
Chimerical World System

"What...Just Happened?" He was flabbergasted as he was suddenly saved. "I just saved you and as your savior I demand a reward!" The girl with pale blue hair and golden eyes spoke with a certain arrogance. "Huh-" "Come with me! You are the final puzzle piece." And before he could ask more, more people appeared and he had to sigh. 'Its a game right? Or was I reincarnated?' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In the enchanting realm of the Chimerical World System, a virtual wonderland with infinite possibilities, millions of players have embarked on their quests for glory. Saad enters the game as Kael Emberflame, under some unusual circumstances. However, what initially appears to be a vibrant adventure soon takes a curious turn. Does Kael hold the key to Saad's ultimate success, or is it a doorway to something much bigger than what he originally thought. ------------------------------------------------------------------ Update: Everyday

Han_Sirang · Fantasy
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107 Chs

Stich Witch's Domain- I

Saad stood in front of the clothing material dungeon known as the "Stitch Witch's Domain," expecting a more natural environment, perhaps a straightforward cave. However, to his surprise, it was an ordinary building, closely resembling the style and design of the adventurer association building. The name suggested a mystical dungeon that was made to break the laws of causality and fate, but the structure seemed to defy the fantastical theme one might expect in a game. Nonetheless, Saad admitted to himself that the architectural choice did align with the overall game lore.

Taking a deep breath, he stepped inside the vintage-style building. The dark wooden walls adorned with stones and red brick flooring gave it an antique charm. Crisscross windows made of wood allowed ample light to fill the space, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. The bustling environment within puzzled Saad, featuring a small bar, a bathroom area, a humble seating space, and a reception area where players could form teams. Information about entering the dungeon, including a map of the first 40 levels, was available for purchase. There was also a mysterious room behind the reception. Saad guessed that perhaps that was the entrance to the dungeon.

Directing his attention to the reception area, Saad encountered two bubbly NPCs, seemingly twins with silver hair and eyes, dressed in yellow and peachy outfits. The male was occupied dealing with another player, leaving Saad with Lyrane, the female NPC. She greeted him with a voice reminiscent of chirping birds, her wide eyes and bob-cut silver hair giving her an almost puppet-like appearance. Two braids adorned her sides, held together by a cute silk band.

"Hello there! What can I do for you today?" Lyrane greeted, her voice resonating with animated enthusiasm.

"Hey," Saad replied, a bit more subdued. "I'd like to apply for a party, please."

Lyrane's eyes widened with curiosity. "Oh, wonderful! Is this your first time?"

Saad nodded, wondering what he was getting himself into. For some reason this girl felt a little creepy, "Yeah, it is. I am Kael Emberflame."

With a gleeful smile and her small hands clasping together, Lyrane explained, "Well, I'm Lyrane, a humble servant of the Stitch Witch. The doors behind me lead to the labyrinth, and you're in for a treat! Only four teams, a total of 28 people, can enter at once. You've got a maximum of four hours to explore, and the labyrinth records everything. Oh, and you can only enter once every four days! Isn't that exciting?"

Saad raised an eyebrow. Wasn't there a lot of fours involved? "Four seems to be a popular number around here. Why's that?"

Lyrane's eyes sparkled. "Oh, that's because the Stitch Witch has a thing for the number four. It's her favorite, you know! Everything here is influenced by her magic, and four is kind of her signature."

Saad scratched his head, still not entirely convinced by the logic, "Well, alright. How do I apply for a team then, to enter the dungeon?"

Lyrane smiled, "Simple! I've noted your name, and when it's your turn, you'll receive a notification. Just hang around and enjoy the atmosphere. It shouldn't take more than half an hour."

Curious, Saad inquired, "Half an hour, huh? Alright. And how much is the entrance fee?"

Lyrane responded, "It's 40 quills, adventurer. You can pay at the counter whenever you're ready to explore the labyrinth. It's 10 quills for each hour inside."

Saad nodded, paid the entrance fee, and decided to explore the area while waiting. Exiting the building, he discovered the Mazarine Square. At its center stood a remarkable statue – a female warrior holding a blue square with intricate runes carved on it. The statue was crafted from a normal stone, but only the cube the statute was holding was special, exhibiting hues ranging from dark blue to light blue, adding to its mystique. Intrigued, Saad took in the surroundings and pondered the significance of the square.

Curiosity piqued, Saad focused his attention on the mysterious blue cube. Attempting to glean more information, he checked its specifications, but all he found was a cryptic message:

[Blue Cube of Evigheden]

The cube signifies the legendary weapon used by the warrior of Gaia Evigheden.

Perplexed, Saad felt that there must be more to it than met the eye. Despite his efforts, the information was elusive, leaving him with a sense that the item held secrets yet to be unveiled.

Deciding to explore the shop further, Saad noticed that the building housed multiple dungeons. Each one appeared similar in style and color, presenting a clean and organized atmosphere. He marked the locations of the dungeons on his map, realizing that he could have discovered this place without spending money at the adventurer association. Lesson learned – sometimes, a little effort and exploration were worth more than mere currency.

As the half-hour time limit approached its end, Saad received a notification: 

[You have been assigned to team 4. Would you like to accept the invite from Lyrane?] 

Without hesitation, Saad accepted the invitation and returned to the building. In one corner, four groups of people were assembled, each consisting of seven members. One group, however, was short of one person. Standing there were Lyrane and her twin brother Lyrue, both holding hands and radiating a cute welcoming charm as they greeted Saad.

Lyrane flashed a warm smile at Saad as he approached. "Oh, welcome back! We're so glad you accepted our invitation!" she exclaimed, her voice like chirping birds.

Lyrue chimed in, "Absolutely! Team 4 is going to be fantastic with you on board. You're in for a real treat, Mr. Kael!"

Saad nodded appreciatively, feeling a sense of camaraderie from the enthusiastic pair. "Thank you for having me. I'm excited to be a part of Team 4."

Lyrane tilted her head playfully. "Great! Now, let's go over to our designated door. Team 4 is ready for action!" As they walked towards the door, Lyrane continued to chat animatedly, "You know, the Stitch Witch really favors the number four. It's like her lucky number or something! So isn't lucky that you are team 4? Oh how lucky!"

"Yes! Just so lucky!" Lyrue spoke with a bright smile. Saad could hardly see any difference between him and and Lyrane. And to Saad, both siblings made him uncomfortable. 

Saad could only chuckle- What else was he suppose to do after all?