
Choke Me Hero

" I want to f*ck them " Yes, This is the last wish of the Hero. After awakening Divine power "Allen" was recruited in the mission to kill the demon king but his comrade never helped him once. That B*tch saint of the temple never healed him once when he was injured. That Nobel B*tch because of her pride never helped me because i was a commoner and that magic tower B*tch tried all sort of experiment on just because i had super regeneration power. After the Battle with the Demon king Allen was injured and tried to ask for help from his comrade but they never helped him because the goddess took his power away " Balance of the World " as an excuse so now When the Goddess asked allen what reward he wants Allen says he wants to go back in time and Tame all those B*tches. Will allen be able to fullfil his dream of taming all those B*tches.......

Vugler · Fantasy
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145 Chs

Chapter 56: Slut No.1

"Haa, it looks like he told me all the way home."

I muttered that as I looked at Karen, who proudly opened the door of someone else's house and entered.

I wanted to, but anyway.

There was no way the emperor would have left the house while handing over information about me.

Rather than having Karen come to her house the moment I was gone, she had deliberately left her behind and came straight to her house, as it was better for her to come when I was there, as she is now.

"First, sit down."

I said that as I looked at Karen standing at her door.

Karen looked at me with a worried expression for a moment, then came and sat down at the seat I pointed to.

"Do I really have to listen to the emperor's orders?"

I asked Karen, who unexpectedly sat quietly as I ordered.

Karen gave me a slightly surprised expression when I spoke of the Emperor.

"Well, I don't know how I knew, but that's not the state. The main thing is that I'm curious about your immortality. So, be patient; give me one arm, no, even one finger."

As expected, like a woman who does not have common sense, Karen was making her terrible voice with a carefree expression.

Just when I thought I had been caught by a troublesome opponent, I heard a sharp-edged voice from above.

"What do you mean?"

I turned my head and cupped my face with both hands.

Thanks to an uninvited guest, it seems Lina came down to the first floor and must have overheard Karen's horrible story again.

"Who is it?"

"You don't know who I am, and you're pointing your finger. What kind of bullshit is that?"

Lina asked, raising her eyes at Karen. Karen glanced at me and began to explain to Lina.

"I am Karen Cross of the Magic Tower. I'm interested in the hero's abnormal physical ability, and I'm just trying to get materials for the experiment."

"Are you crazy, are you?"

Even when Karen revealed her identity to her, Lina said that she was not at all discouraged.

Just by looking into her eyes, she could stab Karen to death right now.

I was embarrassed by Lina's strange appearance, but I didn't hate her attitude toward her.

"What is the problem? After all, a warrior is immortal. Then, wouldn't it be okay if I removed the body a little?"

"What do you mean by that?"

At Karen's shameless words, Lina shouted as her face blushed.

However, in this debate, Karen was stronger than Lina could have imagined.

Because it was a year when common sense didn't work in the first place.

"Is there anything logically wrong?"

"If you want a finger like that, why don't you cut it off first?"

"Well. Well, if that's the condition."

At Lina's words, Karen raised her mana and tried to shoot her magic towards her own fingers.

I don't know if it was to prove her to Lina, but originally, colorless and transparent wind magic took shape and fell toward Karen's fingers.

Of course, her taste didn't go so far that she blew up her own body.

At least one of her fingers was a wound that could heal if healed by her high priest, and Karen probably planned to do so by using her magic on her own fingers.

"Stop. Before I really kill you."

I said that to Karen, who was obviously cheating, and Karen glanced at me and canceled her magic.

It was obvious why she tried to talk to her in the first place; when she blew her magic at me, she came to me and put her arm out of her.

Karen was a woman who valued efficiency the most, befitting her insane nature.

So, when I didn't know my skills, I thought it was more efficient to just cut them off, and after trying them once, I just decided that it was more efficient to get them through conversation.

"I can never understand why you are angry."

"I don't know if I think about four years. Anyway, I have no intention of giving you an arm or a finger. So get off."

"… I can't hear that, Warrior. I'm the kind of person who, once intrigued by curiosity, needs to unleash it."

Karen said that to me, and she had a look on her face and said that she would use force if the conversation didn't work.

Although I was a very difficult opponent for her, I had found a way to convince her through her memories of Karen.

"Don't give a damn. There are countless things that have not yet been solved."

"… What are you talking about?"

"You don't even know the principle of healing magic right now, right? Even if you take my body instead of my arms, you probably won't be able to uncover the secret of my abilities for the rest of your life."

At my words, Karen's face began to harden.

Although most continental people believed in goddesses, not all did.

Karen was a rare atheist, and she had a strange belief that divine magic was also exercised by some principle she was unaware of.

So, in her previous round of life, she joined the hero's party without any hesitation.

The hero possessed the ability of immortality; her saintess was a user of healing magic she could not reveal; the elf queen had a long lifespan unlike humans; and the dragon bitch was the master of magic that Karen held so sacred. Because it was

"So you mean you know the secret?"

"Know. But I won't tell you."


"Learn the secret of healing magic. Then I'll take my arm off, even if it's painful. That's efficiency, isn't it? Is it not?"

At my words, Karen looked at me with a pensive expression.

But I knew she wouldn't reject my offer.

Karen's biggest concern in her previous life was that even if she found the right answer, she had no one to confirm it.

"Great. Instead, I have a question for you."

I finally nodded to Karen, who accepted my offer, asking her to ask me anything.

"From what I hear, you seem to be aware of the secret pact between the emperor and me... Why didn't you kill me?"

Karen asked me that question with a sincere expression of curiosity.

From Karen's point of view, who values her efficiency, in fact, I seemed to think that killing herself was the most efficient way.

"That's because even a bitch like you has a place to use it."

I said that to Karen, and she then looked back at me with her puzzled eyes.

"Are you using me? Where?"

"That's right; you'll find out someday. Then, fools who don't even know the principles of healing magic get out of the lab quickly."

"I'll make you regret that next time we meet."

To my words, Karen answered and stood up.

Even though she has a childlike side, she was a woman who kept her word, so I let out a sigh of relief at her inwardly.

"Do you use it? Where?"

As Karen left, I saw Lina asking me, her eyes wide open with a fresh look on her face.

Somehow, I thought there was no moment to relax.


"Huh, huh… Hey, do you think I'll like this?"

"You like it."

I said that while poking Lina's cunt.

As if she couldn't deny my words, Rina began to squeeze her cheek instead of answering her.

Enjoying the familiar sensation, I began to shake my hips slowly.

Perhaps because they had been away for a while, he could see Lina hitting her a little more violently.

"Ahhh… Great."

Seeing Lina quickly change her words, I laughed.

Perhaps it was because I hated her appearance that I saw Lina pinching my breasts with her fingernails.

"You keep dragging other women into your house?"

"You saw it. I didn't bring it; it came with my feet."

I replied as I looked at Lina, who was jealous of her.

Her attitude might have been tiring, but to me, it just looked cute.

Rina also said that she did not hide that she was jealous of her, and she was also keeping a proper line.

As he hammered her cock deep, he saw Lina blinking in one eye as her body shuddered.

I slowly began to covet her lips as I saw Lina's strange expression on her face.

Each other's tongues began to intertwine, and when I raised my head slightly, I saw Lina's tongue coming out as if regretting it.

It looked weird again, so I pushed her cock hard again.

Lina's left eye blinked again, as if she liked the feeling of the tip of her cock tapping the entrance to her womb.

Lina squeezed her cunt tight, as if she were sorry for my cock to come out, and looked at me with her half-open eyes.

"Huh… Don't use other bitches; use my pussy well, warrior."

"Haha, is that so?"

"Yeah, because Lina's pussycat tastes much better."

I couldn't help but burst out laughing at Lina as she threw out her weird jokes at her.

At some point, the country girl, who was a little rustic, became a more risque woman than anyone else.



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