

One day the bus he was on had an accident and he died but he was then saved by the Gods in exchange for a ''FAVOUR''.This is the path of him becoming the Strongest Swordsmaster,unravelling the mysteries of his coming to this world and survive. His quest only starts now.The story of Ace Blakelord who continuously grows stronger on his journey to explore this new world.One day the bus he was on had an accident and he died but he was then saved by the Gods in exchange for a ''FAVOUR''.This is the path of him becoming the Strongest Swordsmaster,unravelling the mysteries of his coming to this world and survive. His quest only starts now.The story of Ace Blakelord who continuously grows stronger on his journey to explore this new world.

Ryajin · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 15: Starting Point of the Path to Victory

As Isabella entered the inn, Ace was about to head out towards the adventurer's guild to pick a quest. She aborded him and told her about their current predicament. "Hmm I am curious about her Spirits Arts and would love to see it upclose but a princess and a noble kid. I really don't want to get involved but…." With a sigh he agreed but on two condition that they first spar with him and until the day of the competition they would train together with him.

Reporting the case to the other two, they agreed. On the day of the meeting the two parties introduced themselves, and talked around tea. "I see so you're a C-rank adventurer at such a young age" said Frank impressed at the rank Ace obtained during his stay in the capital.

After a short walk they arrived at the training grounds of the academy and proceeded to start their spar. The first to go was the princess and facing her was Ace. "Seeing as how miss Windsor and you know each other, I expect a good performance on your part." Confidently said the princess, "No worries Your Highness I promise not to disappoint your expectations." Answered Ace with a small grin on his face.

"Begin!" shouted Frank to signal the start of the spar. In a single step Ace disappeared infront of their eyes, "You lose princess." He said pointing his finger at the back of the princess. "Winner Ace!" announced Frank while questioning how Ace had ended it in mere seconds, "How did he do it? In a split second he went so fast that my eyes could not completely follow." Said Isabella while also surprised at the fast growth Ace went through in mere years.

"Who's next?" asked Ace. "That would be me." Answered Frank while advancing on the arena. "Begin!" shouted Isabella to signal the start of the spar. At that moment Frank rushed at him ready to strike and as he was approaching him with a slight laugh from Ace, he felt a sudden shudder and then in a blink of an eye he saw Ace's punch right infront of him and then immediately stepped back to evade the blow. Due to that he decided to give up understanding there was no way for him to win.

Struck with surprise of how strong Ace is the two nobles could only realise the gap between them. And so it was in that manner that Isabella's turn came. As both of them stood on the arena, they gazed at each other and with a sigh from both side "This impossible" said the both of them at the same time. "Why?!" asked the other two. "If we went at it I may overpower him with my mana pool but his skills are too well-honed so it would only end with us being in a draw." She explained while leaving the arena, "Yep there is no way to have a clear winner so better to let it go." Added Ace as he stretches his arms also leaving the arena.

"So did we pass your test?" she asked while the two nobles are as shocked as confused as one can be. "Yep you barely pass but I think we'll manage." Answered Ace. "I see so you were testing us and here I thought it was to show us your skills." Stated Frank, As they went by the same path Ace explained that to make a team you need to know their abilities, and that this spar helped him understand the basics.

And so until the day of the competition, they regularly met up at the academy to train and for the poor students they were Ace's training method's were more than unorthodox. The exercise went from basic body workouts to mana control exercises up until dusk and with everybody apart from Ace being exhausted. In other words it was a hell of a harsh training.

"Ahhh! Nothing beats hot baths after excruciating training." Said the princess joining Isabella in the bath. "Your friend is quite the fiend, no normal human can train like that but maybe that's why he's so strong." Said the princess. "Yes but that's what makes him who he is, I think. Well we do training and strategy meetings regularly so the only way to know if our efforts bore fruit is to wait until the day of the competition." Said Isabella with a seemingly smooth expression on her face. "You wouldn't be…?" thought the princess. And so the Festival started and the day of the Class Competition drew very near.

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