
Chillin' in DXD

Warning : This is a fanfic. . . .I don't own anything!!! All characters expect MC and the World belong to their original owners ___________________________________________________________ Synopsis : Well you all know the drill. . . .A loner get's bitch slapped to the world of Highschool DXD with some overpowered wishes. Follow his journey as he spends his time chilling around in the new world while getting a harem. ___________________________________________________________ A/N : This is my first time writing and I am doing this to pass time but I'll try to complete the fic. As I said this is my first so there may be mistakes, plot holes and cringe. And English is not my first language. So if you can't overlook some mistakes then this story is not for you. I hope you give it a try before dropping. All I try is to bring some smiles on your face while reading my story. This is a wish-fulfillment story and an AU.

YK_1309 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

Date with Sona

Laughing at Sona's plight for a while Leo got back to his daily routine while back in the dorms where Sona and others lived a new guest had arrived.

Back in female dorms,

"So-tan let's take a bath together!" shouted an excited Serafall as she jumped on Sona who just side stepped causing Serafall to fall flat on the ground.

"Onee-sama I am not a little girl anymore please don't act like that" Sona said she had vowed in her mind to get back at Leo for this.

Serafall pouted at her words while crying fake tears she mumbled "My So-tan has changed" but her train of thoughts came to an abrupt stop when Tsubaki said "Sona you should get to sleep now don't forget you have a date with your fiancée tomorrow"

Sona's face was red as apple as she heard Tsubaki's words while Serafall looked at Sona and shouted "Potential fiancée…he is not her fiancée yet"

Sona glared at Tsubaki who just gave her an innocent look.

While rest of girls tacitly left to their own room leaving Sona and Serafall alone. As the night went by with Sona anticipating her date while Serafall making plans to stalk them.

Next day as the time for date neared Sona though looked calm on the outside was filled with anticipation, excitement and nervousness from inside. Sona got dressed as she looked in the mirror and did a small twirl. She was dressed in a grey top with a brown skirt.

With that she made her way to the living room where most of the girls were present since it was a Sunday they all had some plans for themselves while most were going to just relax.

Seeing Sona arrive Akeno looked at her and said "Ara~Ara~ Sona you look great" as Rias and others looked at Sona and nodded in agreement.

Serafall was lying on the couch as she looked at her So-tan with blank eyes.

*knock* *knock*

"Hmm…it seems Leo's here, I'll get the door" Tsubaki said making her way to the door.

"Good morning my dear Tsu-chan" said Leo as he gave Tsubaki a hug who froze at the unexpected gesture but then quickly melted in his embrace.

Letting Tsubaki go Leo made his way in the living room who followed behind with a blushing face.

Seeing Sona dressed up like that "You look amazing Sona" Leo said making the said woman blush while she felt a faint sense of happiness from his words.

"Good morning everyone" Leo said as he waved at the rest. Walking closer to Sona he offered his hand "Let's go" Sona just nodded as she held his hand and the two slowly left the dorm.

While Serafall saw the scene as Leo dressed in a black suit and Sona dressed in a white wedding gown, the two made their way out of the marriage hall holding hands while white doves were flying by and flowers were being laid around as she extended her hand towards Sona's departing image only to see Leo and Sona lean in kissing each other....*crack*

"I'll not let that happen!!" shouting Serafall ran after them while everyone sweatdropped at her antics.

Serafall ran past Grayfia who was confused at first but then sighed as she remembered about Sona's date shaking her head she entered the dorm. Serafall reached the front gate, she saw Sona hugging Leo from behind as the two drove off on his bike. Grumbling she called out her wings and flew after them making sure to not get noticed which she terribly failed at.

Leo was laughing internally at Serafall's antics though he made sure no one noticed her flying in air in broad daylight.

Soon the two with a magical girl as a stalker reached a café.

Getting the table he helped Sona on her chair like a gentleman as he himself took a seat across her. While their stalker took a seat away from them.

"Sir your order" said a waitress eyeing Leo.

"Pancakes and coffee for two please" said Leo as the waitress went to get their order.

"Your order ma'am…ma'am!" said another waitress looking at Serafall.

"Ugh…a coffee" Serafall said trying not to get noticed by Sona.

"So Leo umm…can I ask you something?" Sona said looking at Leo.

"Sure go ahead"

"Someone as strong as you could possibly get any girl you want then why me or Tsubaki…" said Sona

"Sigh…first thing both you and Tsubaki are not just any girl to me alright as for me getting any girl I want its true but have you seen me flirting with every girl I see…no right…I only flirt with girls that I like or appreciate whether they like me back or not that's for future to decide…so don't get such thoughts in your mind and just enjoy your date" saying Leo flicked Sona's forehead. Sona rubbed her forehead and nodded.

As the breakfast arrived the two enjoyed eating together as both even fed each other thanks to Leo's efforts while their stalker was holding her cup of coffee looking at them with deadly eyes as the coffee in her cup started freezing.

After their breakfast ended, "Let's go I have a place reserved for us" Leo said holding Sona's hand who tilted her head in confusion and asked "What place?" , leaning closer to her he whispered "That's a surprise" saying he dragged the blushing Sona to the bike as Serafall broke the cup she was holding grumbling she left some money on the table as she ran after them.


In student dorms Tsubaki, Akeno, Koneko, Rias and Grayfia were seated on the dining table having breakfast.

Akeno looked at Tsubaki and asked "What do you think Tsubaki where would have Leo taken Sona for the date?"

Tsubaki stopped eating and saw everyone was looking at her she thought for a while then shook her head saying "I am not sure…but one thing is certain she'll enjoy today's day"

Akeno said "Ara~Ara~…I hope I could go on date with him someday" while rest of the girls except Tsubaki thought what it would be like to go on a date with Leo even Rias had that thought but she shook her head and got back to eating.


Back with Leo and Sona the two reached a three story building with Serafall in tow.

Sona looked at the building then at Leo and blushed thinking it was a hotel while Leo led her in soon the two reached the third floor as Leo looked at Sona and saw her blushing leaning closer to her he said "What are you thinking Sona?

"No-Nothing" said Sona averting her eyes.

Understanding her thoughts he said "This isn't a hotel…but if you want I don't mind taking you to one" whispering the last part making Sona's face completely red he could see some steam coming out from her head. While Serafall was bickering with the receptionist trying to get in the event which Leo had booked, Serafall realized she couldn't use her magic making her mad at Leo since she knew only he could do something like this.

Entering the room Sona looked around, she saw many cooing tables around with people already standing near one with their partners. Seeing that she looked at Leo wondering why he brought her here.

"I heard you like baking and found out they were having a baking class for couples so I got ourselves reserved" Leo said understanding Sona's train of thoughts.

Hearing baking Sona had stars in her eyes as she looked at Leo and thought '…he knows so much about me' but then blushed as she remembered it was for couples. Completely oblivious to Serafall who entered with her disguise, since she was admitted at last moment she had no partners.

Serafall was gritting her teeth when she found out Leo's plan since she knew how much her dear So-tan loved baking. 'Tch…this demon got one over me but there is no way I'll let him have my So-tan' thought Serafall.

Soon the class started as Sona and Leo got to baking with Sona realizing she sucks at baking making Leo laugh at her.

Sona gave Leo an angry glare as Leo patted her head and said "Now-now don't worry I know baking I'll help you and we'll together make a tasty cake, trust me" Sona's glare softened as she nodded with newfound determination as the two got to baking.

Leo would time to time mess with Sona which would either annoy her or make her blush like rubbing some flour on her nose or cheeks, at once he got behind her held her hands while helping her to make the dough for the cake. Sona was blushing red down to her neck the whole time while that happened and much to her embarrassment and Leo's amusement the other couples especially the older couples looked at them saying stuff like "Its good be young" while the ladies were going 'Ara~Ara' guys gave Leo a thumbs up who just nodded politely in return.

Seeing Leo and Sona getting all lovey-dovey in front of her Serafall looked like was about to murder someone even the chef who was walking around inspecting people got so scared he didn't approach her even once. Though Serafall had a complicated look since she always wanted Sona to enjoy and not always act stiff but she also wanted to be a part of that truth to be told she was jealous of Leo at how easily he got Sona to lose her stiff personality and make her smile like that. Frustrated she took out all her anger on the dough.

As the class slowly ended Sona took out the cake they made and placed it on the table. Leo cut off a piece as he tasted it while Sona was nervously looking at Leo wondering how it was.

"Hmm…its delicious Sona" said as he placed the piece he took a bite off over her lips blushing she took a small bite as she realized it indeed tasted good jumping with happiness she hugged Leo unconsciously but then quickly let him go as realized her actions.

"Hahaha…you can hug me anytime you want you know…well let's take the cake back I am sure you want to share it with everyone else right" Leo said while Sona nodded since he was indeed right she wanted to let everyone know even she could bake something good.

Packing the cake Leo placed it in his inventory a spell he created as the two left the building just as Serafall was about to follow behind she was stopped by the staff. She glared at them as to why they stopped her as a lady pointed her finger at the table Serafall looked at it was shocked as a burned cake hard as rock was lying in the sink with cream and other baking stuff lying all over the table top in a mess.

"Hehehe…I have something urgent to take care off so can I go please I'll pay for someone to clean it…" said Serafall nervously.

"No ma'am…you made the mess so please clean it" said the lady sternly seeing there was no way home she grumbled but got to cleaning.

While Sona was hugging Leo from behind leaning herself on his back as he drove back to the dorms.

"Leo I truly enjoyed the day…thank you" Sona said in an extremely low tone.

"I am glad you had fun" replied Leo.

Soon the two reached the dorms as the sky was dyed in orange. "We are back!!" said the two as they made their way to the living room.

Seeing Grayfia, Leo gave her nod and said "We brought some cake for everyone please call them" Grayfia nodded as she called everyone while Sona helped Leo to set the plates.

As everyone got to dining table seeing Leo and Sona setting up the table they all had one thought 'They look like married couple'

"Oh!…come on everyone get seated" Leo said noticing the group.

As everyone got seated and were about to take a bite of the cake Leo said "Sona made it so I hope you'll like it" hearing him everyone visibly froze as sweat dripped down their forehead.

Seeing their reaction Leo started laughing as Sona glared at them and said "I know I was bad at baking before but this time it tastes really good…humph!" as she pouted and looked away.

Hearing her everyone looked at Leo who nodded as they slowly took a bite albeit fearfully as the anticipated bitterness didn't come instead a sweet taste filled their mouth they looked surprised as it tasted genuinely good. Seeing their reaction Sona puffed her chest in pride. As everyone started to enjoy the cake.

Soon Serafall arrived huffing as her powers were still sealed she entered the living room and looked at the empty plate of cake and fell on the couch sad she couldn't taste the cake her So-tan made, slowly getting she walked to her room in a depressed state.

Seeing that all girls had a confused face while Leo nudged Sona with his elbow seeing his look she understood what he meant nodding she got up as Leo handed her two pieces of cake taking them Sona went to Serafall's room.

Everyone looked at Leo for answers, "Don't worry…also don't disturb them" Saying he looked at everyone as he said goodbye and left. While the girls though didn't understand what he meant they decided to not bother Sona and Serafall for the rest of the day.

*knock* *knock* "Onee-san can I come in" said Sona, hearing no reply she sighed pushing the door open...


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