
The Start of the End

After the attack, the Ant Queen retreated back to her lair with the remains of the dead cultivators. She then proceeded to devour their flesh and consume their life force. By eating other creatures, a Chimera Ant queen can impart the characteristics of ingested creatures onto the next generation of Chimera Ants it gives birth to, as the queen can self-reproduce through food sustenance. In this case, the Ant Queen utilized the cultivators to give birth to a few more ant soldiers, each with unique abilities and strengths. The new soldiers would be crucial in the next stage of their plan to dominate the village and expand their territory. The Ant Queen felt a sense of satisfaction as she saw her army grow stronger with each passing day, knowing that her dream of creating the ultimate species was becoming a reality.

After a couple of days, the eggs that the queen had hatched, and new ant soldiers were born. The new ants had a humanoid appearance with sharp claws and fangs. They were a fearsome sight to behold, and their red eyes shone in the darkness of their lair. As they recovered their memories, they were confused and disoriented, trying to make sense of their new existence.

The queen, noticing their confusion, called them forth and spoke to them in a commanding tone. "My children, I have given you life, and it is time for you to repay me. You were once human, but now you are my loyal soldiers. You will pledge your loyalty to me, and I order you to prepare for an attack on the village."

The ants, now fully aware of their new nature, pledged their loyalty to the queen without hesitation. "We will serve you, our queen," they said in unison.

"Good," said the queen, pleased with their obedience. "Prepare yourselves for the attack. The village will fall, and our kingdom will grow." The ants then left to prepare for the attack, their sharp claws and fangs glinting in the darkness.

Liang Cheng made his way to the outer sect, where the disciples at the qi gathering stage lived. He was on a mission to find his two close friends, Wu Tian and Lin Yue. As he walked through the halls of the sect, he couldn't help but feel nostalgic. Memories of their days as low-level disciples flooded his mind, and he couldn't help but smile at the thought of their adventures together.

Finally, Liang Cheng spotted Wu Tian and Lin Yue practicing their techniques in an empty courtyard. As he approached, the two friends looked up and smiled, happy to see Liang Cheng.

"Hey, Liang Cheng! What brings you to the outer sect?" Wu Tian asked.

"I need your help. Our village is under attack by some unknown creatures, and we need to protect it," Liang Cheng replied.

Lin Yue looked concerned. "What kind of creatures? Have you informed the sect elders?"

Liang Cheng shook his head. "We don't know what kind of creatures they are, and we can't wait for the sect elders to take action. Our village needs us now."

Wu Tian nodded in agreement. "We'll help you, Liang Cheng. We've been through thick and thin together, and we won't abandon you now."

Lin Yue smiled. "Count me in too. We may not be as strong as you, Liang Cheng, but we're willing to fight alongside you."

Liang Cheng felt grateful for his friends' willingness to help. Together, the three of them had been through many sect missions and had developed a strong bond. Liang Cheng knew he could count on them, and he was determined to protect his village with their help.

The atmosphere in the village was tense and gloomy after the attack by the Chimera Ants. Fear and uncertainty loomed over the villagers, who were trying to come to terms with the loss of their fellow cultivators. The smell of blood still lingered in the air, and the remnants of the massacre served as a constant reminder of the brutal attack. The villagers were struggling to find an explanation for the sudden assault, and rumors and speculations began to spread throughout the village. Some believed that it was the work of demons, while others thought it was the result of a feud between different sects. The sense of safety and peace that the village had once enjoyed was shattered, and the villagers were left to wonder if they were safe in their own homes.

The village leader, still reeling from the recent attack, gathered the village elders for a meeting. He told them of his decision to call his son back from the sect to help protect the village, explaining that his son's strength would be invaluable in this time of crisis. The elders listened intently, nodding in agreement. They knew that the young master was a talented cultivator, having heard tales of his exploits during his time in the sect. They gave their blessing to the leader's plan and assured him that they would do everything in their power to protect the village until his son's arrival in a month's time.

Under the cover of darkness, the queen ant led her new soldiers towards the unsuspecting village. The ants moved with purpose and precision, their humanoid forms making them appear even more terrifying to the villagers. As they approached, the scent of blood and fear filled the air. The queen herself led the charge, her powerful aura inspiring fear and awe in those who saw her. The ants moved as one, attacking anyone who crossed their path, their sharp claws and powerful limbs making short work of any resistance. The villagers fought back, but they were no match for the sheer strength and numbers of the ants. Soon, the streets ran red with blood, and the once-peaceful village was transformed into a battlefield. The queen watched with satisfaction as her soldiers mercilessly slaughtered the villagers. She knew that this was only the beginning of her quest for domination.

the villagers emerged from their homes to find the aftermath of the Chimera Ant attack. They quickly gathered and saw a huge group of ants with their queen at the forefront marching towards them. The cultivators, who were already on high alert, immediately prepared for battle. They unsheathed their swords, readied their spells, and gathered their energy.

The cultivators looked upon the Queen with fear and dread as they charged towards her. She was a towering figure, standing taller than any of them, with sharp, black chitin armor that covered her body. Her aura was oppressive, and it was clear that she was already at the late stage of qi gathering. The cultivators launched a barrage of attacks, but the Queen easily dodged and parried each one with grace and ease. She looked at them with contempt, as if they were nothing more than insignificant insects.

"Pathetic," the Queen sneered. "You dare to challenge me?"

The cultivators, now trembling with fear, exchanged nervous glances. They knew they were no match for the Queen, but they had to try. The Queen launched a devastating attack, sending the cultivators flying in all directions. One by one, they fell to the ground, injured and defeated.

"You are no match for me," the Queen hissed. "you are nothing but weaklings."

The cultivators, now at the mercy of the Queen, begged for mercy, but she showed none. With a swift motion of her arm, she struck each cultivator down, one by one, leaving only destruction in her wake.