
Chillin' in Haikyuu

Daniel chooses to not be like other reincarnators and wants to live a chill life so he decides to be reborn in Haikyuu. Just doing this for fun

child_of_God1 · Anime & Comics
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26 Chs

ch 26 The Great King

Going with the ol' reliable. The point card of the team. The ace, Hajime Iwaizumi.

After following through and delivering, the last game point of the day went to Kitagawa Daiichi junior high. Ending the long bouts of aerial and on ground battles.

Pleasantries were exchanges, bonds and grudges formed. Acknowledgments between both teams.

A number of the Chidoriyama junior high players went over to their OH. His last play was nothing short of luck, pure talent and effort.

Although the desired outcome could not be attained, his position in the hearts of his fellow teammates has no doubt hardened and shone even brighter than it was before.

His position was even more so evident within the setter. His gaze seemed to portray so many emotions, it startled the OH in question. However, his thoughts were nothing short of high expectations.

'This guy' Biting his lips in exasperation.

'How did he think to do that? I can't help but look at him in a different light.'

Unknowingly, the setter began to steer his thoughts into a much more significant matter.

'This guy... he might be mine...my new...'


Over at their opponent, Kitagwa Daiichi, the atmosphere was much sombre in comparison. 2 players in particular were directly related to the mood.

"Practice games are implemented for various reasons, but today our reason was to learn; understand our strengths and expose our weaknesses. "

The coach's glare was fixed on those 2 players, with emphasis on one of them.

Turning to face the whole team,

"However today's game let not only you guys learn but also pull me into the learning curve." Rubbing his forehead with his fingers.

"Henceforth, I have learnt to not put the two of you in the same rotation."

Although not speaking to anyone in particular, it was painfully obvious who those words were directed at.

To end it's all, both teams exited the gymnasium. Chidoriyama junior high bade their final goodbyes to their opponents, for their next meeting they would be opponents in a real game.

Miyagi prefecture, on the way home,

Daniel is sitting at the front, with his seniors. Seemingly paying attention to the ongoing conversation, his thoughts wandered elsewhere.

' I didn't want to go running around, but I might have to. If it doesn't work then I'll drop it but it's an opportunity to develop strong contenders for nationals in the future.'

The names and faces of various characters in the anime were akin to a slide show, a torrent of information moving nearly and..


"That could work" he said out loud and coincidentally a handful of upperclassmen let out hums and or nods of agreement.

A load more pleasantries and greetings were exchanged after arriving back at the kitagawa daiichi junior high.

Daniel got picked up and he resumed his train of thoughts as the vehicle headed to its destination.

Daniel's pov

'Tsukishima Kei'

An image containing his visage flashed in mind.

'His potential and skillset might not contain a vast repertoire but they were very much ideal in my definition of a middle blocker. The only hindrance is getting him to love volleyball on his own accord'.

Before his true awakening during the game vs shiratorizawa academy, after blocking one of ushijima wakatoshi 's spike. He became the only blocker to stop ushijima during that tournament.

Tsukishima got into volleyball because of his brother also doing in it and after circumstances led to him finding his brother not even on karasuno's team, it became quite evident that his passion for the sport wasn't all that it seemed to be.

'Regardless, this is all talk for another day. Let future me worry about this. Today was surely fulfilling. Even with my capabilities, I am not invincible.' Clenching his fist, his gaze hardened.

'Very soon, the tournament is about to start and that incident is fast approaching. The question is would my presence be necessary? Only time will tell.' He ended his monologue and slowly lowered his eyelids.

Next day,

Getting through the day was only possible due to my special ability, auto mode.

Once activated, it enables a smooth transition from one period of time to the next. The sequence of events are presented to the host in a daze which may or may not be forgotten, often leaving them perplexed of their current state of mind. This is usually seen when driving, people don't recall how they drove home but somehow they arrived without any accidents occurring.

I think I'll call it, Black dragon of destruction mode, blank for short.

Anyway it's time for my favorite part of the day.

Sprinting down hallways, cutting past corners and finally, the gymnasium.

" It's volleyball time "

Going through warm ups, then moving on to commencing actual practice. Paying attention to detail with set plays, techniques and incorporating all knowledge that was learnt the day before at the Chidoriyama practice game.

As the hours went by, the volleyball team advisor walked in and went over to the coach.

After several words in, he hands over a paper sheet and begins to point at several locations on the paper.

It has to be recognized that before Iwaizumi and Oikawa attended Kitagawa Daiichi, the school wasn't very renowned compared to their current status.

Throughout their middle school tenure, they had always been constantly appearing in the finals in the tournaments, usually only losing to Shiratorizawa academy.


"Gather round boys" the coach followed, drawing the attention of the young players.

Mr. Hitomi has just brought in some news that I think will interest you all.

In 3 weeks, the junior high athletics meet will kickoff.

"This... this maps our opponents and standings."

Waving the paper in front of their faces, he paused.

Our first match up is against Minami Daisan junior high. I believe you are all aware of the information surrounding this school.

"Yea, apparently they've got a crazy wing spiker". A player jumped in.

"It seems you know some things, nonetheless their team is not a concern but it's better to throughly prepare to eliminate their team".

Paying attention to the subsequent chatter around him. The coach took the time to caution his team.

All except one silently acquiesced to his words.

'It seems Oikawa's breaking point is fast approaching.' He mused.

What do you guys think so far?

Highschool is almost over so I can still pump out a few chapters before exams start.

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