
Choke Me Hero

" I want to f*ck them " Yes, This is the last wish of the Hero. After awakening Divine power "Allen" was recruited in the mission to kill the demon king but his comrade never helped him once. That B*tch saint of the temple never healed him once when he was injured. That Nobel B*tch because of her pride never helped me because i was a commoner and that magic tower B*tch tried all sort of experiment on just because i had super regeneration power. After the Battle with the Demon king Allen was injured and tried to ask for help from his comrade but they never helped him because the goddess took his power away " Balance of the World " as an excuse so now When the Goddess asked allen what reward he wants Allen says he wants to go back in time and Tame all those B*tches. Will allen be able to fullfil his dream of taming all those B*tches.......

Vugler · Fantasy
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145 Chs

Chapter 34: Hazel's attention


Juan's hairy arms rolled on the floor, and his screams echoed across the battlefield.

Juan rolled on the floor, screaming to the point where it was a waste of his size, and whenever he struggled, red blood splattered all over the battlefield.

The match was decided by only one move.

I confirmed that Juan was running towards me, and as soon as I drew my sword, I cut his hand holding the sword.

It was a foot-sword technique that was rarely used in the Empire.

The reason I cut off Juan's arm was very simple.

Juan had made the same hand of one of the people who were being chased by monsters and clamoring to be let into the castle.

I looked at Juan with indifferent eyes, and the nobles couldn't hide their surprised expressions in this situation.

It seems that he did not think that the hero of Hani would cut off someone's arm in front of the emperor.

In Marian's case, he was sitting on the floor, his body shaking.

'That's funny. I was told to cut off my body casually.'

I laughed at the reaction of the nobles and looked at the emperor.

Aaron, the crown prince, looked pale as if he were quite frightened, but the emperor was looking at Juan with a nonchalant expression that was no different from mine.

Soon, the emperor nodded as if he had grown tired of the struggle, and the soldiers hurriedly took Juan outside.

"Yes, it is definitely entertainment. Then who will come next?"

No one stepped forward at the emperor's words.

Of course, it wasn't that there weren't that many people in the empire, but there was no reason for normal guys with skills to move their bodies to see a warrior.

"It made me look embarrassing. Warrior."

Seeing that no one answered, even the emperor showed a somewhat embarrassed expression.

The emperor's gaze secretly turned to his son Aaron, but the crown prince, who had already confirmed what had become of Juan, only avoided his father's gaze.

"Captain of the Guard."

"Yes, Your Majesty."

"Would you like to face the hero?"

"I will follow your orders."

To the emperor's words, the commander of the guards, who was the only one wearing armor in Daejeon, replied,.

Captain of the Guard, Stephen Wright.

He was the best swordsman in the empire, and no matter how great he was, he was not someone to deal with easily.

'… He's wearing armor.'

Stephen, who was favored by the emperor, always wore the armor given by the emperor.

His armor, which contained all the essence of the mage tower, was able to ignore most magic, and of course, the sword did not stick well.

In addition, Stephen had a brain that knew how to use the armor very well, so he was not an easy opponent.

'Well, if we had to fight, there would be nothing we couldn't win.'

Of course, if you fight, you should be able to win, but my judgment is that it is difficult to decide the outcome if you are in good shape.

In addition, since the only thing the emperor was interested in was whether my body was really 'immortal', Stephen was most likely focusing on scarring my body.

"Hero, are you okay?"

"… Isn't it fair to take off your armor and fight?"

I said that to Stephen, who stood up in front of me with a sword.

"Since you are also immortal, don't you think it's not that unfair?"


I also thought that I was a formidable person.

Actually, I wasn't lying, and there was nothing wrong with getting hurt.

But is it because of the memory of the first playthrough?

A strange feeling of not wanting to show the wound regenerating only to the emperor soared.

"Okay, then let's try it!"

I responded to the words of the guards commander and immediately swung my sword at him.

It was almost a surprise attack, but the guards commander raised his arm, wrapped in his armor, and just blocked my sword.


The sound of metal clashing echoed through the palace hall, and I saw the guard captain draw his sword and swing it at me.

I leaned back to avoid the Guard Captain's sword, and at the same time, I swung my sword toward his knee as it was in a collapsed posture.

No matter how much the emperor poured money into the armor, there was a weakness.

As far as the joints of the armor were concerned, even the crazy old men in the Mage Tower had limitations in reinforcing them, and the tip of my sword was aiming for exactly that part.


The guard captain raised his leg, blocking my sword again with his shin.

As expected, the sword bounced off the opponent without even hitting it.

I quickly distanced myself from the captain of the guards and looked at the emperor with a stunned expression.

'No, shouldn't armor like that be given to ordinary heroes?'

I honestly coveted Steven's armor, which had the effect of canceling out most of the pain and also had a lightening spell on it.

But, of course, in my previous life, the Emperor hadn't given me that armor.

Because to him, the captain of the guard who would protect his life in the nearest place was far more important than a warrior who would not die anyway.

Of course, Steven's armor wasn't perfect.

Unexpectedly, it was Aaron who found the weak point of the armor, but Steven, the captain of the guards, was hit by Aaron's giant bow, the ballista, and died as it was.

'I wish I had a blunt weapon, not a sword.'

I rolled my head like that, avoiding the sword of the guards commander, who kept attacking me.

He wasn't the type to hide his weapons, so he thought he could handle Steven somehow with only a blunt weapon.

"You dodged well."

As soon as I managed to dodge my own sword, Steven said so in a high-spirited voice.

I shrugged at his words and glanced at the emperor.

I could see that the emperor, who was curious about whether I really had the ability of'immortality', was trying to hide his impatient state of mind.

It wouldn't be bad to continue to drag the time and make the emperor feel frustrated, but I decided to use another method.

Although there was no blunt weapon, it was not that there was no way to defeat Steven.

'It's a burden, but...'

"Then, let's start the second round again."

I gently fixed my sword and said that to the guards commander.

I don't know how long the sword I took from Peril will last, but I thought it would be possible to use that skill at least once.

"Your majesty! An urgent call is coming."

The moment I was about to run towards the captain of the guards, the door to the palace opened, and a man who appeared to be a messenger came inside and shouted.

"… What's going on?"

The emperor frowned at the sudden appearance of the messenger and asked.

After briefly bowing to the emperor, the messenger began to explain the situation in an urgent voice.

"A number of refugees are approaching the Butler estate. According to their testimony, a large army of monsters has appeared outside the border."

At the messenger's words, the emperor frowned and glanced at me with a regretful face.

I was curious about my ability, but did I judge that the situation was not good?

The emperor began to speak in a solemn voice to the courtiers gathered in Daejeon.

"What to do, ministers? Start discussing."


"Do we really need to accept refugees? The most important thing is the safety of the empire."

"Shouldn't we show our dignity as a great nation? And if you take this opportunity to inflict a devastating blow on the monsters, all kingdoms will realize the true power of the empire."

"Do you care about those kingdoms? Of course, monsters are not scary."

At the emperor's words, the nobles gathered in Daejeon began to voice their opinions one by one.

Every word they said was recognized by the imperial nobility.

Of course, not all aristocrats were as stupid as them, but the general trend is like this:.

'They really treat the Demon King as dog food.'

I sighed as I looked at the nobles, who took the Empire's victory for granted without any worries.

I was full of confidence that I could deal with the demon army only with the power of the empire, and my head pounded when I saw them looking at the situation with optimism.

In addition, the timing of the Demon King's army subtly changed.

According to my memory, the problem with the Butler estate was something that would happen after a little more time.

In addition, since I returned to the past, I had nothing to do with the Demon King's side, so I felt that change was a little strange.

"If it's a Butler estate, Countess Hazel's opinion is probably the most important."

A fat nobleman said that while glancing at some part of Hazel's body with lustful eyes.

It is only natural that the eyes of the other nobles are focused on Hazel.

In an instant, everyone in Daejeon caught the attention of Hazel, who covered her face with her fan and stuttered her answer.

"I-I, first of all, the territory... Back, situation… I have to look Well, the refugee problem... It is decided by discussing it with the subordinates. Thing."

At Hazel's reaction, several nobles could be seen gurgling their saliva.

Although it was not an answer to give while in charge of a territory, no one considered it important.

What the nobles of the empire were focusing on was the gigantic bosom that was bouncing whenever Hazel spoke in a nervous voice.



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