
Choices and Chaise

Before she possessed a villain notorious for tormenting people, Eve was like any other university student juggling responsibilities and debt. Whether Eve will have to cope with the aftermath of her choices, or she will be content to lounge on the chaise as the mayhem unfolds around her.

harvest · Fantasy
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3 Chs

1 - Master Mischief

A sharp pain was felt in the girl's head, and she could not help to groan. Did she overindulge last night in beer, causing a terrible hangover? Not only that, but her stomach is grumbling considerably.

"Ah I forgot to eat last night. "

She slowly opened her eyes, and a pleasant, snow-themed room appeared.

"What the?" As much as she tries, she can't seem comfortable sitting on the plush mattress. She was astounded to see a roof from the comfort of her bed, as it reminded her of historical documentaries about life in 18th-century Europe. The crease in her brow became apparent as her hands were brought into focus.

"What is this weird-looking room? Did I become a millionaire overnight?" She rubbed her eyes, thinking this was just a fever dream. She would not be surprised if she were hallucinating from the amount of studying she did.

"Oh, right! Why did I forget! Mom!" She tried to get off the bed, and the long linen gown fell freely. She was overcome by an unexplainable sensation when she stepped onto the marbled tiles. As she stared at the floor, her heart was racing.

This is absurd. Marble floor? We have wooden floors, for god's sake. She nervously contemplated.

A series of running steps can be heard in the hallway as it approaches the woman's room. Four female servants walked through the enormous double door as it swung open. The women have ages of fourteen, fifteen, seventeen, and nineteen, respectively. They saw the dazed woman staring at the floor and shallowly laughing. The four servants were stunned. Their young miss seems to be a different person. The oldest one steps in and slowly approaches the young miss.

"A sunny morning, Young lady. Shall we get prepared for your dance lessons at noon in the Aubrey Hall? Lady Samantha will be here any minute!" Rebeka, a servant of Devon County, working for seven years, had witnessed the young lady growing up. That is why she is comfortable speaking with her despite her nasty attitude.

"Are you guys cosplaying a maid? This is not funny. Where's mom? Why am I here? If this is kidnapping, there's no ransom since we're dirt poor." She confusingly faced the servant, thus making her flinch. The woman suddenly sprinted outside the room and met an older man wearing a black suit on his way to the room.

"Young miss, Lady Eve- Young miss! Why-servants! Make haste! Chase her!" The butler paid respects by slightly bowing and lowering his gaze, but the woman had no intention of slowing down soon. He is stupefied seeing the woman in her undergarments running around the corridor. She is causing a stir again early in the morning.

"Young miss! Please slow down!"

"What in the world is going on? Did she decide to play catch running naked? Surely she is not deranged?"

"Young miss! Young miss!"

The maids are holding a thick scarf to wrap around the young miss, who's running fast, not even a deer could defeat. Eleanor's heart was at its peak as she saw the surroundings. She hurriedly found a way at a crossroads of hallways and chose the left corridor as it looked empty.

Where am I? I'm scared to admit but seeing these walls, I can't help but think I have transmigrated to 18th-century Europe or, worst- the other world.

The thought sent chills down her spine. She found a splendid staircase and saw plenty of people going to and fro-holding whatever it was. The people halted and looked at the young miss on the stairs wearing only undergarments. The men hurriedly looked away, and the women shrieked at the sight as they hurriedly ran to the young miss, but she pushed aside the women trying to cover her and hurriedly found what seemed to be the entrance of this building. She hurriedly approached the light, and once she was outside, the bright sun made her close her eyes, adjusting to the brightness.

Despite this, she never stops running.


The manor is located in the mountainous region of Devon, where mining and farming are the main livelihoods. Its town, Cadwyn, is populated with numerous locales and visitors from around the continent. Although it is a small city, it is known for its fruits and vegetables harvested, thus, often frequented by merchants. The manor can be seen from the town as it is located at the apex, overseeing the land.

On the manor's third floor is the flat where the young master lives. Ernest Cadwyn, five years younger than Eve, woke up from the noise of the second floor. He barely heard the muffled sound of the ladies crying out downstairs when he heard a familiar voice swearing out loud. He suddenly jolted awake.

"There she is again, so annoying. " He just shoved off the thought and passed it off as a nightmare. He knows her sister. She is a cunning vixen who would do whatever she wants—despite growing up in a reputable household and loving parents, Eve served as the black sheep of the noble house. He called his servants, waiting outside the door for an hour. They immediately went in and attended to the young master's needs.

"What happened downstairs?" He curiously asked while getting dressed. The male servants looked at themselves, and one of them hesitantly responded.

"The young lady… she is running wild." The servant sweated, knowing he might have phrased the word wrong. The young master stopped.

"Kindly elaborate."

"According to them, she is running around with her undergarments." The servant reported.

"What?! Where is mother?"

"In the greenhouse, young master."


Henrietta, the countess of Devon, flinched and accidentally cut her index finger from the sudden uproar upstairs. The maids behind her quickly attended to the bleeding hand, yet the countess paid no attention to it.

"What in the Lord's clamor is that?" The countess asked. "Ah countess I have yet to find out behind the noise. But it seems the noise is from the lady's quarters." The head maid said.


"Ah-what a piece of crap! Move aside! Scram!" The young lady cursed loudly, and the employees nearby suddenly halted momentarily. The two gardeners doing greens capes followed the young lady and tens of servants calling her name. They looked at each other and continued gardening. It is a common sight to them.

She saw by the far bronze gate, nearing tons of carriages passing hurriedly, the unreal clothing of people similar to the servants, and the language she mysteriously understands. The young lady was shocked by the pair of knights guarding the gate, but she did not notice them and stood there.

There, she confirmed. This is different from my place. Not my country and possibly not my world.

A tear fell from the lady's eyes as she collapsed to the hard ground in a dishevelled heap. All her dreams were gone. She cannot see her mom, whom she fought. Her mother is nowhere here. She feels alone in this foreign world. A tear became a waterfall of tears of lament, anger and longingness. She wanted to scream but could not articulate words, thus covering her mouth with her hands.

She mumbled incoherent words and choked on her sobs as her white, fair face turned red.

She heard many footsteps running behind her back, shouting. A clickety cloth of boots and metals can also be perceived.

The servants panted and hurriedly wrapped the young miss on the ground. The young lady's eyes were unexpressive, wet from tears, and her face down to her clavicle was red.

"Dame Stern, carry the young lady into her room. Servants, cover the young miss, hurry up!" The restless butler ordered the people around. A young, green-haired female knight hurriedly went to the young lady and slowly carried her.

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