
Chimerical World System

"What...Just Happened?" He was flabbergasted as he was suddenly saved. "I just saved you and as your savior I demand a reward!" The girl with pale blue hair and golden eyes spoke with a certain arrogance. "Huh-" "Come with me! You are the final puzzle piece." And before he could ask more, more people appeared and he had to sigh. 'Its a game right? Or was I reincarnated?' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In the enchanting realm of the Chimerical World System, a virtual wonderland with infinite possibilities, millions of players have embarked on their quests for glory. Saad enters the game as Kael Emberflame, under some unusual circumstances. However, what initially appears to be a vibrant adventure soon takes a curious turn. Does Kael hold the key to Saad's ultimate success, or is it a doorway to something much bigger than what he originally thought. ------------------------------------------------------------------ This story is purely fictional.

Han_Sirang · Fantasy
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124 Chs

The Serpent's Den

The receptionist who was a bulky NPC nodded with a friendly smile. Saad read his name but it sounded really weird to him, 'Jovy'. He said it in his mind and then ignoring the name, listened to the receptionist talk, "Yeah. It's the same. 100 Quills per week if you are novice and the weapon-"

Saad winced internally at the cost, but he knew he couldn't afford to let his wallet dictate his decisions. With a deep breath, he nodded. "I'll take it and I don't need weapon. I have it."

The receptionist's lips curled into a faint smile, as if he had been waiting for his decision. "Very well. Dune, get me the registration application. Your training will begin tomorrow. Be sure to bring your weapon."

As he handed over the spheres, Saad's wallet cried out in protest, but his resolve remained unshaken. He had a long journey ahead, both with his shield training and now with whip mastery. He already knew that this was the only way he could go a long way. But seeing the condition of his current balance in game, he really needed to take quests that could earn him more money. Because in five more days he would need to make payment for his defense mastery class and the shield and after that renew the weakly training token for both

As Saad left the training area, his steps were lighter with the knowledge that he was making strides, even if they were small. The sun had begun to dip below the horizon, casting a warm golden hue over Seraphia. He still had more than an hour left for the dinner time so it was perfect time to get out and go check the serpent's Den or simply put the glorious class changing tower. It was only five minutes away and Saad had never seen any building like that, if you could call that impossibly long tower that. He could see it going up in clouds and how far up it would be, Saad had no idea.

Saad stepped into the majestic class-changing tower, his curiosity and awe growing with every detail he observed. The looming presence of the Igneous Stone beneath his feet held an air of mystique, and he couldn't help but wonder about the immense efforts and resources it took to craft this extraordinary place.

The reception area, adorned with polished black stone, had an aura of elegance. Saad took his time to appreciate the intricate patterns of the floor as he approached the counters. The symbol-adorned doors lining the sides of the hall piqued his interest, hinting at the various paths that players could embark upon within this tower. There were plants that adorned the hall and also nice benches for people to sit. It was really designed well, Saad had to say.

As his gaze drifted upward, he found himself captivated by the massive painting on the ceiling. A white serpent entangled in combat with a fearsome dragon, while angels descended from the heavens above. One angel stood out—a unique being with a black and a white wing. This imagery tugged at his memory, reminding him of Aeorn, the guide who had introduced him to this world.

Approaching the receptionist, a strikingly beautiful NPC in a pristine white uniform, Saad inquired about the process of acquiring a new class. The receptionist regarded him with a warm smile, her eyes twinkling with an otherworldly grace. She looked refreshed with her lovely black hair tied in a nice bun and her green eye full of welcoming smile.

"Welcome to the Class Acquisition Chamber," she greeted. "I see you're curious about advancing your journey. It's a significant step, and we're here to assist you."

Saad returned her smile, feeling a mixture of excitement and apprehension. "Yes, I am. I've been training with the whip and I just got to level 10 yesterday. So I wanted to get the class of Whip Master. I am here for information."

The receptionist nodded, her expression understanding. "I understand. Acquiring a new class is a pivotal moment for every adventurer. Here in the tower, you can choose to unlock latent abilities you've yet to awaken. Choosing a class not only helps you gain higher level active skills related to your class but also helps with increasing your mastery through the tower trials and quests."

Saad's curiosity got the better of him. "How does it work? Do I just choose a door?"

She chuckled gently. "Not quite. Each door represents a different class path, and they require specific criteria to unlock. To aid in your decision, you'll find descriptions on the doors themselves. Take your time to choose wisely. And also dear customer, what is your age? Have you already awakened?" Perhaps she was thinking he might only be here to get the information and not for the class change since he obviously looked a little too young for that.

"I am 15 but trust me, I am sure that I want my main class to be whip master." Saad tried to come off as confident, since he had already decided of changing his character once he got enough money. He just wanted to get his class so he could have some advantage. His gaze shifted toward the symbol-adorned doors, contemplating the unknown paths that awaited him. "So what's the cost?"

Her expression grew more serious as if deciding to not try to convince him anymore since he was still a customer, no matter his age. "The first-time class acquisition is free, a gesture to encourage exploration. However, should you desire to change your chosen path after this initial decision, it will come at a steep cost."

Saad nodded, feeling a mix of relief and a niggling doubt. He had no intention of looking back once he embarked on this new journey. "I'm certain of my choice." He once more said even as the nervousness gnawed on his heart. 'It's fine. I won't even be using the same character by the time the year passes.' He thought to himself to not get cold feet now.

The receptionist smiled at him encouragingly, back to her professional self. "That's the spirit. Before you proceed, there's a small fee for the teleportation ritual to the class-changing chamber. It's three spheres."

Saad's heart sank at the mention of the fee—three precious spheres. He had to make this decision carefully. With a deep breath, he reluctantly paid the cost, handing over the spheres. "I understand."

She handed him a small, circular emblem that signified his authorization for the teleportation ritual. "Very well. Proceed to the cubicle on the right. Place the emblem on the marked spot, and the ritual will begin."

Following her directions, Saad entered the designated cubicle. The emblem glowed faintly as he stepped onto the marked spot on the floor. Suddenly, the room erupted in a radiant display of magic, and his surroundings blurred and twisted. The sensation was both exhilarating and disorienting, like being caught in a whirlwind of colors and energy.

When the magic finally subsided, Saad found himself standing in a tranquil and charming scene. He was in a cozy, rustic hut nestled within a vibrant forest. Sunlight filtered through the foliage, casting a warm and inviting glow. The air was scented with the earthy perfume of the woods, and the distant sound of a babbling brook added to the serene ambiance.

Saad blinked in astonishment, trying to comprehend the transition. His initial confusion gave way to curiosity and a newfound excitement. He was finally going to have his class assigned to him. He didn't question just how the tower could have a place like this since it was game and no matter how hyper realistic, certain things just made sense.

Saad looked around at the picturesque surroundings—the vibrant flora, the gentle babbling brook, and the cozy hut that exuded a sense of tranquility. He couldn't help but feel a sense of wonder at how immersive and lifelike this virtual world was. The leaves on the trees rustled softly in the breeze, and the sunlight danced through the branches, casting dappled patterns on the forest floor. As he approached the hut, a figure caught his attention—a man, his age hard to determine due to his unique appearance, engrossed in fishing by the stream.

With a mixture of curiosity and eagerness, Saad approached the man, captivated by the idyllic scene. He watched as the man skillfully handled the fishing rod, a sense of calmness suddenly filling his heart. It really was a scenery that felt right out of a dream, Saad cleared his throat and called out, "Excuse me."

The man looked up from his task, and their eyes met. There was something intriguing about his gaze, a depth that hinted at experiences beyond the surface. The man's features held a sense of age and wisdom, though his vitality and energy seemed endless. He wore a simple ash gray shirt and trousers, his attire mirroring the serene ambiance around them.

Do you think Saad made the right call about selecting his class right away and ignoring what the receptionist said?

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