
choices adult fan fiction

This is a collection of fan fiction stories of Choices stories you play books. The stories are mostly story focused and they have explicit mature content.

Jinton_7647 · Video Games
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4 Chs

CH03: Undercover

You wait for Epoch at your agency. Just as she arrives she removes her glasses. You feel uneasy doing this kind of thing again. You hold Trystan's hand, she puts her other hand over yours assuring you that everything will be alright. You get up from your chair as Luke welcomes Epoch. "Thanks for coming!"

"Infiltrating a high school is a child's play! I can get the evidence in two days."

"What about the thing we talked about as your compensation?"

Epoch checks him from top to bottom. "Are you that stupid? I was pulling your leg. You owe me one more though"

You feel like you escaped something uncontrollable. You let a breath out and say "Seriously Luke, I can't believe you believed that."

"What the fuck man, you knew she was playing me?"

"An offer like that coming out of nowhere is too good to be true."

Trystan bumps her elbow slightly at yours and whispers, "You thought it was true, didn't you? Stop pretending, I know my man!"


After that awkward situation, Mafalda explains the details to Epoch. Epoch sits on a chair and crosses her legs like she is Sharon Stone. Luke who was looking at her adjusts his shirt collar.

"This doesn't seem like the usual cases you take Mafalda. Why are you bothering with this?"

"Clint is an innocent who was accused by someone who just did it just because she can. I can just let it slide like an average cheating partner case" Mafalda answers without even changing her expression. She takes Epoch to her office while you and your friends start to put the clues on the table. Trystan starts, "We know that the principal is in on it. If we prove his involvement we can at least get our guy out of the cell."

"We need solid proof. Until he's proven innocent, Clint has to stay in prison." Luke speaks while typing on his PC to get access to the feed from the school. Ruby asks, "Is that the feed from school? You can't do that?"

"FBI access, we got permission from our friend"

"Oh really, your ex helped you out once again. I don't know what you're going to do to repay her"

"Drop it, Ruby! I can sense the sarcasm"


The next day, Epoch enters the school and submits the fake documents to get enrolled. She then gets to her first class, luckily her target was in the same class. Epoch sits on the empty chair next to her. "Hi, I'm Sara. I'm new to the town."

"Aren't you too old to be in school?" She says. Alia's classmates in front of her turn around, which makes Alia rephrase her statement. "I meant you're...you look like an adult, attractive one" Her eyes start moving in all directions and her lips twitch.

'She's putting on an act. She's pretending to be a good girl to cover her tracks after the incident. It's going to be easier than I thought. I can get into her friends' circle if I play my cards right'

Epoch smiles at her and says, "Oh, thanks!" And then, Epoch starts getting information out of Alia from herself.


Meanwhile, you wake up hungover after the celebration last night. You shake your head and see a glass filled with a green liquid by your bed. You take it and drink it.

"Babe, are you finally poisoning me?"

"Nah, it's just a Drakovian special drink for the hangover, made by yours truly" You hear Trystan's voice from the bathroom.

"Stop lying, I know a drink made by Mags when I drink it."

"Did someone say my name?" Margaret shows up at your door.

"Mags, cover your eyes! I'm not decent!" She turns around and walks away, "I'll be in the kitchen"

"Val, you should have told me, she was here. I thought you remembered when she stayed here last night." Trystan comes out of the bathroom. "Now, get ready! We have work to do!"

"Do we have to?"

"If you don't hurry up, poor Clint will have more trouble where he is and Ellie will haunt your dreams."

"Fine, throw my pants!"

"No, no, get your ass to the bathroom and wash yourself"

You get up from your bed and struggle to move to the bathroom.

"I know you're enjoying it."

Trystan chuckles and leaves.


The same evening, back in the office, Luke watches the feeds he managed to save that day. You and Trystan check the files about the principal. Luke then calls you, "Cam, I got a lead. We can prove this footage is forged. OK, did you get anything message from Epoch?"

"She...got the confession." You hear a voice from behind. Epoch shows you a tiny device and tosses it to Luke.

"How did you get it?"

"Let's say, Alia has a soft spot for my type...or the type I was pretending to be"

Luke disconnects his headphones and plays the recording he got from the device.

"We got the evidence, Cam!"

"Is it weird I'm solving a case with little to no involvement on my part?"

"I'll let you handle your next case on your own, Cam" Trystan bumps her elbow into yours.

"Let's get the evidence to Mafalda! Trys, can you go pick up Ellie?"

"OK, text me her address!"


Trystan pulls over by the address you texted her. She then looks around the house. The house walls are filled with cuss words and writings mentioning pedophiles. 'This neighbourhood is nuts.' She thinks as she rings the bell. No answer from the door but she can feel something is wrong there. She quietly moves her steps towards a window and sees inside. She notices an unwanted guest inside so Trystan slams the window with a wood lying on the ground and jumps inside. She pulls out her taser and points at the individual. The man was holding a knife to threaten Clint and Ellie's mother.

"Drop your knife punk! Or you'll regret it!"

"Who are you?"

The man was wearing a black outfit with a mask to hide his face.

"Well, it's a good thing you don't recognise who I am!" Trystan sees Mrs. Monroe lying on the ground and Ellie is on the corner shivering in fear. "I am going to ask you one thing." The man tilts his head to the right. "Did you hurt that girl?"

"Lady, you have nothing to do here! This is something you don't want to get involved in."

Tsytan notices tears from Ellie'sface. "Oh, I'm already involved punk. I'm going to make you pay for harming that girl." Trystan drops her taser.

"What the..!"

And then she ducks as she catches it in the air and then she swipes her leg taking down the man and making him lose his balance. He drops his knife which slips by Mrs. Monroe. She reacts quickly enough to move it away from the fight as Trystan puts the man on a lock. He passes out after severely seconds. Trystan removes her grip and gets up. Ellie runs toward her and hugs her from behind. "Thank you, Princess Thorne!"

"Princess Thorne?" Mrs. Monroe asks surprised.

"Care to tell me what was happening here?"

"Yes, I'll tell you", says Mrs Monroe. Trystan dials you to let you know what happened.