
Tea, tea how delicious

For the past few hours I've been working on the essays and homework. And Vivi has been sitting next to me on my bed reading a novel. "Ugh, I can take this anymore!" I rub me forehead as I complain to myself.

Vivi looks up from her novel and gives me a concerned look. "What's wrong, Mimi? Everything okay?"

I keep rubbing my forehead and sigh. " Nothing much. It's just that this is schoolwork is so stressing! I just want a break!" I pout really wanting a break. "Well then take a break." She shrugs and continues to read

"But I-" As I was about to protest my other roommate walks in. "What's up with all the commotion? Are you girls spilling tea or something?"

Vivi shakes her head. "Nah Jen, it's just Mimi complaining from stress."

Jenny raised her braw. "Again?" Vivi hums. Jen sighed and shakes her head. "Mimi, go take a break. You have seriously got to stop being such a workaholic. Live a little sometimes will ya?"

I pouted and playfully glared at her. "I do live, Jen! Mine is just... different." Jenny rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Sure, living. Mimi, You have got to let loose and live a little sometimes. Go out with us or get laid or something."

I let out a sigh. "Thanks, but no thanks Jen. I can live without breaking my moral standards." Jenny shrugs. "If you say so. Want me to make you some tea for relief?"

"Yes, please!" I nod and smile "That would be great. Oh! And please add peppermint to the ginger and honey. You know the proportions right?"

"Yep, sure do. How could I ever forget." Jen laughs and heads to the kitchen.

Vivi looked up from her novel. "Make some for me too, Jen!"

"Sure thing!" After Jen's reply to her from the kitchen,she turned her gaze towards me. "You know Mimi, Jen isn't wrong though. You should really take a break and relax a bit. How about we go to mcdonalds later on?"

I nod. "Sure I don't see why not."

Vivi clapped in excitement. "Great, you coming too jen!?"

"Duh! Is that even a question. Of course I'm coming with you guys!"

~Some time later~

Jenny came in the room holding a cup. "Here you go. A cup of peppermint tea." She gave me a cup "Thanks Jen."

Jenny laughed. "No problem. With honey and ginger. Just the way you asked it."I sipped the tea and close my eyes in delight. "Mmm. It tastes nice. It smells nice too."

"Jen," Vivi pouted and gave her puppy eyes. "Where's mine? Can you bring mine for me too?" Jen rolled her eyes and flapped her hands. "Fine, fine. I'll go getit. Just stop acting cute. It makes me wanna puke."

"Thanks. I love you too!" Vivi and I laughed.

~A few hours later~

"Jen. Viv. Are you two ready yet?" I grabbed my car keys and my bag. "Wait, Mimi. Just a second." They both said. I sigh "Okay, I'll check on everything then."

~At McDonalds~

We were eating in peace. Then Vivi took some fries from Jen."Vivi! don't take my fries! You have your own right there." Jenny pouts and points at Vivi's fries. Vivi smiles back. "Sharing is caring, bich." Jenny rolled her eyes. "Who said I cared?"

Vivi gasped and playfully glared at her "You wanna fight, bich?"

"Sure, come fight me then." Jen smirked, making a gun sign "I'm ready!".

I rolled my eyes and laughed at their childishness and checked my phone notifications as I ate my fries.

I froze.

I hadn't expected the messages from my sister and accidentally let my phone slip from my hand.

At the sound of it hitting the table, Vivi and Jenny put a halt to their playful argument and gave me concerned looks. "Mimi, what's wrong? what happened?"

I blink at their questions and quickly snapped out of it. "Nothing much." I smile and handed them my phone. "why don't you girls take a look for yourselves?"

Jen happily accepted out of curiosity. "What is it?"

Jen and Viv looked at my phone and read the message.

Viv scrunched her eyebrows. "Mimi, it says here 'and he also returned with two kids with the mom nowhere to be found'. Who is 'he'?"

"Oh! sorry." I sheepishly grin at them, realizing I had let them read my sister's message from her other phone and signal to give me back my phone.

As Jen gives me my phone back, Vivi spoke to her. "You know Jen, we've known Mimi since 2017. In all this time there's only been one guy she's ever had a reaction like this to. Do you think its him?"

"Eh, what? Who do you mean?" Jen was confused for a second then her eyes widened. "Oh wait... hold on a sec... You don't mean booboo the fool, do you Viv?"

"Here you go." I gave back the phone and laughed. "Also, are you seriously still calling him that name Jen."

Jen turns her gaze towards me. "Oh I don't know... Are you seriously still in love with him?"

I scoff. "No, of course not! I gave up and moved on years ago."

Vivi's eyes widened. She gasped. "I was right! It really is about that asshole. Jen come read this." Jen looked over.

"What could possibly be so bad?" Jen reads the message then blinksand gives me a questioning look. "Wait, wait wait. Hold on. So... let me get this straight. Scot actually entered the kpop industry and became famous."

I nodded.

She "But he had a secret affair and got found out which resulted in his contract with the company getting terminated? As well as him getting kicked out?"

I nodded once again.

Vivi cut in before jen could say anything further. "Gurllll, don't forget the part of him now having two kids. And the baby mama left him without a trace." she sighs and shakes her head. " What a scandel."

Jenny rubbed her head. "ehmm.... Well girls, I know it I shouldn't but... I wanna laugh at it cause I find it funny and entertaining."

"Jen!" I playfully slapped her schoulders.

Vivi on the other hand nodded. "Honestly, it makes me feel like Jan's curse on him of being alone forever really came true."

Jen huffs."Well, if it did. He deserves it." Vivi hummed in agreement.

I give them a disapproving look. "Don't be so mean girls. He deserves some happiness too."

"Nah Mimi, I think Jen is right. He does deserve it. He led you on back in 2019. Now he's paying for your tears and everything else you gave. It's retribution." Vivi shrugs

I sigh. "Well, its 2029 now. I honestly think that his retribution shouldn't last forever. He shouldn't have to pay for his mistakes all his life. Everyone should get a second chance."

Jen lets out a sarcastic laugh and scoffs. "Second chance? Oh please. He'll get a chance when he gives you a chance. A chance for a chance, honey."

I rub and shake my head, giving up. "Forget it. There's no use in trying to convince you both when it comes to Scot."

My phone starts ringing. I pick up. "Hello, good evening. May I know who this is?"

My eyes widen.