
Chillin' in DXD

Warning : This is a fanfic. . . .I don't own anything!!! All characters expect MC and the World belong to their original owners ___________________________________________________________ Synopsis : Well you all know the drill. . . .A loner get's bitch slapped to the world of Highschool DXD with some overpowered wishes. Follow his journey as he spends his time chilling around in the new world while getting a harem. ___________________________________________________________ A/N : This is my first time writing and I am doing this to pass time but I'll try to complete the fic. As I said this is my first so there may be mistakes, plot holes and cringe. And English is not my first language. So if you can't overlook some mistakes then this story is not for you. I hope you give it a try before dropping. All I try is to bring some smiles on your face while reading my story. This is a wish-fulfillment story and an AU.

YK_1309 · Anime & Comics
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24 Chs

[Skills Explanation]

Skills :

[Absolute Power Control]

Grants the user perfect control over all his powers

[Absolute Energy and Aura Manipulation]

Grants the user power to manipulate all energy and aura freely

[Omni-Energy Breeder Reactor]

Allows the user to infinitely generate all kinds of energy across omniverse

[Martial Arts Mastery]

Grants the user complete mastery over all known martial arts form in the current universe of user

[Weapons Mastery]

Grants the user complete mastery over all known weapons in the current universe of user

[Perfect Mind]

Allows the user to calmly and logically think things through, allows peaceful state of mind, immunity to all mental disorders, grants parallel thought processing, eidetic memory

[Perfect Body]

Immunity to all types of diseases, poisons and negative physical ailments, grants the user fertility control and the D

[Absolute Immortality]

No being lower than an omni-level can harm the user even his soul can't be harmed

[All-Elemental Domination]

Grants the user complete control over all elements – Fire, Water, Earth, Wind, Light and Darkness

[Yahweh, God of Virtue]

Grants the user complete control over all the Seven Heavenly Virtues – Hope, Charity, Covenant, Patience, Wisdom, Justice, Purity

[Yaldabaoth, God of Sin]

Grants the user complete control over all the Seven Deadly Sins – Pride, Greed, Envious, Wrath, Sloth, Gluttony, Lust

[Space-Time Manipulation]

Allows the user to control space and time at will, consists of sub-skills like [Black Hole Creation], [Time Reversal], [Future Sight], [Teleportation], [Dimensional Walk] and many more

[Existential Veil]

Hides users presence from all existences below omni-level making everyone perceive the user as a normal human


A separate dimension created by the user which can only be accessed by the user or those allowed by the user. The dimension is separate from any realm of existence.

[Multi-Shadow Clone Jutsu], [Analyse], [Creation Magic] and [Illusion Magic] are self-explanatory



Eye Powers :

[Mystic Eyes of Death Perception]

Allows the user to perceive Death a concept in the form of Lines of Death and Points of Death, showing the weakness and imperfection of all beings. These Lines of Death can be cut which in turn cuts off the being from existence i.e. death. They can also allow user to see fate to a certain extent