
Chimerical World System

"What...Just Happened?" He was flabbergasted as he was suddenly saved. "I just saved you and as your savior I demand a reward!" The girl with pale blue hair and golden eyes spoke with a certain arrogance. "Huh-" "Come with me! You are the final puzzle piece." And before he could ask more, more people appeared and he had to sigh. 'Its a game right? Or was I reincarnated?' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In the enchanting realm of the Chimerical World System, a virtual wonderland with infinite possibilities, millions of players have embarked on their quests for glory. Saad enters the game as Kael Emberflame, under some unusual circumstances. However, what initially appears to be a vibrant adventure soon takes a curious turn. Does Kael hold the key to Saad's ultimate success, or is it a doorway to something much bigger than what he originally thought. ------------------------------------------------------------------ This story is purely fictional.

Han_Sirang · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
124 Chs

Salt Mine & Salt Snakes- XIII

The aftermath of the battle left Saad in a state of shock. He had not only managed to defeat the empowered salt snake, a feat that earned him 7 level-ups at once. He already had two level ups thanks to killing salt critters earlier. Saad decided to put all of his points into arcane and looked at the skills points sadly. If only heh had bought more amazing skills yesterday. The skill points were practically a waste now. Though he quickly used the shop's function and bought potions worth of 8000 salt crystals.

Character Window - ID: 1221 


Name: Kael Emberflame

Age: 15

Race: Human

Main Class: Whip Master (In Progress) 

Main Weapon: Enhanced Whip

Level: 9  200/550 

HP: 210/210

Wealth: 45 SC



Stamina: 7  Strength 7 

Agility: 7  Intelligence: 7

Charm: 7  Dexterity: 22

Vitality: 7  Arcane Points: 36

Status point: 0

Skill points: 67


The reward chest, which had stopped yielding cards for some time, now beckoned him. Saad opened it with trembling hands, his heart pounding with anticipation. As the cards were revealed before him, he couldn't help but gasp. Among the three cards, one stood out—a magnificent golden card. Its details were hidden, shrouded in mystery, but Saad felt an inexplicable urge to select it. The moment he made his choice, the card's secrets were unveiled.


The physical damage is increased by 560%, and it is stackable up to five times. On the seventh turn, the stack resets.

Saad contemplated the newfound power he had acquired. It was a formidable card, one that promised incredible damage potential. However, it came with its own set of risks. He needed a well-thought-out strategy to deal with the salt snake, one that could exploit his newfound strength while minimizing the dangers.

Now, for the battle plan. Saad knew that taking on the salt snake directly was perilous. Even with his newfound power, he couldn't afford to underestimate the creature that were many levels higher and had various types now. Instead, he decided to make strategic use of the safe room.

His plan was to engage the salt snake from within the confines of the safe room, where its attacks couldn't reach him. He would rely on his Whip Tornado skill, a devastating area-of-effect attack, to whittle down the snake's health from a distance. The salt snake, unable to breach the safety of the room, would be at a disadvantage.

Saad intended to stack his [Burst] ability to its maximum potential during the initial stages of the battle, unleashing powerful blows on the snake. Once he had accumulated five stacks, he would temporarily retreat to the safe room, allowing the stack to reset. This way, he could maintain a continuous cycle of high-damage output while keeping himself safe from harm.

Timing would be crucial. He needed to gauge the snake's movements, ensuring that he retreated to the safe room before the snake could reach him. Additionally, Saad would keep an eye on his health and use his [Healing] passive skill to recover, taking advantage of the safe room's safety.

With this strategy in mind, Saad felt a renewed sense of purpose. He had been granted a rare opportunity to overcome the salt snake, and he was determined to seize it. Armed with his new card, optimized stats, and a well-thought-out plan, he was ready to face the salt snake once more. It was his last turn and he was going to make sure to win in this turn.


The pit echoed with the eerie sounds of hissing and slithering as the Salt Critters spawned. Saad had perfected his technique of luring them to the safe room, where he could grind for experience points relatively safely. It was a relentless cycle, but he was determined to push through.

Hours passed in a blur as Saad hacked and slashed his way through the relentless waves of Salt Critters. His muscles ached, and his fingers moved on autopilot as he executed his moves with precision. The experience bar slowly crept upward, his level climbing from 9 to 13. But he knew that it wasn't enough. He needed more arcane points, and he needed them fast.

Then, a sense of dread washed over him as he surveyed the pit. Something was different this time. The pit wasn't empty; instead, a pink Salt Snake slithered there. It wasn't the level that concerned him; it was the monstrous stats that this creature boasted.

Saad hesitated for a fraction of a second, contemplating whether to flee or face this formidable opponent. But his determination burned brighter than ever. He couldn't back down from a challenge, not when he was so close to his goal.


In a split second, he made his decision. He would confront the pink snake head-on.

With lightning reflexes, he activated his [Whip Snap] skill. The whip cracked through the air, creating a thunderous sonic boom that struck the pink snake with ferocity. The snake recoiled, and Saad seized the opportunity, launching into a relentless assault. The [Burst] ability stacked with each successful hit, increasing his physical damage to staggering levels.

The battle unfolded in a whirlwind of action. Saad's [Evasion] allowed him to evade the pink snake's venomous strikes with finesse. He continued to unleash his skills, each whip crack landing like a thunderbolt. The pink snake, despite its overwhelming stats, found itself outmaneuvered and outmatched. Perhaps it was also because of facing 13 snakes already but he was more confident when dealing with a single snake. He was still filled with anxiety because he knew that any moment another snake might arrive after hearing the sounds of battle.

As the battle reached its climax, Saad felt the power of his [Burst] ability surging to its zenith. His physical damage had stacked to its limit, and he knew it was time for the finishing blow. He quickly used potions and as their effect time started, qith a mighty snap of his whip, he released the pent-up energy.

The cavern trembled as Saad's attack struck true, a shockwave of power emanating from the impact. The pink snake convulsed, its HP plummeting rapidly. In a final, desperate lunge, it aimed for Saad with its venomous fangs bared.

But Saad was too quick. He sidestepped the snake's last-ditch assault and, with a thunderous crack, delivered the decisive blow. The pink snake let out a haunting hiss, its form dissolving into a cascade of salt crystals.

Saad stood victorious, breathing heavily but filled with exhilaration. He had not only conquered the formidable pink snake but had pushed his [Burst] ability to its absolute limit. He had unlocked its true potential, and the essence of the snake was now his.

As he stared at the glowing essence in his inventory, Saad couldn't help but grin. 

There appears to be an issue with INKSTONE. For some reason, there are server problems that last for hours, causing delays in timely updates. I will try my best to schedule chapters accordingly.

Han_Sirangcreators' thoughts