
Chapter 52

Chapter 52

It wasn't long that Lesh had to wait, the prisoners all seemed to come out one by one led by the girl and old man, the women seemed to keep to themselves, the stronger ones taking care of the weaker and broken ones well the men tried to keep up a brave front but still grateful to be free once more.

"Those who choose to follow me stand to the left and make a group there, those who wish to leave kindly stand to the right." Lesh says to them, gently moving Alice to the side and using his chains to gently lift her and place her on his back, gently securing her in place and keeping her safe on his back with the chains to keep her secured as he turned and inspected the people infront of him.

More than half stood to the right, consisting of a large group of women consisting mostly of the dispirited and broken with a few strong ones mixed in and some men seemingly standing very protectively around them, there eyes hard but protective, a pleasant surprise to be sure.

Looking over those who decided to follow they where a mix of strong burly men and old men with some young thin men mixed in as well with broken limbs, various wounds and scars littered the bodies of all of them though, the young and old, some seemed to even have chunks of flesh missing but kept strong and refused to bend or break. The old man and the girl standing with them.

"You said we can leave right? Free to go? you're not going to go back on your word or do something to us? or sick those demons on us and say something like how you promised to let us go and not touch us but didn't say anything about them or anything like that?" One of the men asked, his tone laced with suspicion as he looked at Lesh, the others with him also on guard as they stood protectively infront of the women.

"Well I'm glad you're a fellow who seems to have enjoyed various media I can assure you that wont happen, you lot have been through enough and your choosing to leave, none of us will stop you, and no we wont be forcing you to join us either, to force people would just result in them plotting against you or worse, but for those who are following us back just remember, you will be stuck with us for a month at the very least, you cant leave before then and you will need to pull your weight, those who don't will be punished and have a unpleasant time for the entirety of the month you will be with us." Lesh says to them, a few seemed to reconsider and go over to the leavers side.

"What about those of us who have useless classes or skills? How will we be expected to earn our keep without punishment?" a small soft voice asked, one of the girls on the staying side asked, clearly worried that she would be one of those who could be punished for not pulling her weight but unwilling to take a chance at leaving.

"No no, there will always be something to do, regardless of class or skill, even something as simple as cleaning can be seen as a job and pulling your weight, but we will assign you to jobs though to avoid situations where someone wants to do something easy instead of what they're capable of. Any more questions?" Lesh explains to them, a few visibly disliking the idea and proceeded to move over to the leaving side, at this point there where only sixteen people left, eleven men and five women who were willing to follow including the old man and the red head, the rest choosing to leave.

"So, are we leaving first thing in the morning?" The red head asked looking at Lesh only to be met with a head shake.

"No, we will be leaving tonight, we will make torches for light and head out once the two big guys are back from there patrol and simple search for any loot and items this place may have." He tells them in his horse tone getting surprised looks, from both groups.

"Wont it be better to stay here for the night and head out in the morning when there's light? If we go in the dark, there's a large chance of creatures or others will attack us. Alot of those who want to go on their own also plan to stay till morning and plan before leaving" One of the men who chose to follow him says, uncertainty in his tone.

"Well that is up to them, but my concern is if one of those bastards come back or have escaped and report to the higher ups about what happened here and they send stronger people to investigate, then I can't guarantee freedom and safety so even if there is risk with moving at night it would overall be safer than waiting." Lesh says, shaking his head.

"But those big demons you called would be able to handle them, wouldn't they? Their strong and monstrous!" A girl said, trying to convince him.

"Even so that doesn't mean there unbeatable or invincible, they feel and bleed just like you or me, they also have their weaknesses, I would prefer not to risk or chance it. Plus, right now I am completely drained, just standing and talking like normal like this is already rather tiring and that's not taking our walk into account, honestly speaking I'm probably going to collapse and pass out once we reach our base home." Lesh says with finality, hoping to put a end to the conversation.

As if they knew they where being spoken of the pair had returned, slowly making there way over, three people being dragged along behind them. Two women and a slimy looking bald man.

"I see you got prisoners, good, tell me where all the loot, items and food are kept and I'll let you go, if you don't then I don't mind letting Butcher and Carnage play with you, and I can promise it won't be pleasant and if you do survive it will probably be with less than half your bodies intact." Lesh coldly tells them with a smile tugging on his lips, the pair letting out guttural chuckles and looking at their captives almost begging them to keep their lips shut.

"It's over there! In the main building! Theres a secret basement where everything is kept and even an icebox room! It's made of solid steel and that's how we keep most of the meet stuff cool! An ice mage comes once a week to freeze the walls for us! Please let me go! You can even have these two fetching women but just let me go!" The bald greasy man practically yelled begging for his life as he fell to his knees, the two women looking at him shock and anger.

"You said you would help us get out of here! To protect us!" one of them yelled at him, her tone laced with regret only for him to get up and slap her.

"That was then, and this is now! Or what? Don't you think a guy like him who could bring this place down won't be able to protect you? I'm doing this for the two of you!" He yelled back, surprising everyone, getting his frustrations and fear back under control he seemed to calm down a bit as he continued to speak to them.

"Listen and try to understand this, I have no delusions of my own survival out there, I got lucky to be able to latch onto Blade and be taken in, she was the protective umbrella for us and threw her I kept you two safe, now she's gone this person was responsible for it showing his stronger, by giving you two to him I know you will be safe even if things may no longer be easy, at least you two will be alive." He finishes, not even bothering to look at their reactions as he turns to Lesh with determination.

"all I ask is for you to take these two in, I told you what you wanted to know so I should be free to go now, also up the steps and first room on the right is where all the weapons are kept, the door is a solid steel safe door that was somehow installed but I'm sure you can find a way through it, or even around it as only the door is solid steel. Use what's there to protect them." He finishes before sprinting away, not giving Lesh any time to speak and shocking everyone else present, Butcher and Carnage made a motion to go after him but were stopped by Lesh waving his hand.

"Let him go, I did promise Afterall, that they would all be free to go if he told me what I wanted to know, I didn't expect him to pull this move though, clearly his somewhat smart, honestly I hope he survives." Lesh says as he turns to the two girls, still in shock and crying there eyes out.

"Now what am I to do with you two? I didn't agree to his request after all." He says causing them to look up in fear, not knowing what to say but knowing they wouldn't survive on there own they tried to crawl over only for the red head who was with the old man to come over.

"I'll take responsibility for them. Whatever happens or whatever they do will be on my head." She says, staring defiantly at Lesh daring him to say anything about it, staring her down with his cold eyes she begins to sweat slightly before Lesh gives a small almost unseen nod.

"Very well. They will be your responsibility from this point forward, they will need to work and earn there keep like everyone else and should they not manage for the first month they will be cut loose like anyone else who fails to pull their weight." Lesh finishes, signalling butcher and Carnage to follow him as he heads to the main building for looting.