
Chimerical World System

"What...Just Happened?" He was flabbergasted as he was suddenly saved. "I just saved you and as your savior I demand a reward!" The girl with pale blue hair and golden eyes spoke with a certain arrogance. "Huh-" "Come with me! You are the final puzzle piece." And before he could ask more, more people appeared and he had to sigh. 'Its a game right? Or was I reincarnated?' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In the enchanting realm of the Chimerical World System, a virtual wonderland with infinite possibilities, millions of players have embarked on their quests for glory. Saad enters the game as Kael Emberflame, under some unusual circumstances. However, what initially appears to be a vibrant adventure soon takes a curious turn. Does Kael hold the key to Saad's ultimate success, or is it a doorway to something much bigger than what he originally thought. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Update: Everyday

Han_Sirang · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
107 Chs

The Final Well

Saad arrived at the entrance of the next well, his eyes scanning the area for any signs of the arachnid infestation. However, to his surprise, there were no unhatched eggs in sight. Instead, he found cobwebs covering the walls and floor of the cavern. The absence of eggs puzzled him; it seemed this well had already been used by the Shadowweb Arachnids. As he inspected the area, his mind began to piece together the puzzle.

The realization struck him like a bolt of lightning. This well must have been the location where the queen arachnid had initially laid her eggs. The very same eggs that had hatched into the horde he had battled earlier in the city. The interlinked tunnels that branched out from this well had allowed the arachnids to infiltrate the surrounding houses and buildings, spreading their infestation.

Saad's heart raced with the significance of this discovery. It all made sense now. The cobwebs, the absence of eggs, the tunnels – they were all part of the arachnids' grand design. The city's infestation was merely an extension of the arachnid queen's strategy to take over the entire area. And Saad had unknowingly played a part in uncovering their plot. He still couldn't forget the silhouette of that strange tall creature and sound of arachnid's skirting.

His gaze shifted to a set of stairs that led upward, away from the dried-up well. Curiosity piqued, he ascended the stairs, emerging from the underground darkness into a dimly lit space. He looked around, realizing that this well was situated much closer to the houses than he had anticipated. It was clear that the arachnids' infestation had been facilitated by this strategic location.

With all seven clues now gathered, Saad's quest [Arachnid Infestation -1] was completed. A sense of accomplishment welled up within him as he reviewed the information he had gathered. But his triumph was short-lived as the next link quest revealed itself before him – [Slaying the Queen -2]. The name alone sent a shiver down his spine. Slaying the arachnid queen sounded like an impossible feat, something beyond his capabilities.

[Slaying the Queen -2]

You have discovered several clues uncovering the mystery behind the gloomy shadows lurking on the Seraphia. The one responsible for it seems to be the Shadowweb Arachnid Queen. The Queen has made the wells of Seraphia her breeding grounds. Killing the Queen will end the infestation.

- Quest Details -

Slaying Shadowweb Queen: Incomplete

Difficulty: C


Queen's Armor x1

Core of Shadow-web Queen x1

Fame: +100

Experience points: +200

Doubt gnawed at his confidence. How could he, a lone adventurer, take on a formidable queen that had likely birthed the very horde he had struggled against? Saad's mind raced with thoughts of failure, of being outmatched by the sheer power of the arachnid queen. But he couldn't afford to be paralyzed by fear.

Pushing his doubts aside, he resolved to continue. He dismissed the idea of directly confronting the queen for now and instead focused on the mission at hand: finding the last well. With only 17 minutes remaining on the quest timer, time was of the essence. He took a deep breath, his grip tightening on his whip and his shield, and he stepped forward into the interlinked tunnels that the arachnid queen had meticulously crafted.

As Saad ventured deeper into the interconnected passages, he couldn't shake off the sense of urgency that hung over him. The labyrinthine tunnels twisted and turned, leading him through the intricate web spun by the arachnid queen. The walls seemed to pulse with a malevolent energy, a reminder of the formidable adversary he would eventually have to face.

The minutes ticked away, each step taking him closer to his goal. Saad's heart pounded in his chest as he pressed forward, his determination unwavering. The shadows seemed to whisper with every movement, a constant reminder of the arachnid presence that surrounded him.

With every turn he took, every corridor he navigated, he hoped to catch a glimpse of the final well. The timer continued its countdown, a relentless reminder that time was running out. As he rounded a corner, his eyes widened – there it was, the last well. The relief that washed over him was palpable.

He approached the well, his heart still racing, but this time with a renewed sense of purpose. The radiance orb's glow illuminated the area, casting an ethereal light that pushed back the darkness.

Saad's heart raced as he reached the entrance of the final well, only ten minutes remaining on the clock. The ominous atmosphere was palpable, and his instincts told him that this was the source of the arachnid infestation. As he peered down into the well, his gaze met a chilling sight – countless shadow-web eggs, each pulsing faintly with eerie black mists. It was evident that these eggs were on the brink of hatching, and time was of the essence.

With a quick assessment, Saad realized that his Quirkwood Whip's durability had dwindled to 17 out of 30. The relentless battles had taken their toll, and he couldn't afford to be ill-equipped now. Instinct and necessity guided his decision: he unfastened the Serpent's Scale Shield from his arm and held it like a battering ram.

With the eggs before him, he swung the shield, the enchanted scales colliding with the eggs. The impact resonated with a series of satisfying cracks as the eggs shattered. Each strike seemed to amplify his confidence, and the notifications of his shield skill's increasing mastery resounded in his mind like a chorus of achievements.

Minutes dwindled, the sand slipping through the hourglass, but Saad didn't falter. He continued to smash the eggs with the shield, a flurry of precise strikes that displayed the effectiveness of his newfound shield mastery. The shards of the eggs scattered, revealing a growing number of small, shadowy creatures. The mere sight of them fueled his determination.

With just a minute and a half left, Saad cleared the last of the eggs, the well's once-tainted water now free from the threat. The accomplishment was accompanied by a wave of relief and satisfaction. The hidden quest, [Well of Despair], displayed its completion notification, marking a pivotal moment in his journey.

As he caught his breath, his gaze fell upon a strange, glistening crystal nestled among the broken eggshells. It emanated an otherworldly aura, a testament to the darkness that had plagued the well. He pocketed the crystal, a curious artifact that might reveal its significance later.

Yet, in the midst of this triumph, something even more momentous unfolded. Above Saad's head, a radiant display of silver wings materialized. The long-awaited achievement had finally arrived. With his heart racing and a mixture of elation and anticipation, he realized that he had achieved the coveted level 10.

But while he was celebrating, multiple messages had appeared in front of him but the most important one was about his inventory.

[Your inventory has exceeded the limit. The extra items will be discarded in 30 seconds.]

Saad quickly opened the character window to realize that his inventory and item management was a mess. He now had the option to expand his inventory as a reward for level 10 and he quickly pressed it and the silver glowing boxes soon revealed themselves. He now had the liberty to hold 25 items and that was a relief because he didn't want to throw away anything. Saad took a look at his items, eying the black chest which was a special chest for achieving level 10.


Pouch Of Quills, Recipe Of Moon Flower Soup, Lunar Dust Seeds x5, Verdant Sooth x2, Silver Chests x2, Poisoned Cobweb x1, Healing Draught x2, Training token x, Association Card, Monster Ward x1, Fury Elixir, Young Master's Silver Pendant, Corruption Crystal x1, Alchemical Sachet, Enchanted Lore Pen, Abyssal Fragment x1, Widow's Eye x1, Abyssal Chest, Shadow-web arachnid fangs x200

Saad started by taking a look at his character window after distributing the stat points, to see the new changes.

Character Window - ID: 1221


Name: Kael Emberflame

Age: 15

Race: Human

Soul Resonance: Locked (New!)

Main Class: --------- (New!) Sub Class: Locked (New!)

Job: Apprentice of Ashen Witch (New!)

Titles: Young Master of Emberflame (Passive), Witch's Apprentice- Novice (Growth type), Shadow-bane, Arachnid Annihilator (New!)

Main Weapon: [Serpent's Scale Shield] Sub Weapon: Locked (New!)

Level: 10 (315/550)

HP: 171/171



Stamina: 42

Strength: 33

Agility: 36

Intelligence: 16

Charm: 5

Dexterity: 31

Vitality: (Unavailable)

Arcane Points: Locked (New!)

Fame: 97

Status point: 0

[Offensive Stats] (New!) >>>>Expand<<<<

[Defensive Stats] (New!)>>>>Expand<<<<

[Effect Stats] (New!) >>>>Expand<<<<

[Special Stats] (New!) >>>>Expand<<<<

Potential: locked

Active Skills:

[Lash Strike]

[Lore Lexicon]

[Shield Bash]

[New Skill Slot] (Empty)

Passive Skills:

[Luck's Favor]

[Indomitable Will]

[Whip Mastery –Novice]

[Shield Mastery- Novice]

Life Skills:

[Herbal Mastery - Novice]

[Household Chore Mastery - Novice]

[Negotiation – Novice]

[Bookworm - Novice]

Skill points: 45

Wealth: 17 Spheres 55 Quills


* A mysterious and ominous fate is at play.* >>>> Expand<<<<


Lavinia: Ally

Drusilla: Acquaintance

Ashen Witch: Acquaintance

Ryona : In Progress

His eyes ignored everything and focused on the 'Mysterious Fate', that was finally unlocked.

What do you think about the level 10 and the perks that came with it?

Han_Sirangcreators' thoughts