
Choosing second to come first

It begins a bit rough but improves as it progresses just due to it being my first work, the world as everyone knew it changed, John though refused to bend or bow, well others seemed to be corrupted and changed by there choices John kept his sanity, or rather had no sanity to hold onto as the voices in his head that others beside his best friend dismissed as imaginary become more prominent, as he sets out to make his mark he learns the nature of the changes to the world, finding out more and striving to get stronger and to kill the so called gods who where responsible for it, but everything comes at a cost. So just a small heads up, it starts a little rough but I can promise it Improves as the chapters go on, a bit slow but it's my first real novel so hope you all enjoy it :-) Ps. This story is writing itself, so all the twists and turns are by its own choice as I'm just the one putting it on digital paper as odd as that sounds, share a stone if you like it and I'll also try to keep as consistent as I can with updates.

Coronis_Nocturn · Urban
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97 Chs

Chapter 13: Choices and Companions

Chapter 13: Choices and Companions

Feeling it would be preferable to put it on himself rather than risk Alice doing so for him, John slowly took the cloak and forced it over his current clothes, finding it rather snug and tight, as expected. "Maybe you should take your current clothes off and try it on?" Alice suggested in an all-too-innocent voice, only to receive a stern look from John.

"Really? We met not even half an hour ago, and now you want to see me take off my clothes already? Rather forward, aren't you? Also, I would very much prefer not to wear a dead guy's clothes without some kind of buffer, even if it's just my current clothes," John flatly told her, not amused by such a suggestion.

"Well, what if I take my own off as a show of solidarity!" Alice countered, causing John to be taken aback and stare at her. Before he could say anything, the cloak stretched out, changing into a long overcoat with coat tails almost touching the ground. It became even darker than before, a blackness almost to the point of sucking in the darkness around him. A warm feeling emanated from it for him, and he felt a slight comforting sensation. The cloak, now turned coat, felt light and almost as if it wasn't even there.

"Awww, why did you change it?" Alice whined, pouting.

"I did nothing. I'm not even sure how it changed or why. I guess it really was an item, like you said. But it's interesting to know that changed people's items are collectible and not bound to their user even after death. I wonder if it also works well when they're alive," John said, trailing off in thought at the end, muttering to himself.

"Good question. This is a prime example of why we need more fights and killing to get you more decked out!" Alice yelled, practically bouncing and letting her madness show outright, along with a level of bloodlust John had not seen previously. A shiver ran down his spine as he turned back to face her.

"Why exactly are you following me, though? I mean, I'm not going to complain, especially since you saved my life. But why follow me around when you can clearly take care of yourself without any issues?" John couldn't help but ask. It all felt way too convenient for her to suddenly show up and then the ambush from the scythe guy, with her saving him.

"Well, I won't lie. I do have my own reasons. For starters, I watched as you went around the school looting only a few places and then leaving. I also got a whisper from the thing that gave me my new abilities to watch you and make things difficult for you if I can. How you're easy prey early to toy with but annoying later on or something like that. I didn't like all the annoying talking it was doing, to be honest. I want to be free to do what I want to do now, rather than still listen to people and be the goody-good yes girl still following what others say," Alice said with surprising calmness and focus, completely different from her previous energetic demeanor.

"So, I decided to do the opposite and help you reach that so-called annoying level it spoke about, to see it with my own eyes. I also figured if it was telling me that, others could have also been told the same thing. And by that logic, if I stick by you, I can get lots of entertainment and no doubt some really interesting fights, plus lots of new toys like this one!" She said, slowly reverting to her maddened state and swinging the scythe again, causing John to wonder if she possibly had some kind of split personality or a personality disorder in general. Even so, he couldn't shake the feeling that there was a lot she left out, and he felt a slight unease towards her. For now, though, he wouldn't complain, choosing to accept her words and free protection. Either he would become strong enough to force the truth out of her, or she would reveal it on her own due to a built-up trust.

"We currently have two choices right now on what path we can take. Either past a series of shops, including two large convenience stores, or we can take a slightly longer path around, avoiding them and going through a residential area. It would take about ten minutes longer, though, but might be safer. Less chance of there being people or monsters or whatever that way. I was originally going to take the residential way and, if I find any open houses or low-walled houses, break in and loot what I can. I doubt many places would have anyone home after the changes," John informed her. Figuring that if she was going to be tagging along and currently protecting him, her input would be more than welcome for something like this. It would also help him distract himself from thinking about the second person who, although not killed by his own hands this time, was linked to him. Even if there was no other choice, it didn't mean he liked it. Hopefully, in time, he would learn to adapt and accept or find a coping method. He remembered that in some anime, strong people had their own quirks or vices to cope with their actions due to killing or worse. Maybe he could try creating an entirely different persona or forcing out one of the voices or imaginary beings in his mindscape to take the brunt for him. Before he could continue on that line of thinking, though, Alice had turned to face him, propping herself up on the scythe and leaning on it. She put on an exaggerated thinking pose.

"Hmmm, well, either way, it seems rather interesting. I can't fault the safety logic, but what if there are some crazed people in the houses? Some might be locked in their own houses or using open doors as lures to have people come in, and then wham! Taken out for looting or worse," she said, reverting back to her overly dramatic self. She even slammed the scythe down to emphasize her point, pulling John out of his train of thought and back onto the topic of their discussion.

"The convenience stores have a higher chance of people. They would either be too busy looting the still-standing stores or hunting each other. Your odds would be faring far better there since you would be able to see what's going on without worrying about possible ambushes from around every possible corner," she said, showing an odd amount of clarity as she looked at him.

"There's also a higher chance that due to the lights and noises from fleeing people, dragons that flew over earlier would have roasted and attack everything and everyone on there fly over. The possible remaining fires would also give some decent light. Plus, you would definitely love it due to your clear fire obsession!!!" She practically bounced and yelled at the end of it.

"But wouldn't those left or having managed to survive be strong and thus dangerous to face right now?" John asked, understanding and seeing her points as valid. However, he also saw the other factors he had overlooked before, pointing out things she had possibly missed.

"Then I'll just take them out with Mister Stabby Stick here," she answered, managing some kind of mix between swinging the scythe and caressing it. John sighed, realizing that one way or another he would be following her lead in this and whatever path she chose for them. He pondered whether it would indeed be safer and more practical that way, or if Alice was simply seeking another fight to put her newly named 'mister stabby stick' to the test. Oddly, he couldn't help but think that the name would be more fitting for a spear rather than a scythe. However, he refrained from voicing this thought aloud, fearing that Alice might then try to convince them to find a spear for that very reason or attempt to transform the scythe into a spear. He had no doubt that she had the capability to do so.

So had some major issues with my internet, after lots of arguing these past few days they finaly realized the issue was from there side and fixed it today, will try to upload a few more chapters after this. Thanks for reading everyone, hope your enjoying it so far. :-)

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