
Chilling Adventures of Sabrina: Beyond the Dark

After surviving the apocalypse and defeating the Eldritch Terrors, Sabrina Spellman and her friends thought they could finally relax and enjoy a normal life. But their peace is short-lived when Sabrina discovers a new threat looming over the coven. The Dark Council, a powerful group of witches who rule over the supernatural world, has been secretly plotting to overthrow the Church of Night and seize control of all witches and warlocks. As Sabrina and her friends navigate the treacherous political landscape of the coven, they uncover long-buried secrets and conspiracies that threaten to tear them apart. Sabrina must confront her own dark heritage and make a pact with the devil in order to save her loved ones and prevent the Dark Council from unleashing chaos and destruction upon the mortal world. With the help of her loyal friends and family, Sabrina delves deeper into the unseen world of witches, uncovering ancient rituals and powerful spells that could turn the tide of the war in their favor. But as tensions rise and loyalties are tested, Sabrina must choose between her duty to the coven and her loyalty to her mortal friends, all while navigating her own complicated love life. In the end, Sabrina and her friends must face their greatest challenge yet: a final confrontation with the Dark Council that will determine the fate of the coven and the mortal world. Can Sabrina and her friends rise above their differences and defeat the forces of darkness once and for all, or will the coven be torn apart by their own internal conflicts and destroyed by their enemies?

Marconegrao7 · Urban
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15 Chs

Chapter 12 : A Gathering of Witches

Sabrina and her friends had been training with Morgana for several weeks now. They had become much stronger and more confident in their abilities. They had learned ancient spells and techniques that had been passed down through Morgana's coven for generations.

One day, Morgana called a meeting with Sabrina and her friends. She had received news that the Dark Council was planning a large gathering of witches in a remote location. The purpose of the gathering was unknown, but Morgana suspected that it was part of Leviathan's plan to further solidify his hold over the witches of the world.

Sabrina and her friends knew that they needed to act fast if they were going to stop the Dark Council's plans. They decided to infiltrate the gathering and gather as much information as possible.

Morgana provided them with a spell that would help them blend in with the other witches, allowing them to move about undetected. She warned them to be careful and to avoid drawing attention to themselves.

The group made their way to the location of the gathering, a remote area deep in the woods. As they approached, they could hear the chanting of the witches gathered there. The atmosphere was tense, and they could sense the presence of dark magic.

Sabrina and her friends cast the spell that Morgana had given them, and they blended in with the other witches. They moved through the crowd, listening to the conversations around them and gathering information.

They learned that the Dark Council was planning a massive ritual that would give Leviathan even more power. The ritual required the sacrifice of many innocent lives, and the witches at the gathering were all too eager to participate.

Sabrina and her friends knew that they had to stop the ritual at all costs. They made their way to the center of the gathering, where the Dark Council was preparing for the ritual. They saw Leviathan, surrounded by his loyalists, and they knew that they had to act quickly.

Sabrina and her friends began to chant a spell, their voices rising above the others. The spell was powerful, and they could feel the energy building within them.

Suddenly, they were surrounded by a bright light, and they felt themselves being lifted into the air. The other witches gasped in surprise as Sabrina and her friends continued to chant.

The power within them grew stronger, and they directed it towards Leviathan. The Dark Lord screamed in agony as their magic began to unravel the ritual.

Sabrina and her friends continued to pour their magic into the spell, and they could see the other witches around them starting to falter. Their dark magic was no match for the strength and unity of Sabrina and her friends.

The ritual was completely disrupted, and the Dark Council's plan was foiled. Leviathan fled, and his loyalists were left stunned and defeated.

Sabrina and her friends landed back on the ground, exhausted but victorious. They had stopped the Dark Council's plan and had proven to themselves and to the other witches that they were a force to be reckoned with.

As they made their way back to their base, Sabrina and her friends felt a sense of pride in what they had accomplished. They knew that there was still much work to be done, but they were more united and powerful than ever before. They were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead and to continue fighting against the forces of darkness.