

Hi I'm Kanata taichi I'm just like any other normal high school kid who's obsessed with video games, porn and secretly drinking beer in the janitors closet. My parents are stupid rich ,you might think that that's a good thing but trust me it's not, why you say ,well for a starters my parents by their way into everything grades, scholarships literally anything you could think of you might think it's cool but imagine this, bodyguards that follow you everywhere you go even when you're doing a number 2 yep pretty crazy right and that's not even the worst part you want to know what is, of all that I have zero friends like none at all, well yeah I have some guys I hang out with but they're just in it for my parents money, but since yesterday this really weird guy keeps popping up everywhere I go at first I thought he was a bodyguard or something but he wasn't then it clicked there was this guy that I helped out a while back and he was that same guy, and now he just won't quit following me around, well we'll just have to see where this goes.

*MRS taichi

TAICHI!! darling come downstairs!!!

*Kanata taichi*

I'll be right there Mom

*MRS taichi*

honey I told you not to call me that because it makes me sound old (she said while smiling)

*Kanata taichi*

ok Tania what is it that you want

*MR taichi*

your mother and I wanted to tell you that we'll be going a business trip starting tomorrow for the next 2 months we want to know if you'll be okay

*(Kanata taichi)*

(sigh) it's not anything new anyway

*MR taichi*

what was that?(he said with a grim look on his face)

*Kanata taichi)*

nothing I said I'll be fine

*Mr Taichi*

okay then, when you come back from school we won't be here so here's some money to buy some stuff you'll need

*Kanata taichi*

isn't that a little bit too much ($70,000)

*MRS taichi*

oh honey if it was too little all you had to do was say so (she said and gave Kanata $100,000)

*Kanata taichi*

((I said too much)) okay then if that's all I'll be off to school now

*Mr Taichi*

okay then be good and don't cause any trouble

*Kanata taichi*

(whisper's) do I ever

sound of foot steps

*kerchack* opening of door

*click* closing of day

pip pip

car engine


later at School

*FFN1*/fake friend number 1

hey kanta my man what up you want to go smoke under the bleachers

*Kanata taichi*

((Kanta ? usually it's Chad or Leo or Luke at least it's kind of close this time)) nah not today by the way my parents are out of town tomorrow so guys that is ON!! (fake grin)


cool that's f****** awesome can't wait (laughs)


what's this


what are we laughing about let me in on it..


oh, guys night tomorrow at Chad's house

Kanata taichi

(i guess we're about to chat again)


woohoo it's going to be awesome!!


definitely if it's at atanak's house then it's definitely going to be awesome!!(laughs)

*Kanata taichi*

(now that's just a way of it's even backwards)


I can't wait

*Kanata taichi*

yeah r-right hahaha (nervous laugh)

Kanata then glimpsed at all figure behind a wall staring at.

*Kanata taichi*

is that who I think it is?


dude what are you spacing out for?

Kanata taichi

oh it's nothing I'll, I'll be right back


hey can I....

*Kanata taichi*

Here! you can have this buy whatever you want (Kanata said while giving FFN3 $30,000)


oh thanks man!(grin)

kanata then walked over to the wall and said...

*kanata taichi*

hey why do you keep following me!!?


oh I I just want to be friends

*kanata taichi*

PFF friends if you just wanted when you could ju...


I don't want your money

*kanata taichi*

then what is it that you want


I already told you didn't tell I want to be your friend

*kanata taichi*

(maybe he's actually serious)

kanata's panic system

f-friends he wants to be friends I've never had a friend before what do they do does he really want to be my friend or is he trying to get close to my mom through me (GROSS) it wouldn't be the first time that happened.


are, are you okay (worried)

*kanata taichi*

hmmm what's your name and what class are you from


it's ichika ichika Fuji and I'm from class 1A

*kanata taichi*

Fuji like the mountain (laughs)

*ichika Fuji*

don't laugh it's not funny

*kanata taichi*

okay okay sorry, I'll think about it

*ichika Fuji*

think about what

*kanata taichi*

about being your friend

*ichika Fuji*

(happy)o-ok can we shake hands now

*kanata taichi*

I don't know why, but okay

((shake hands))

*ichika Fuji*

(BLUSH)T-thank you

*kanata taichi*

dude you're as good as a tomato are you okay??

*ichika Fuji*

I-I-im fine I'm going to class now bye

*ichika said while running off*

*kanata taichi*

that's weird (scratches head)