
Choosing the impossible difficulty.

Lux, just an average guy living a normal life who wants something to happen just like everyone else. Until it actually does. God tells humanity that their world will be destroyed and they will all be moving to different realities. But first they will have to adapt to the possibilities of powers and monsters existing. What will happen when Lux picks the hardest difficulty and has to try and fight for his survival. I would appreciate it if readers would leave reviews, add this to their reading lists and vote for it. Recommend it to your friends to increase my readers. If you do then it means more people can read it. Also, I have another novel called, Tortured Before The Apocalypse which I will also be writing at the same time as this current one so please check that one out as well.

L_6 · Fantasy
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52 Chs

Greed Of The Demon King

"Can you search for the Sin Of Greed because I want to get this over with quickly."

"Yep, it seems we are in luck. They are in this dimension as well. It seems that they are directly opposite to this castle in the place where the Demons come from."

"So I guess the Sin Of Greed is currently owned by the Demon King then. Time to go kill him as well then."

They flew over to the Demon King's castle and left the Royal family distraught as their Hero was dead. They entered the castle and killed all of the guards until they reached their target.

The Demon King was a large humanoid monster with black and red wings on its back and black horns on its head. It was sitting in a massive throne and had a flaming spear in its hand.

Lux checked the status of the monster to see how good its skills were before he killed it and took the Sin Of Greed and one of its skills.

Name: Blaze Hellfire

Age: 230

Class: Demon King

Species: Demon

Title: {Sin Of Greed}


[Sin Of Greed] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery) The user will be able to create monsters of any kind as long as they are weaker than the user and are not a one of a kind species. Each monster created can be strengthened with magic and fused with other monsters to create new monsters.

[Ultimate Pain Immunity] (Impossible) lvl.10. User has not got the capability to feel pain physically or emotionally. This allows the user to fight no matter what has happened to them. While this may seem useless to people with regenerative abilities, it is not, just because you can heal does not mean you can not feel pain.

[Fire Magic Mastery] (Legendary) lvl.10. User has complete control over fire magic and can use it to its full extent.

[True Demon Transformation] (Legendary) lvl.10. When the user's life is about to end during battle, this skill will be activated and double the user's strength for a short time. If the user wins then they will regain their health, but if the user loses the battle they will die and suffer eternal torture. Skill can not be activated if the user's body is destroyed.

[Summon Hellfire Sword] (Legendary) lvl.10. A flaming sword passed down by the Hellfire family. Amplifies fire magic's power by 10 X when it is applied to the sword and while on fire the sword will become more powerful in every way.

[Hellfire Tendrils] (Legendary) lvl.10. Two flaming tendrils that emerge from each side of the user's body. Can be used for restraining enemies, torture, attacking and defending.

[Ancestral Summoning] (Legendary) lvl.10. Summon your ancestors as ghosts to assist the user in any way possible. Tasks can range from mundane house work to fighting in a war.

[Betraying Drain] (Legendary) lvl.10. User can drain their allies life force and regain health and boost strength for a short period of time.

[Necromancy] (Legendary) lvl.10. When the user's allies or enemies fall in battle, they can bring them back as zombies or skeletons with fifty percent of their original strength. User will have full control over the revived monsters and can control them how they see fit.

[Army Control] (Legendary) lvl.10. User is skilled in war tactics and can freely command their army with full control over their every move as long as they are weaker than the user.


Strength: 950,000,000

Speed: 765,000,000

Defence: 900,000,000

Dexterity: 855,000,000

Endurance: 895,000,000

Vitality: 850,000,000

Magic: 945,000,000

Charisma: 675,000,000

"You are powerful, and that skill that activated when you are about to die will be annoying. Not because I would lose, but because I would have to kill you again."

"If you are so confident then fight me Hero."

"You have this all wrong man, I am not the Hero. That guy is dead, I killed him earlier and you are next on my list."

"I do not know why you have killed him, but I am pleased to hear of his death. However, you will not be able to defeat me as I am much more powerful than him."

"Sure thing, how about we test who has the better sword?"

"That does not sound like the sort of thing I would normally do, but just to prove my strength, I will destroy your blade and you with ease."

The Demon King summoned his Hellfire Sword and Lux summoned Lævateinn and activated the entire set which set his sword and clothes ablaze.

They both charged at one another and slashed their swords at each other. The Demon King's sword was sliced through like butter and Lux's Lævateinn left a burning trail as it split the Demon King in two.

A yellow ball of light emerged and flew into Lux's chest.

Skill [Sin Of Greed] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery) has been obtained.

Skill [Sin Of Envy] used on Blaze Hellfire.

Skill [Ultimate Pain Immunity] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery) has been stolen.

Title {Sin Of Greed} has been stolen. Title will allow user to use skill [Sin Of Greed]

Congratulations on defeating the Demon King, the skill [Ultimate Wish] can now be used.

"I wish for the skill [Ultimate Musician] to replace [Ultimate Wish]."

Your request has been granted. Skill [Ultimate Musician] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery) has replaced skill [Ultimate Wish].

"Lux, why would you choose a skill as useless as that?"

"Well, I can recreate any music I want now, and I am sure it has other uses."

Lux checked his status.

Name: Lux Tenebris

Age: ∞

Class: Inheritor of Deception

Species: Half God Half Jötunn

Title: {Sin Of Envy}, {Sin Of Sloth}, {Sin Of Pride}, {Sin Of Greed}


[Infinite Regeneration] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Matter creation] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Teleportation] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Shapeshifting] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Activate Lævateinn Set] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Ultimate Psychokinesis] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Life Drain] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Absolute Order] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Elemental Mastery] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Charm] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Possession] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Self Multiplication] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Full Control] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Godly Body] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Ultimate Analysis] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Dimension Warping] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Wither] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Ultimate Musician] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery) A skill that allows the user to summon any musical instrument of the highest degree that they wish to and lets them play it better than any existing being to ever live. The music that is played can induce effects on people, it can range from healing to making enemies fall asleep to even making people's heads explode.

[Ultimate Pain Immunity] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)

[Sin Of Sloth] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Sin Of Envy] (Impossible) lvl.10 (Full Mastery)

[Sin Of Pride] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)

[Sin Of Greed] (Impossible) lvl.10. (Full Mastery)


Strength: 2,700,000,000

Speed: 2,700,000,000

Defense: 2,700,000,000

Dexterity: 2,700,000,000

Endurance: 2,700,000,000

Vitality: 2,700,000,000

Magic: 2,700,000,000

Charisma: 2,700,000,000

"I knew it would be a good skill. Well, I mostly just wanted to play music though so that is just an added bonus. Well, time to go kill the Sin Of Lust. I wonder if their Charisma stat will beat mine."