
Choosing A Future (Kai Winters MeChat x MHA World) 《ON HOLD》

After a nightmare break up. A young 20 year old goes back to being a pro hero. After news reaching her ex vampire boyfriend. Things unravel

Mikayli_Grant · Others
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9 Chs

Chapter 5

~ The Present Day~

Mikayli gulped as an old friend from when she went back to the states during the hiatus.

"Enzo? What are you doing here?"

The man in front of her was a were dog. Someone she hasn't seen in a while. Dynamight growled.

"How do you know this overgrown Doberman?"

Mikayli didn't answer his question. Enzo looked to Mikayli and said.

"I thought you weren't coming back to hero society."

Mikayli shrugged and said.

"Things changed. But you should head home."

Mikayli walked back to the changing room. Dynamight said.

"She's safe here. So be a good dog and go home."

Enzo growled and said.

"She deserves better."

Enzo left. Mikayli was on her way home when she saw Leilany following her. She rolled her eyes and went back to her penthouse. Mikayli sat down in front of the door. She ran her fingers through her hair.

Something was right. The night before Leilany approached her and has been following her and now her ex best friend Enzo was in town.

Mikayli didn't know what she was gonna do. Her phone buzzed. It was a message from Kirishima. He wanted her to come over. She messaged him that she'll be there after a shower. She stood up and went to her room. She searched through clothes and chose a black crop top and black ripped skinny jeans.

She stared at herself in the mirror after getting unclothed. She hated her scars but she knew that they part of being a pro hero. Dabi. The man who caused the scars. Mikayli knew he was still alive. It scared her but she knew he was hiding something.

She took her shower and did her hair as well as her makeup. She breathed calmly and grabbed her purse and keys. She carefully flew to Kirishima's penthouse. Mikayli knew Leilany was following her.

She went to Kirishima's door. He hugged her pulling her inside. He calmed her. His large hands rested on her back. She felt safe. Kirishima was her safe place. Meanwhile, Leilany was standing outside Kirishima's balcony.

She scoffed taking a picture of Mikayli hugging Kirishima. She didn't know what Mikayli was doing but she didn't like it at all. Leilany knew that she had to get help to bring Mikayli's future to an end.

She knew that Dabi was who Mikayli was close to prior to her hero career. Leilany caught a cab to the League Of Villains hideout. Dabi was standing outside. Leilany approached him and said.

"You know Mikayli, don't you?"

Dabi scoffed and said.

"Yeah. What about her?"

Leilany smirked.

"Allow me to make a deal with you."

Dabi looked at her. The woman before him, knew something he didn't. Dabi chuckled.

"Might as well right. Guessing she got herself involved with someone."

Leilany chuckled and said.

"She needs to be put back into his sight. "

Dabi smirked and said.

"Ah yes. Well. I'll help you but you'll have to talk to our boss."

Leilany said.

"Of course."

Plans were unraveling. Mikayli's future becoming dark.