
Choi Soo-young | BTS’ 8th member

Join Blue on her journey to fame with her band mates BTS. See what kind of hardships and good days she has to go through as the only female member of a boy group.

Enigma403 · Teen
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19 Chs

Incident at the airport

Sooyoung's POV

We had just landed in our next destination for our next love yourself concert. I was getting a bit nervous as the plane started slowing down.

The airport was one of the worst situations for me to be in. I was known for having mild claustrophobia. I'm not too bad in closed spaces but when someone touches me that's when I kinda break down.

We started walking off of the plane after looking for Namjoon's passport.

Ha. Classic.

I cling onto Jungkook as we walk through the doors. Hoseok circled around so I could cling onto his arm with my free one.

As soon as the members in front got through the door, I could hear the ear ripping screams. We all put our heads down to try and make it through the crowds fast since there were no barriers.

We were walking fast until my bucket hat got snatched off. Well Jungkook's bucket hat. I turned around to see who grabbed it but I knew I had no time to come back.

I could feel Jungkook slipping away so I completely clung onto Hobi only to find out that he wasn't there.

My eyes welled up with tears but I sucked it up and surveyed my surroundings. The door was practically right in front of me so I could make it.

I quickly dashed through the doors and made it to the van in time. I saw the rest of the members in there with their heads in their hands and Hobi crying.

They noticed the bright light and looked up.


"Where were you?"

"I thought we lost you for good."

I hugged whoever was close to me and broke down. I love ARMY of course I do. But situations like that are so hard for me to deal with and I can't help but be scared.

Jimin pulled me closer as I cried and the rest of the members tried to make me feel better in any way they could.

Jin told his awful but hilarious jokes and Jungkook and Jimin's laugh made it better. All Hobi has to do is smile and I'm not surprised that Yoongi is knocked out. Namjoon tried to join in on the jokes but that turned out to be a nightmare and Tae told me about our next adventures in the city after the concert.

They never have to do anything special to make me feel happy. Being within their presence makes me happy enough.