
Choking On Love

Dojin Yoon was a man who always had a fear of falling in love. While visiting his friend's funeral, he meets another man he has never seen or known about before. Without thinking, Dojin offered the man his last cigarette. Who would've known that a little curiosity would turn into something much bigger?

Sour_Kiwi · Action
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3 Chs

COL prologue

I, Dojin Yoon, had always despised the feeling of falling in love. Doesn't it feel like it's hard to breathe, or you feel overly anxious? My pale white skin gets all warm and flustered, almost like I have a fever. I do remember this one time when I fell in love with a girl; I think her name was Sage? I was madly in love. I still remember the way I embarrassed myself whenever I was around her, always trying my hardest to make her notice me. That's one thing I like about love. The way it pushes you around, making you put effort into something. However, it felt like I was being pushed off a cliff. Slowly but surely edging back, and back, and back, until I fell off. And when I fell off, a rush of anxiety mixed with happiness or sadness would rush through my body. It was something that I, even myself cannot describe even though I have experienced it. That is how complicated love is.

Enough of that talk though, it isn't too important. Well, at least I hope so. I felt my phone in my pocket vibrating against the side of my thigh furiously, and I quickly answered the call. Although this sounds like im really lonely, I got quite excited, for I have not gotten a call from anyone else besides spam in a while. "Hello-" I stopped immediately after listening to the other side. It sounded like harsh breathing, with a few sniffles in between. It sent shivers down my spine.

"Is this Dojin Yoon? We've called to inform you that your friend, Haneul Kim has died."