
Chapter 59

“There’s another really important factor we’ll also have to take into account.”

“And that would be?” Stefano said.

“There are a number of spouses of family members who are totally unaware of who and what we are, correct?”

“Yes,” Father said.

“And some of those spouses are already up in years, right?”

Father nodded.

“Think about offering, say, a seventy-year-old in poor health a chance to live many years longer, possibly in her current state of infirmity. There are too many things we neither know nor understand.”

“What you are saying is that caution is the order of the day,” Father said.

“In a word, yes. On the other hand, that kidney transplant did cause Dani’s badly damaged kidney to begin functioning normally. When we have two or three family members who have the necessary credentials, it might be possible to offer a couple of relatively healthy middle-aged significant others a chance to be guinea pigs.”