
Chinese corpse brother

An unexpected pollution from the waterworks broke the mundane life of Bai Xiaofei, a young loser. In the face of unheard of super-strong corpse brother, Xiaofei resolutely embarked on the road of finding a girlfriend. But there were many difficulties on the way, and Xiaofei, as an ordinary human being, was gradually unable to do what he wanted. After injecting booster drugs bought online, their own potential gradually erupted. After five passes and six generals, he defeated all kinds of mutated Brothers. The source of the mutation is also gradually revealed by the man behind it, except for his sharp fangs.

XU_FANG · Action
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88 Chs

The surprise attack of Beauty in the late Night (1)


An out of tune scream came from the next room.

The cry was so abrupt that Bai Xiaofei, who was watching the Walking Dead on the computer, trembled with fear and touched the ground with a glass of boiled water that had just fallen.

The water cup was smashed to pieces and the water flowed all over the floor.

Bai Xiaofei's fire will come up!

What's wrong with him?

In the middle of the night, ghosts scream.

The plasterboard walls of this dilapidated rental house are too thin to be soundproof. I can even be scared out of my mind when I suddenly come up with such a voice in the middle of the night.

Bai Xiaofei impolitely, raised his fist against the wall is a smash: "next door!"

Call you sister in the middle of the night!

You said that a big man of yours screamed like a * and let people stop!

Damn you! "

I can't believe he scolded back without a sound next door.

Bai Xiaofei was stunned.

This is a common six-story apartment building in H City, which looks shiny on the outside, but in fact, it has long been dilapidated inside. The floor tiles in the corridor are full of stains, and the corridor is full of sundries from every household. Both sides of the stair handrails are covered with half-new advertisements for psoriasis, and even a lot of external walls are leaking and the skins are rolled up.

To make matters worse, because the apartment, in order to fill more tenants, re-laid the wall to divide the room, the wall was only a thin layer of plasterboard, the outside was roughly painted with a layer of cheap latex paint, and over time, the paint cracked, and the voice of the owner was a little louder, so the West next door could hear it clearly, and sometimes the two families in the neighborhood would knock on the wall and scold each other.

Bai Xiaofei, a 23-year-old graphic designer, rents a small 10-square-meter room here, and next door is a couple of tenants who often make unpleasant noises because they do something they have sex with.

Bai Xiaofei scolded each other across the wall for this, but it was a little strange tonight. after the other party was scolded, he unexpectedly recognized it like this and did not say a word.

Bai Xiaofei was a little surprised, but he turned his head to see the water cup he had accidentally smashed, and immediately threw the abnormality of the couple next door behind him-the only cup in the room. He was about to drink hot water, but it was broken like this.

Bai Xiaofei swore in his mouth and helplessly took an apple and peeled it, intending to reluctantly quench his thirst.

There was a light sound from the doorknob. Bai Xiaofei turned his head and saw the doorknob turning left and right. It seemed that someone outside wanted to open the door and come in, but it was blocked by the locked doorknob.

The anger of Bai Xiaofei, which had not completely calmed down, was ignited again-- there was no need to ask, it must be the couple next door who came to find trouble after being scolded by themselves.

Do it!

Just now, I actually thought that they were howling and admitted that they were ashamed, and when they shrank their heads, they did not expect him to come directly to the door with a stomach full of bad water.

Bai Xiaofei has never been an afraid person, otherwise, he would not have been alone after graduation, turned down the job his father offered him in his hometown institution, and went to H City, where he was not familiar with his life, to make a living.

There are all kinds of people in this rental building. If you are weak, everyone will bully you.

Bai Xiaofei sneered, picked up the fruit knife in his hand, and strode to open the door. Damn, that's good. I was just about to ask you to pay for the cup.

Bai Xiaofei opened the door and roared, "Don't you dare to fight?"... "

He suddenly froze on the spot and saw that outside the door, the female neighbor next door was only dressed in black lace underwear, a pair of delicate hands had turned into claws, and his originally soft eyes had grown several times, covered with bloodshot, and the whole face was full of blue veins. In the bloody mouth full of sharp teeth, a long tongue like a lizard bounced over Bai Xiaofei's face.

Bai Xiaofei only had time to make a move-the hand still holding the doorknob swung vigorously, banged, and closed the door.

Bai Xiaofei leaned against the back of the door, his heart beating violently like beating a drum-hallucination!


What I just saw was definitely an illusion!

I must have seen too much of the Walking Dead and had a nightmare!

However, the tongue that was twisting on the floor tile told Bai Xiaofei that all this was definitely not a dream!

Bai Xiaofei was fighting, trying to reach out his tiptoe to touch the tip of the tongue, but the tongue bounced crazily as if he had a sense, banging on the ground, sprinkling green juice, in an attempt to roll up Bai Xiaofei's toes.

This is really not a dream!

In this world, there are really zombies like "biochemical crisis" and "Walking Dead"!

Bai Xiaofei suddenly retracted his foot and pressed his back tightly against the back of the door, as if he could be safer.

There's nothing to worry about. Bai Xiaofei thought silently in his heart that even if he was really a zombie like the Walking Dead, he had nothing to be afraid of. He acted clumsily and didn't have much strength. As long as he closed the door, he couldn't get in.

Bang, a heavy blow, the bottom of the board debris flying across the board, a claw hard smashed the wooden door, reached into the house!

Bai Xiaofei is stiff!

This, this is fucking wrong, it completely violates the common sense of zombies. Although the owner of the rental house did not use the iron anti-theft door in order to save money, the wooden door could not be chopped open even with a kitchen knife, but the female neighbor mutated into a zombie. I can't believe the door was smashed with one paw!

Fuck, Jiuyin white bone claws are not so powerful!

I'm a dead man!

Bai Xiaofei stared at the back of the female zombie who was climbing into the door hole from his crotch, only wearing a black lace bra, and a burst of urination came up. I only lived for 23 years. Is it inexplicably going to hang up?

The female zombie's head twirled stiffly, as if she were looking for something to devour in the rental room, and there was a hoarse roar in her throat that resembled hunger.

In this narrow room, Bai Xiaofei can't avoid it at all. If the head of the female zombie turns around and finds herself.

The head of a female zombie is as if there is no cervical vertebra, suddenly 180 degrees hard.

The female zombie's head is like no cervical vertebra, suddenly 180 degrees hard twist over, toward Bai Xiaofei's crotch, open sharp teeth, stretch the tongue which has been half broken by the door, pounced over!

Bai Xiaofei bit on the tip of his tongue, the intense pain and the bloody smell of his mouth inspired his whole body's strength and courage!

With a loud roar, he clamped his legs and clamped the female zombie's waist, stuck her back body in the doorway, reached out with his left hand, grabbed the female zombie's still supple hair, pressed hard, and pressed her head against the floor tile.

Knife-- bought from the supermarket for 14 yuan, the blade is only more than 10 centimeters long fruit knife, cut into the back of the neck of the female zombie!

Bai Xiaofei stabbed and sawed-yes, it was a saw word. How sharp the fruit sharpening knife could be. After it was cut into the flesh, it could not be cut off when it touched the cervical vertebra.

Bai Xiaofei pulled from side to side, like a saw, sawing the fruit cutter inch by inch into the neck of the female zombie, cutting deeper and deeper.

Green liquid gushed out of the neck of the female zombie like a fountain. Bai Xiaofei's hands slipped several times, and the female zombie seemed to know that her life was at stake, roaring wildly, wriggling her body and shaking her head, trying to get rid of Bai Xiaofei's hijacking.

If you don't look at the deformed head and claws of a female zombie and eliminate the background sound, Bai Xiaofei's posture can be called fragrant and gorgeous: he rides on a woman, the carcass with delicate skin wriggles, and the bra unlocks half of the button because of struggle. the shoulder straps on one side also slipped off, looming half a plump sphere-but only Bai Xiaofei knew the way, and now his own life and death hangs by a thread.

After the female neighbor was transformed into a zombie, she was so strong that she almost knocked her back off several times, forced her head on the floor tile to come over many times, and her sharp knife-like teeth clicked, only one thread away from being able to bite on her arm.

My only advantage is that half of the female zombie's back is stuck in the doorway, so I don't need all my strength.

Fruit knife stuck in a bone seam, how can not be sawed down, Bai Xiaofei pressure on the whole body strength, a dull hum, click, a light sound, female zombie, suddenly did not move.

Her cervical vertebra is broken.

As soon as the central nervous system is cut off, the ability to act is immediately lost.

But Bai Xiaofei did not stop. He clenched his teeth and continued sawing with a knife, trying to cut off the whole head of the female zombie-he still remembers the plot in the Walking Dead. Even if the zombie cut off its head, the body could not move, but the head could still live-he would never take any risks!