
Chimerical World System

"What...Just Happened?" He was flabbergasted as he was suddenly saved. "I just saved you and as your savior I demand a reward!" The girl with pale blue hair and golden eyes spoke with a certain arrogance. "Huh-" "Come with me! You are the final puzzle piece." And before he could ask more, more people appeared and he had to sigh. 'Its a game right? Or was I reincarnated?' ----------------------------------------------------------------------- In the enchanting realm of the Chimerical World System, a virtual wonderland with infinite possibilities, millions of players have embarked on their quests for glory. Saad enters the game as Kael Emberflame, under some unusual circumstances. However, what initially appears to be a vibrant adventure soon takes a curious turn. Does Kael hold the key to Saad's ultimate success, or is it a doorway to something much bigger than what he originally thought. ------------------------------------------------------------------ This story is purely fictional.

Han_Sirang · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
124 Chs

Salt Mine & Salt Snakes- IX

  Saad geared up for his next challenge. He had acquired a set of light armor from the virtual shop, enhancing his defense without sacrificing agility. The potions in his inventory had multiplied, providing him with a lifeline in the midst of battle.

His determination was unwavering as he made his way back to the respawn pit of the salt critters. This time, he was better equipped and prepared for the trials that lay ahead. The sunless world of the salt mine awaited him, and he was ready to conquer it.

Saad stood at the edge of the pit, surveying the sea of salt critters below. Their crystalline bodies shimmered in the dim light of the salt mine, and their incessant chittering filled the air. There were at least two hundred of them, a daunting number for any player, but Saad was not about to back down. He had prepared for this moment, and he was determined to succeed.

With a deep breath, he initiated the attack. His basic whip crackled with energy as he lashed out at the nearest critter. The whip's sonic boom echoed through the pit, disorienting the target and sending it tumbling backward. The critter shattered into a shower of salt crystals, and Saad's Sin Offering effect kicked in, boosting his next attack's damage.

The battle had begun, and Saad moved with grace and agility, his enhanced attributes and equipment allowing him to dodge the critters' frenzied attacks. He struck with precision, using his Whip Lash skill to disarm his foes and create openings for his devastating blows.

The whip snapped through the air, delivering rapid, powerful strikes that left the critters reeling. Saad's Vulcan effect occasionally triggered, engulfing a critter in flames as it entered a critical state. The pit became a chaotic battleground, with salt crystals and shattered critters scattering in all directions.

But Saad had something even more potent in his arsenal—the newly unlocked skill, Soulrend. As he activated it, the air around him seemed to thicken with darkness. His whip crackled with malevolent energy as he tore through the fabric of reality itself. Dark tendrils lashed out, rending the very essence of his enemies.

The first critter struck by Soulrend let out an otherworldly scream as its form distorted and twisted. Its life force became tainted by the dark essence, reducing its damage output and increasing the damage it received. It was a debuff that would tip the scales in Saad's favor as the battle raged on.

As Saad continued his onslaught, he noticed the effects of his Whip Tornado skill. With a flourish of his whip, he channeled his mastery to create a swirling tornado of razor-sharp lashes. The winds howled around him, and the critters caught within the tornado's radius were subjected to a relentless onslaught.

The damage from the tornado was relentless, and the critters' HP steadily dwindled as they were caught in its whirlwind. Blood-red numbers indicating damage dealt and status effects flashed above their heads. Some critters were even afflicted by the bleeding effect, their crystalline bodies oozing crimson liquid.

The battle was fierce, and Saad was not unscathed. He could feel the sting of critter attacks against his light armor, but he pressed on. His Healing effect kicked in, gradually restoring his health after each battle. His Burst effect occasionally triggered, dealing extra damage to his foes.


Time seemed to blur as Saad fought on, his focus unwavering. The pit was now a graveyard of shattered critters and scattered salt crystals. With each victory, he grew stronger, both in experience and skill. He could feel the power of the salt mine coursing through him, and he was determined to conquer it.

After what felt like an eternity, the last critter fell, its shattered form joining the others on the pit's floor. Saad stood victorious, his virtual body pulsating with energy. The battle had been epic, a test of skill and endurance. But he had emerged triumphant, and his character window displayed the fruits of his labor.


Character Window - ID: 1221 (5)


Name: Kael Emberflame

Age: 15

Race: Human

Main Class: Whip Master (In Progress)

Main Weapon: Basic Whip

Level: 17  720/850 

HP: 430/430

Wealth: 3800 SC



Stamina: 13  Strength:12

Agility: 14  Intelligence: 10

Charm: 7  Dexterity: 7.75

Vitality: 23  Arcane Points: 50.75

Status point: 8

Skill points: 12



[Healing], [Sin Offering], [Burst], [Vulcan], [Burst]

Saad stood amidst the shattered remains of the salt critters that were slowly disappearing, his chest heaving with exertion and excitement. His recent victories had boosted his confidence, and he couldn't help but jump in exhilaration. He realized that he didn't even had to equip his new armor.

Before the salt critters could respawn, Saad decided to make a quick detour to collect the chests scattered around the pit. These chests often contained effect cards that could enhance his passive skills. As he approached the nearest chest, he heard a faint, slithering sound, a sound he had come to dread.

"Equip," Saad whispered urgently, and in an instant, his body was enveloped in the new [Venomweave Armor], its sleek design offering both protection and agility. His senses were heightened, and he could feel the rush of poison resistance coursing through his virtual veins.

Saad wasted no time and quickly gathered the chests, revealing effect cards that he added to his collection. These cards would enhance his passive skills, making him an even deadlier adversary. As he finished collecting the last chest, he heard it—a sinister, echoing hiss that sent shivers down his virtual spine. Though unfortunately he had to make the decision quickly because of the imminent threat.

The salt snake had arrived, and it was as terrifying as the first time Saad had seen him. Saad's heart pounded as he assessed the formidable opponent before him. All of his fears turned right when he saw the level of the Salt snake.


[Salt Snake]

Level: 28

HP: 800/800



Stamina: 60

Strength: 60

Agility: 60

Intelligence: 65

Vitality: 60

Arcane Points: 75

Skills: Fear (paralyze for 20 seconds), Venomous Saltaire Strike, Tail Strike


The salt snake was a monstrous creature, its massive form coiled and ready to strike. Saad knew that this battle would be the ultimate test of his skills. He needed to win this today! Or else by tomorrow the salt snake would grow even more powerful.

Without hesitation, Saad activated his Whip Tornado skill, and a swirling tornado of razor-sharp lashes surrounded him. The winds howled as the whip strikes hit the salt snake, dealing damage and inflicting the bleeding effect. The snake hissed in pain, but it was far from defeated.

In retaliation, the salt snake lunged forward with blinding speed, attempting to sink its venomous fangs into Saad. With lightning reflexes, Saad dodged to the side, narrowly avoiding the deadly strike. The Venomweave Armor's Evasive Reflexes bonus had come into play, granting him a chance to dodge incoming attacks.

Saad continued to unleash his skills, his whip strikes hitting the snake's scaled hide. But the salt snake was relentless, its venomous attacks and powerful tail strikes keeping Saad on the defensive. The battle raged on, both combatants giving their all.

As the fight reached its peak, Saad noticed something—every time the salt snake lunged, its fangs became exposed, a brief vulnerability before the strike. With a risky gambit, Saad waited for the opportune moment. As the snake's fangs gleamed, poised to strike, Saad struck first.

His whip cracked with unparalleled precision, targeting the snake's exposed fangs. The impact was precise and devastating, causing the snake to recoil in agony. Saad had discovered the snake's weakness, and he intended to exploit it.

The battle raged on, but Saad's newfound knowledge turned the tide. He focused his attacks on the snake's fangs, using his agility to evade its strikes and strike back with deadly accuracy. The snake's health steadily dwindled as Saad pressed the advantage.

With one final, powerful strike, Saad shattered the snake's fangs, leaving it vulnerable and in excruciating pain. With a triumphant cry, Saad delivered the finishing blow, his whip striking true and bringing the salt snake down.

The salt snake let out a final, echoing hiss before disintegrating into a glowing essence. Saad stood victorious, his body pulsating with adrenaline and triumph. He had faced a formidable foe and emerged the victor.

As he caught his breath, he let out a laugh, as if still in disbelief as he gulped the HP and antidote potions.

Now that he was done with it, Saad decided to take a deep look at the cards that he had chosen earlier. He felt like he should have waited until after defeating the salt snake to choose them but nothing could be done. 

Saad collected the [Salt Snake Essence] into his inventory and then first crossed the pit to go to next safe zone before he started to go through the new cards. A message window indicated soon that Saad had only 19 more essence to go before he would clear the salt mine.