodded, pleased with Sierra's change in perspective.

Headmaster Hartley: "Exactly, Sierra. Now, I want you to go show Alex around the house and guide him to the guest room where he will be living. I will contact Winston to prepare the guest room while you explore."

Sierra nodded, a newfound sense of responsibility evident in her eyes.

Sierra: "Of course, Grandfather. Come on, Alex. Let's go."

I followed Sierra, still trying to process everything that had just happened. As we walked through the corridors of the grand mansion, Sierra pointed out various rooms, sharing stories and anecdotes along the way.

While I was still bewildered by the sudden turn of events, I gradually realized the reasons behind the headmaster's decision. I had no place to call home in this unfamiliar world, and there was no one I could depend on. The headmaster saw that and extended his hand, offering me not only mentorship but also a sense of family and belonging.

I also saw a few maids along the way but they used water element to clean most of the place. Also they did not wear the maid outfits, I read about in the fantasy novels, but instead wore a uniform with blue and black combination.

As Sierra led me to the guest room where I would be staying, I couldn't help but feel a mix of gratitude and trepidation. This new chapter in my life held countless uncertainties, but I knew that with the headmaster's guidance, I had found a place where I could grow, learn, and discover my true potential.