
The Search for the perpetrator

The village was in a state of shock and fear after the brutal attack. The streets were deserted, and the only sounds were the occasional sobbing of grieving families. The survivors huddled together in their homes, afraid to go out for fear of being attacked. The village elders called for a meeting to discuss what to do next, but their voices were drowned out by the terrified murmurs of the villagers.

Meanwhile, the cultivators who had gone into the forest returned to the village, only to find a scene of carnage. The bodies of the villagers were strewn across the streets, their limbs torn apart and their faces frozen in terror. The cultivators quickly realized that they were dealing with a powerful monster, unlike anything they had encountered before. They gathered together, their faces grim as they discussed what to do next.

One of the cultivators spoke up, "I think this might be the work of a demonic beast. They are known to be powerful and vicious, and they often attack humans for no apparent reason."

Another cultivator shook his head. "I don't think it's a demonic beast. The wounds on these bodies are too precise, almost surgical. I think we're dealing with a highly intelligent creature, possibly even a demon."

A third cultivator chimed in, "But demons are forbidden from entering our world. How could one have crossed over?"

The group fell into silence, pondering the mystery of the monster that had attacked the village. They knew they needed to be careful in their investigation, as they were dealing with a dangerous and intelligent enemy.

The village elders quickly called for a meeting with the villagers who had witnessed the attack. Despite their fear, they all gathered to give their accounts of what happened. They spoke of a large, ant-like creature with razor-sharp mandibles that seemed to move with lightning-fast speed. The villagers were frozen in fear, unable to defend themselves against such a formidable foe. Upon hearing these accounts, the cultivators realized they were dealing with a monster they had never encountered before.

As the villagers recounted their experiences during the attack, the elders listened intently, trying to come up with a plan of action. Some argued that it was foolish to chase after an unknown monster that had already killed several people. They believed that it was better to leave it alone and hope that it never returned. Others, however, were determined to hunt down the beast, fearing that it may come back and attack again. They knew that if they didn't take action, the entire village would be in danger. After much discussion, the village chief stood up and declared that they could not simply sit back and wait for the monster to strike again. They needed to take action to protect their people. He ordered the cultivators to pursue the creature and eliminate the threat once and for all. The elders nodded in agreement, and the cultivators set out into the forest, determined to find the monster and put an end to its terror.

Determined to protect their village, the cultivators split into different groups and entered the forest to search for the beast. They knew that they had to be careful, as they were dealing with a powerful and unknown creature. Some of the cultivators set traps while others scoured the forest for any signs of the monster. As they searched, they discussed their theories on what kind of monster they were dealing with.

"I've never heard of an ant-like creature that can move so quickly," one cultivator said. "It must be something new."

"Perhaps it's a new breed of monster that's emerged from the forest," another suggested. "Or maybe it's a mutated species."

Despite their theories, the cultivators knew they had to remain cautious and alert as they continued their search. They were determined to find the monster and protect their village from any further harm.

Wan xi and Wan qing walked through the dense forest, searching for any sign of the creature that had attacked the village. Wan xi's nose was turned up in disdain as he spoke. "This is ridiculous, cousin. We are qi gathering cultivators. We should not be afraid of a mere monster that killed a few mortals."

Wan qing shook his head. "We may be qi gathering cultivators, but we are not yet at the level where we can ignore the beasts in the forest. We need to stay cautious."

Wan xi rolled his eyes. "You're too scared, cousin. That's why you'll never break through to foundation establishment and become a real cultivator."

Wan qing's jaw tightened. "I am not scared. I am being cautious. We don't know what kind of monster we're dealing with here."

Wan xi scoffed. "It's just an ant-like creature. I don't know why we're wasting our time on this. We should be focusing on our cultivation."

Wan qing's expression turned serious. "Our cultivation is important, but so is protecting the village. We have a duty to keep them safe."

Wan xi shook his head. "Fine, cousin. You can be cautious if you want. I'll be keeping my eyes open for any chance to strike."

The ant queen watched the cultivators as they bickered with each other, her predatory eyes locked onto their every move. She could sense the tension and conflict among them, and she knew that it was only a matter of time before they stumbled into her trap. Her mandibles twitched in anticipation as she plotted her next move. With each passing moment, she grew more eager to strike. The cultivators were so focused on their argument that they failed to notice the signs of danger that surrounded them. The queen had carefully laid out her trap, and it was only a matter of time before they fell right into it. The queen was patient, however, and she waited, knowing that the time to strike would soon be at hand.