
Chapter 45

“It’s located in an area that is very much off the beaten path and nobody ever deemed it worthy of stealing or confiscating. And there were times when I had friends in high places who helped me hang on to it.”

“I’m going to take a team down there in a couple of weeks,” Stefano said. “We’ll probably be able to obtain bone samples from several bodies.”

“Very good,” Dani said.

The discussion segued into another topic, but we finally reached a point at which nothing new had been said for a while, and someone wisely suggested we call it a night. I made a commitment to meet with Dr. Cromwell within the next few days and give Father a report.

When we were in bed and about to go to sleep, I said, “Don’t forget, we have to make an overnight trip to Milan tomorrow.”

“I haven’t forgotten,” he said. “Your mother is being transported to that hospital you looked at.”