
Chinese corpse brother

An unexpected pollution from the waterworks broke the mundane life of Bai Xiaofei, a young loser. In the face of unheard of super-strong corpse brother, Xiaofei resolutely embarked on the road of finding a girlfriend. But there were many difficulties on the way, and Xiaofei, as an ordinary human being, was gradually unable to do what he wanted. After injecting booster drugs bought online, their own potential gradually erupted. After five passes and six generals, he defeated all kinds of mutated Brothers. The source of the mutation is also gradually revealed by the man behind it, except for his sharp fangs.

XU_FANG · Action
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88 Chs

Corpse Dafa

Bai Xiaofei was recalling the post on the Zombie Transformation Dafa website and rummaging through the shelves according to the pictures:

More than 70% concentrated sulfuric acid, haha, this is a well-known must-have for home travel and is a must-have for killing people without blood. Get a bottle.

Perchloric acid, which is known as the strongest inorganic acid, come on, get a bottle too.

Needless to say, I'll get a bottle of concentrated nitric acid.

By the way, nitric acid and hydrochloric acid can be made into aqua regia, the ratio is 1:3, it is one of the few chemicals that can dissolve gold, nothing can be missing without it, and it will be mixed immediately.

Bai Xiaofei was also daring, he started to prepare aqua regia without any protection, the aqua regia produced a large amount of chlorine gas, almost fumigated Bai Xiaofei, this is because Bai Xiaofei's physique is different from ordinary people, he really doesn't know what the word "death" is when he messes with chemicals like this written.

However, Bai Xiaofei at least knew that the aqua regia should be packed in Teflon plastic, so he took a special plastic bottle from the store and put it in, otherwise, before Mr. Mu was corroded, Bai Xiaofei would have melted the corpse himself.

In the end, Bai Xiaofei mixed concentrated sulfuric acid with potassium dichromate to make a chromic acid lotion, because it was introduced in the net post that the chromic acid lotion was closest to the effect of the legendary corpse water.

Bai Xiaofei was rummaging around in the store, and suddenly turned his head, and saw a plastic bottle under the table, with the label "HF" on it, HF——this thing, it's hydrofluoric acid!

Bai Xiaofei was very impressed with hydrofluoric acid, because he saw on the Internet that some middle school students used this killer tool to paint glass paintings, and the result was contaminated, which attracted incidents of chemical experts from all over the country and even overseas to give first aid.

He remembered that this thing was extremely penetrating. After the skin was touched by this thing, it seemed that there was no problem on the surface. In fact, the fluoride ions had already penetrated the body, silently turning human bones into fluorite.

This is a good thing. It is most suitable for dealing with Teacher Mu's crystal body protection. The fluoride ions can penetrate the surface of the crystal and enter Teacher Mu's body, rotting flesh and flesh into nothing. Be sure to bring it with you, but be careful when using this thing, if it gets on a drop, Bai Xiaofei will become a patient with osteoporosis, he will fracture when walking on flat ground, and the heart, liver, kidney and nervous system will be irreversibly damaged. harm.

Bai Xiaofei carefully put away the plastic bottle containing HF. He is now wearing all kinds of bottles and cans, but he still feels that he is not prepared enough. These acids and alkalis are definitely a big killer to the ordinary human body, but they are against Teacher Mu. , but still not sure, and whether it is acid or alkali, a certain amount of chemical reaction time is required, Bai Xiaofei has to find something more lethal, which can kill Teacher Mu with one blow.

Bai Xiaofei scanned the shelves. Suddenly, he saw aluminum powder and ferric oxide. By the way, these things can be made into thermite, added with oxidizer, and can be ignited with magnesium strips. This stuff can produce 3000-degree heat High temperature, no matter how powerful Mr. Mu's crystallization is, it must be turned into slag. In "Deadly Poisoner", this thing is used to boil the ultra-thick lock of the special chemical warehouse door.

Bai Xiaofei quickly cleaned up, carrying a small bag on his back, which contained thermite, several bottles of strong acid and strong alkali wrapped with tape on his back, and a plastic hydrofluoric acid jug marked HF on his right waist , wearing thick two-layer protective gloves on both hands, and goggles on the face—this highly corrosive liquid is splashed, but it is extremely difficult to control the direction, if it pours on yourself, you will kill yourself , Bai Xiaofei has these gloves and goggles to protect himself, so he feels a little more at ease.

However, it was just a little bit of peace of mind.

Bai Xiaofei didn't have the certainty of defeating Teacher Mu. Although his body had evolved after being beaten up by Teacher Mu just now, Bai Xiaofei still didn't have the confidence to defeat Teacher Mu.

In fact, he can completely ignore it, and saving his own life is the most important thing. However, a demon like Teacher Mu who uses elementary school students as human experiments must not stay in this world! Otherwise, he would use that god's gene, and he didn't know how many innocent people would be hurt. More importantly, Bai Xiaofei couldn't let Xiaohui fall into the hands of that perverted pervert. Xiaohui was locked in the studio and found himself coming When rescuing each other, in order to help her, she dared to fight with Teacher Mu with her hands tied behind her back—even though she was transformed into a former scumbag with 5 fighting strength——Bai Xiaofei couldn't live up to this love of life and death. Xiao Hui.

Having said that, Bai Xiaofei also has a little bit of selfishness. Teacher Mu is not a good guy, but he does have two talents. When Yanhuang used the power of the top scientists in the country, he only developed an impure dead brother virus gene with a huge effect- -While taking stimulants, Teacher Mu used the crude equipment in the elementary school to purify the high-grade Corpse Brother virus gene. Talent, this guy is indeed a talent!

Whether it is Becky or Teacher Mu, after being injected with the gene of God, they immediately gained great power. What is even more amazing is that, unlike the corpse brother Bai Xiaofei met before, Becky and Teacher Mu both retain their own strength. waking consciousness!

Teacher Mu really managed to extract the essence and discard the dross. He named the purified dead brother virus gene the God Gene, and hoped to build a new world. This is not ignorant arrogance. Think about it. , if ordinary people are injected with this god gene, while retaining consciousness and wisdom, and gaining power like gods, what a wonderful world will become!

Bai Xiaofei must hold such power in his hands. If he obtains the God's Gene from Teacher Mu, when he finds Xiaowei in the future, no matter what she becomes, he will be saved!

Therefore, Bai Xiaofei must defeat Teacher Mu, both in public and private matters, he has no way to escape!

After Bai Xiaofei stopped, he jumped on the spot. The bottles on his body were very stable, and there was no clinking. Then he nodded in satisfaction, and rushed out of the chemical specialty store, heading towards Sunshine Elementary School.

When Bai Xiaofei ran into the gate of Sunshine Primary School again, he suddenly saw a white figure staggering towards the teaching building - it was Becky! Teacher Yu Xiaojia's teacup dog corpse brother! It was knocked out of its head by Teacher Mu, but it was not dead. It was struggling back to the teaching building, focusing on protecting its owner.

Bai Xiaofei stopped and called softly: "Becky."

Becky stopped in his tracks, bared his fangs at Bai Xiaofei, and roared from his throat, Bai Xiaofei hurriedly said: "It's me, Becky, a friend of your master Yu Xiaojia."

Hearing the name of the hostess, Becky's pricked ears drooped again. It poked its huge head over, sniffed Bai Xiaofei, and immediately smelled his scent—it turned out that Bai Xiaofei was covered with all kinds of strong acid. Some chemicals in the alkali bottle have a pungent smell, so Becky didn't recognize them for a while.

At this time, after Becky recognized Bai Xiaofei, he immediately stretched out his big tongue like a rag and licked Bai Xiaofei several times. Bai Xiaofei carefully examined Beqi and found that it was also seriously injured. One of its legs was broken and it was vomiting blood from time to time.

Bai Xiaofei touched Becky's big head: "You are such a good dog. I know that even though you are so big, what beats in your body is still the heart of a teacup dog. The little dog In the face of a powerful enemy, the teacup dog was seriously injured in order to protect his master, but he still insisted on fighting. You are stronger than many people. It is really an insult to a loyal and good dog like you to scold people with a wolf heart. I will save your beautiful mistress. You can't help if you are injured like this, so just stay here."

Bai Xiaofei turned around and was about to go upstairs, but Becky opened his mouth and grabbed the corner of his clothes, and refused to let him go no matter what, Bai Xiaofei smiled wryly: "Becky, you can't, even if you weren't injured just now, you couldn't beat Namu Teacher, don't tell me that you can't even walk now."

Becky whimpered, and looked at Bai Xiaofei pitifully with his big eyes. Bai Xiaofei gritted his teeth and said to himself: "I really need help. If Becky uses it well, he can surprise Teacher Mu with a fatal blow." , As for its wounds—the characteristic of the corpse brother is that it can devour each other for multiple evolutions, the corpse brother virus gene in my body can automatically heal the body, if Becky can also get this gene, maybe it can also heal quickly."