
Chimera: Notebook of the Unknown

Fallon Voldacy loves storytelling. She has four main characters of her current book; The Seventh Crystal. Indie, Arlo, Darius, and Jagger. What happens when they gets sucked into her world? - cover art isn’t mine! rights go to its owner. :)

swynters · Fantasy
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Chapter 2- Jagger is Swagger

I look away awkwardly, before back at her with a smile.

"Explain what? I believe there's nothing for me to explain."

"Oh yeah? Then what is this?!"

She walks over to my closet door, pulling it open when—

"Hold up."

She peaks her head into my closet, looking back at me.

"There was just people in here, where the fuck did they go?!"

I scrunch my eyes shut when I hear a loud thunk, opening them to see Arlo holding my baseball bat.

"Impostor! She's an impostor!"


I run over to Tuesday, grabbing her hand.

"Tuesday?! Tuesday, are you okay?!"

She groans, and I stare up at Arlo wide eyed.

"Why in the world did you hit her with a bat...?"

"What else was I supposed to do?!"

Tuesday scowls.

"Now you have even more explaining to do."


I sit Tuesday down on a chair, giving her some ice.

"You sure you're fine?"

"Yes. Now explain why there's a psycho in here?!"

Arlo raises a brow.

"I assume you aren't speaking about me, lady."

"I actually do happen to be speaking about you, bitch. Why the hell did you whack me with a bat?! You think violence does anything?"

Arlo rolls her eyes.

"Violence may not solve anything, doll, but it makes me feel better."

"You're crazy. Fallon who are these people?! And why does she look like she's going to pass out?!"

We all snap our eyes on Indie, who's doubled over with her hands on her knees.

"Guys...I feel like I'm going to vomit..."

Jagger slides out of the way, grinning.

"Not on me, honey. I'm too hot to be covered in someone's stomach juices."

Indie coughs, before standing up.

"Never mind! I feel better! Ooh, wanna hear a joke!"

We all stare at her without answering and Indie rolls her eyes.

"Thanks for answering, buttheads. I'll tell it anyways. Why do vampires seem sick?"

We still stare at her blankly and Indie grins.

"They're always coffin!"

"That was awful, Indie."

She glares at Darius.

"Shut up, you insecure, unsocial, misogynistic, bitch biting, pig fucker!"

"Pig fucker my ass. Just because I'm pansexual doesn't mean I fuck hogs."

Jagger starts laughing neurotically, and I stare at Tuesday.

"This is going to sound crazy...but I made them."

"You what?!"

"I made them. I wrote in the notebook and the next morning I woke up with all of them there."

Tuesday gives me a look before shaking her head.

"Is it time for your medication, or mine?"

I slap my forehead.

"I'm serious. There was a letter...from a girl named Ciel Reeche who said it. I didn't believe it until I wrote in there."

She frowns slightly.

"That sounds absolutely insane, but I'll believe you. If I wake up tomorrow and there's more?! Then I'm going to have a problem. But get your ass ready! We're now at least an hour late for class."


I lock myself in the bathroom, changing into a black tank top with a skater skirt and fishnets, before quickly doing my makeup and hair.

As soon as I open the door I let out a yelp, seeing all four of them staring at me.

"What're we meant to do? I have no clue where we are."

I look at Arlo, then Jagger, then Indie, and then Darius.

"You guys can come with me to class."


Darius gives me a look and Jagger grins.

"Only if I can sit next to you, pumpkin."

"You guys are coming with me, I don't trust you alone in my bedroom. Especially him."

I narrow my eyes at Jagger who smirks.

"Is there something I can help you with, Fallon?"

"Yes. Put my underwear back."

"Whaaaat? I don't have your underwear, silly!"

He snickers before motioning I go.

"Lead the way, celery stick."

I flip him off, before peaking my head out into the hallway.


"I'm here."

She gives me a look from the corner of her eye, grabbing my arm.

"You made some hot characters to be honest."

I look behind me at the four of them, arguing.

"Yeah...they don't get along well though."

"Whatever. Come on. We have to at least show up to the first class of the second semester."


After riding five minutes to get to our college, me, Tuesday, and my lovely book characters make it. To class.

Indie scratches her head.

"What exactly are we meant to do?"

"Sit down, and listen. Don't forget to keep your damn mouth shut."

Indie slides her finger across her mouth as if to zip it, nodding.

I sigh, waving to Tuesday.

"Bye, Tuesday. I'll see you later. Meet at the library for lunch?"


I open the door to my classroom, sliding inside.

Jagger, Arlo, Indie, and Darius come in after, and everyone stares at us.


Everyone's whispering.


I jump slightly when I hear my professor's voice.

"Voldacy!? Where have you been?! Class started an hour and fifteen minutes ago!"

Guess I'm going to have to lie.

Fake it till ya make it!

I turn around, frowning.

"I'm sorry! These are new exchange students who I'm showing around!"

"Really?! I was never informed. What are they're names?"

Indie coughs.


The teacher looks surprised.

"Oh! You're from France?"

"Oui! I just started to learn English, you see!"

I give Indie a look and she grins.

"You are quite a belle, Madame, I hope you are having a wonderful jour!"

My professor smiles.

"I am, merci!"

I try to hide my confusion.

How the hell does Indie know French?!

"My name is Indie, and this is my friend Jagger, Arlo, and Darius. We are pleased to be in this English class."

The professor nods before pointing to the seats near the back.

"Fallon, you know where to go. They can sit next to you so you can help them. We're just working on your essays."


I motion they come with, awkwardly walking past my classmates that look at us suspiciously.

Once we sit down and the professor goes back to our work, I look at Indie.

"And you knew French since when...?"

"Since always! But this is weird. I don't think I like your world. At all."

"You'll get used to it. For however long you're here. I hope it isn't that long because I already hate you guys."

Arlo rolls her eyes, throwing a freshly sharpened pencil at someone's head before back at me.


She grins.

"Likewise, pea plant. Besides, I didn't say I hated you, but I'd certainly unplug your life support if my phone needed charging. You act like we want to hang out with you anyways."

Jagger shrugs.

"I don't know. She has sass, class, and ass. To me that's pretty much the whole package. Who wouldn't want a curvy little woman who's elegant but also a bit naughty?"

I grimace.

"Why did I have to make you such a creep?! I regret making you this way. I regret making all of you this way."

Arlo narrows her eyes.

"Rude." She pauses. "You sound better with your mouth shut."

I narrow my eyes.

"Was that a way to tell me to shut my trap, Arlo?"

She grins.


I roll my eyes, before actually starting to work on this damn essay. It's due later tonight and I didn't even start it.


After around fifteen minutes of planning out my essay, I feel someone's breath tickle my neck.


I snap my head around, becoming face to face with a grinning Jagger.

"Hi. Now what did I tell you?! Shut it!"

Jagger cocks his head to the side with a smirk.

"Make me."

I smile.


I forcefully kick his shin with my boot, laughing silently when his eyes go wide.

"Ow! What the fuck?! You'll pay for that, Voldacy."

I turn back to my computer.

"Yeah, right."


After another few minutes, I feel something on my leg.

Ew. Is there a fucking bug?!

I look down, seeing his damn hand moving up and down my thigh.

"Ya like jazz?"

I give him a look from the corner of my eye, my hand gripping onto his.

"Get your hand off my damn thigh before I stab it with my pencil. Why the hell are you quoting the Bee Movie?!"

He grins.

"It's part of my charm...luckily you created me with some knowledge...doesn't it sound sexy to make love to your book character?"

My eye twitches.

"It doesn't. Not at all. Are you malfunctioning?! Or did I create you with a kink for college classrooms?!"

"Ooh...college classrooms...that sounds hot."

"Oh my fucking god. Get your hand off my leg."

He grins.

"Yeah, yeah. Alright. Don't think we won't have fun later when we get back to your apartment, babe."

"Oh I do think we won't, Jagger."

I elbow him, right about to go back to my essay when I realize class is over.


I shove my things back in my bag, standing up along with everyone else.

"Come on, guys. We have to go to lunch."

"Lunch?! Ew. What're they going to feed us?! Clam chowder?!"

I look at Indie.

"No. There's actually good food. We'll get it then go to the library to meet Tuesday. I have to find a damn book about what's going on. Because I don't know if you've noticed, but this isn't normal. At all."


Me and everyone else head to the cafeteria, which is filled with students.

We walk in, and as soon as we do all eyes snap on us.

More whispering.

"Oooh...it's the hot exchange students."

"That one with the purple eyes looks like a muffin I'd eat right up!"

"Why would they be hanging out with Fallon out of all people?!"

"They look so delicious."

My eye twitches.

I hate it.

Jagger is taking this attention like a crackhead takes crack.

We continue walking, and when I turn around, he isn't there.


Everyone stops, and Darius groans.

"What is that bastard doing now?!"

"Signing a girl's boob."


We all look at Indie, and then where she's pointing.

Sure enough, Jagger's standing in front of a small crowd of girls, and one pulled down her shirt far enough so he could sign it with a damn sharpie.

What the hell.

I stalk forward, grabbing his wrist.

"What're you doing?!"

"Signing her boobs? She asked me to."

"And you're just going to do it?!"

Jagger grins.

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Kiss me! Kiss me!"

I snap my head around towards one of the girls, narrowing my eyes.

"Sit your desperate ass down somewhere!"

She runs away, and I snatch the sharpie from his hand.

"Sorry for ruining this boob-autograph session, but we kinda don't have time for this. Right, Jagger?"

I squeeze his arm tightly and he swears under his breath.

"Yeah, yeah. We're done. Sorry, Molly."

"My name's Dolly!"

Jagger waves his hand in dismissal.

"Potato, potato, we can kiss tomorrow."

I drag him back to everyone else, sighing.

"Why do you just disappear?!"

"Because I'm bored, hon. Now that I'm on earth...I figure I can have some fun if you know what I mean. I even got invited to Lyric Finn's birthday party."

My eyes almost bulge out of my head.

"Lyric Finn? That girl's exclusive here. And you get a damn invite for what?! Being hot?!"

"Well...I appreciate the ego boost, but if you were jealous, why didn't you just say so? I'd gladly take you as my plus one, only if you let me kiss you in front of everyone there."

I roll my eyes.

"Everything has to include something sexual, with you, doesn't it? One day I'll ask you for math homework and you'll say 'only if I can see your boobs'".

Jagger grins.

"Don't be giving me ideas—"


We all go silent, and Tuesday stomps over to me.

"Where the hell did you go?! What happened to the library?"

"I'm sorry! They're too much to handle by myself! Arlo will go stab someone, Darius will go hide in a dark corner, Indie will pass out, and Jagger will fucking sign Dolly Trevor's boob!"

Tuesday goes silent.


"Yeah, oh! I hate them with a passion!"

Darius rolls his eyes.

"We love you too, sunshine!"

Indie looks at a hamburger.

"What's that? I want to try it."

She takes it off someone's plate, taking a bite.

Indie looks like she's going to barf again.

"Ewww! It's like...it's like dog meat!"


I shake my head, motioning they follow me.

"Never mind this. I'll eat when I get back to the flat. You four. With us. Now."


We arrive at the Brown University Library, and we walk in.

I point at a table, sighing.

"You guys stay there."

"What?! Why?!"

I stare at them.

"Chances are you four will end up wrecking the place. Me and Tuesday are going to try and find what we're looking for. We'll be back."

Darius stands up.

"You aren't leaving me with them, Fallon."

I shrug, motioning he come with.

"You aren't half bad. Come."

Darius follows me and Tuesday through the aisles of books, looking at some of them.

He looks back at me.

"I'm going to go look at files."


I turn around and he's gone, and when I turn around Tuesday is too.

I guess she went to get books.

I shrug, running my fingers along the spines of each book.

I stop in one section.

Non-fiction magic history.

Magic, huh?

My eyes catch on a book at the top of the shelf, and I squint to read its spine.

Magical Books, and What To Do With Them.

Aha! I mean...random that they have a book like that...but I can get it.

I try desperately to reach the damn book.

Come on, Fallon! You almost have it!

I strain my stubby ass arms to reach the book, when I feel another hand overlap mine.

I freeze slightly when they help me pull the book down, and I feel a weight land on my head.

Did they just put the book on my head?!

I grab it, looking down at the book before looking up.

"Thank you—oh! Darius? I thought you were over there looking at files."

Darius shrugs nonchalantly.

"You seemed to be having trouble."

His bright blue eyes look down into mine and he places his hand next to my head, leaning in when I jump slightly.

"What're you doing?"

He smiles slightly.

"Getting this book."

He leans backwards with a book in his hand, obviously taking note on how flushed my cheeks are.

"Come on now, Fallon. We wouldn't want to waste anymore time."


After hours in the library far after school ends, we find nothing.

"That was pointless!"

I exclaim, rubbing my head.

Tuesday looks at me.

"You read through that whole book, just to find nothing?!"

"It seems so."

"Whatever. Let's just go back home."

Tuesday motions that we go, and we all follow her, from the library, out the school campus, and into her Range Rover.


After finishing my homework, I turn back to the notebook.

Obviously I shouldn't write in this if I don't want more of them.

I turn my head, raising an eyebrow.

"Is there a reason you all are staring at me?"

Arlo shakes her head.

"No. But I assume Jagger is imagining how he can murder you."


I snap my head around, and Arlo snorts.

"I was joking!"

I give Arlo a nervous smile.

"Good to know."

I spin my chair around to face them, raising an eyebrow.

"You're telling me all of you got an invitation to Lyric Finn's party?"

They all nod and I roll my eyes.

"Of course. And then Lyric and her group of synthetics are going to try and hook up with you."

Indie fake gags.


I raise an eyebrow and then I remember.

"Oh...you're asexual."


I nod, and Indie shrugs.

"I'll still go. But kissing and making out is not my thing. I'd probably vomit."

Jagger grins at me.

"You take the deal?"

"You know, Jagger? I could just go in because I don't give a flying fuck if I make a scene...but just this once I'll give you the satisfaction of being your plus one."

He smirks.

"I'll take it. And you won't regret it, my love."

Let me just tell you one thing.

I regretted that decision.

And I regretted it a whole lot.