
Dumpster Diving

As a kid my family and I had been going dumpster diving since I was six. Sure it was gross and weird, but you could find so much stuff that people threw away that could still work. I loved going dumpster diving every September or October when the college kids would throw away random stuff that they don't want or don't need. We would find carpets,plates,chargers, and so on. My favorite finds were finding a tablet that had the protective screen broken, cash, and drawing materials. But the thing that I found that is forever engraved in my memory is the camera. When I was sixteen, me and a friend called KP went to the school where the college students went. The school had a big soccer field open to the public so we headed there. It was around 8:12 pm when we were heading back to our house. We decided to walk for a longer time, so we walked to the apartments that were close by. As we walked I noticed the big trash bin piled with junk which gave me an idea to tell KP that we could find cool junk in the trash. He stared at me and we stared at each other. Then he broke the silence and pointed at me.

"Haha poor."

I rolled my eyes while he laughed thinking that he got me, until I told him that at least my parents wanted me. While he was mad and throwing rocks across the street I just decided to go through the junk on my own. I began shuffling through the trash and found several cables for phones and even a headset that was missing a cord. I called KP over to tell him about the headset and I even showed him. He was actually excited because he could just put in a different cord so the headphones would work. By now we were both scavenging through everything. As I dug through the trash I found a empty sports bag that had been written in marker and began to shove everything I found in there. As I was shoving a tennis ball into the bag I somehow missed and the ball rolled under the trash bin. I laid down to search for the ball when I noticed something small under the trash bin. As I pulled it out I realized it was a camera. I was about to examine it when KP snatched it off my hands and said with a smirk,


I give him the evil eyes and started to get up. I knew that the ball had rolled all the way to the back so I began to push the trash bin. After pushing the trash bin away I saw the ball leaning against a dark bag. I reached and pulled it out. I began to examine the bag. It was heavy so I opened it. My jaw dropped to see a computer with charger and all in the bag. I was ecstatic. I grabbed the bag and showed it to KP who regretted calling dibs on the camera. KP had something to show me and it was the camera. He had accidentally moved the battery around and managed to get it to work. I grinned and he also grinned. The moment he got it to work we took a picture of each other. Then as he was checking the image found out the camera had more images and even a videos. I told KP to delete the other photos and videos, but KP was hoping to find naughty things on it and refused to delete them. We stared at the images that were on the camera. It showed a typical man and woman hugging, kissing, even doing weird posses but they began to get strange. The next images we saw was of the woman standing by the window while someone is taking the picture from the street. Then the pictures showed that the person who was taking the pictures was following the woman. Everywhere she went she looked unaware that someone is following her. The last pictures were disturbing as it showed a open window, a hand holding a kitchen knife, legs going upstairs, the door open agar peering in on the sleeping woman, then the last picture had the person very close to the woman's face. I stared at KP who looked shaken as we stared at the last image. Then came the videos. The video shows the woman tied up and gagged and behind her a person seems to be dancing. The person would get close to her and brush his fingers or knife against her neck. The woman was trying to pull away from her restraints but then the person does a weird ballet dance. There was only a few seconds left which show the person stop dancing and standing still, before jabbing the knife into the woman's eye. Then there was a second video which shows a man cutting the skin off the woman and shoving something inside her. He kept licking the blood on his hands, even making noises that showed he was enjoying it. The last video was the most disturbing because it shows a skinless person sitting in front of the table and the man laughing and dancing with the skin of the woman. He ties it around his neck and pretends to fly around the room and even makes out with the skinless woman. The video ended with him making out with the skinless and sawing off her head. We stood there by the trash bin shaking. KP turned and threw up in the bin. I was disturbed and I could tell this wasn't fake. I grabbed KP and we began to leave when we saw it. We saw a car that had been parked on the sidewalk suddenly turn on. It's high beams blinded us and we heard it start driving towards us. I shoved KP back and we dropped everything we had on us. The car reversed and attempted to hit us again. By then we had ran into the forestry area of the apartments and we ran as fast we could back to our home. My house was the closes so we ran through the backyard and locked ourselves in my room. KP wanted to call the cops about what we had seen, but I told him that no one would believe us because we have no proof of it ever being discovered or even happening. We stayed silent for three years. But he's hasn't forgotten about us. There has been several encounters with the man. He showed up to our homes every night he could, he followed us wherever we went, and has left disturbing pictures of us not noticing him. The last one we got was of us sleeping in our beds.