
Chinese corpse brother

An unexpected pollution from the waterworks broke the mundane life of Bai Xiaofei, a young loser. In the face of unheard of super-strong corpse brother, Xiaofei resolutely embarked on the road of finding a girlfriend. But there were many difficulties on the way, and Xiaofei, as an ordinary human being, was gradually unable to do what he wanted. After injecting booster drugs bought online, their own potential gradually erupted. After five passes and six generals, he defeated all kinds of mutated Brothers. The source of the mutation is also gradually revealed by the man behind it, except for his sharp fangs.

XU_FANG · Action
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88 Chs

Rotten girls don't end well

Xiaofei shouted loudly, pointed at the heads of three girls and scolded: "Okay, let's see what nonsense you answered. The teacher said again and again that the Internet is full of garbage, don't be polluted, but what about you? The teacher says one thing in front of him and another behind his back. Now even my good friends have said it, you guys, your souls have been poisoned by the Internet! How can you be class cadres and wear red scarves like this?!"

As Bai Xiaofei yelled, the heads of the three girls all withered. Living as two-faced people, what they fear most is that their other side will be exposed to the public. They are unscrupulous in the online world, spraying poisonous words everywhere. , but once the "bad boy" side is exposed, they will immediately have a psychological breakdown, especially female students, who have thin skin and relatively fragile psychology. When Bai Xiaofei exposes her "bad girl" nature to her face, she immediately panics.

Bai Xiaofei was overjoyed that his adventure was successful, and now only a boy's head was left. He asked a question that had never been answered since humans could think: "Ask, which came first, the chicken or the egg!"

"First came the chicken and then the egg. No, no, no, there was the egg first and then the chicken. No, no, where would the eggs come from without the chicken? Wrong, without the eggs, where would the chicken come from?" The only remaining boy's head screamed As he spoke, the super-long neck bone swayed wildly, and even retracted his two giant palms, patting his chest like a naked orangutan.

In the broadcast room, the tall and lanky man finally controlled Xiaohui and Yu Xiaojia. After all, the two girls were relatively weak and were tied tightly with ropes. After tying Xiaohui and Yu Xiaojia together again with tape, the tall and lanky man jumped. When I returned to the console, I saw from the monitoring screen that the eight-headed long-necked corpse brother was getting out of control.

He was shocked: "Damn, this kid really has two brushes. He actually took advantage of the shortcomings of eight heads that have independent consciousness and are difficult to reconcile with each other to carry out various attacks. My laptop has audio in it and can be restarted again. The corpse brother in a state of confusion - miserable, it was broken and can't be opened! What should I do? What should I do? Although there are still a few long-necked corpse brothers in the school that I made by myself, there are no longer those in the laptop. If you start the audio, you can't start them, not to mention, you can't quench your thirst!"

The tall and thin man saw that the green light in the eyes of the last head of the eight-headed long-necked corpse brother was extinguished. He knew that Bai Xiaofei would rush in the next moment and he would not be able to defeat him. Could it be that he had to use the last resort? ?

The tall and thin man's pupils shrank suddenly, and he threw himself in front of a small black leather bag placed on the console in the broadcast room. He took out a tube of medicine from a row of disposable syringes in the bag. , he stabbed it into his arm, but when the needle was about to pierce the skin, he paused - this reagent had just been completed. Although he was sure that it was more perfect than the gene that created the long-necked corpse brother, but After all, it has not been tested on animals and humans, so I don't know what kind of danger exists——

The tall and thin man turned his attention to Yu Xiaojia and Xiao Hui, and suddenly strode towards them. He leaned over and grabbed a dog at Yu Xiaojia's feet.

A puppy that can be held in the palm of an adult's hand. This is a teacup dog. It is Yu Xiaojia's favorite pet. It never leaves her body. After Yu Xiaojia was caught by the tall and thin man, the puppy had nowhere to go, so Baba followed. , because this teacup dog really has no offensive power, the tall and thin man allowed it to follow him, and he also hoped that Yu Xiaojia would follow him willingly, so he was unwilling to hurt the love in her heart.

At this time, the tall and thin man grabbed the teacup dog. Regardless of the dog's struggle and barking, he poked the needle in his hand and a tube of reagent was injected into the dog's body -

Boom, there was a loud noise, and the door of the broadcasting studio was kicked open. The force was so strong that even the door lock hinges fell off. The whole door flew in upside down and hit the tall and thin man's back. The tall and thin man couldn't make it in time. He dodged, grunted, and fell heavily to the ground, with the door panel pressing on him.

Bai Xiaofei stepped on the door panel and strode in. He saw Xiao Hui at a glance, and her mouth was tied again. Seeing Bai Xiaofei's figure, she was filled with surprises, her eyes sparkled, and she made a moaning sound.

Bai Xiaofei jumped over with a single stroke, and with a stroke of the ax in his hand, the ropes on Xiao Hui's hands were cut off. Just as he was about to cut off the ropes on Xiao Hui's feet, Xiao Hui raised his hands and pulled the strip of cloth from his mouth: "Bai Xiaofei, be careful, that dog!"

dog? Bai Xiaofei turned his head and saw a puppy lying on the ground - such a small guy. If he wasn't careful, he would be trampled to death. There was an empty syringe lying next to the dog - why did Xiaohui remind herself to be careful about such a half-dead little guy?

Bai Xiaofei was still hesitating. The little teacup dog lying dying on the ground suddenly twitched, and then with a violent clicking sound, the little teacup dog suddenly grew taller like a balloon - I wonder, what's going on? What's going on? ! Bai Xiaofei has seen giant corpse brothers, but most of them are the result of multiple mutations after swallowing other corpse brothers. For example, the giant corpse brother swallowed the Hatsune Corpse Brother and the Calabash Baby Corpse Brother successively, while the eight-headed long-necked corpse brother It was the fusion of 8 students that gave him such a huge physique.

But this teacup dog, as its name suggests, was originally only the size of a teacup. How could it become so huge in one hand? !

At this time, the teacup dog has completed its transformation. It is nearly two meters tall. Its four thick legs are covered with sharp bone spurs. There are also bone spurs on its back like a tall horse. The mouth is open and it is really saying It can be said to be a bloody mouth.

Teacup Dog Super Big Corpse Brother!

Bai Xiaofei pulled Xiao Hui and the other woman behind him and said, "Be careful!" He raised the ax in his hand. Good guy, this big teacup dog occupies a small half of the room. With two weak women, he can't escape at all, so he has to fight hard again.

At this time, Yu Xiaojia also untied the rope on her body with the help of Xiaohui. She watched her beloved teacup dog turn into such a monster, and she was so heartbroken that she called out with a trembling voice: "Becky, Becky, how did you become like this?" ?"

With a crash, the door panel that had fallen on the ground was opened, and the tall and thin man got up from the ground. He laughed wildly: "Yu Xiaojia, your pet dog Beqi has turned into a corpse brother. It's not too late for you to beg me for mercy now. As long as You said you love me, and when I let Becky eat these couple of bitches who broke into Sunshine Elementary School and disturbed my great experiment, I will take you to fight for dominance in this new world of zombie brothers. I will become the unique king, and You are my goddess and my only queen."