
Chapter 3: CEO of Jackson Enterprise

"Pearl why do you always come sprouting nonsense with that mouth of yours". Scarlett asked looking at her disgusted.

"oh! Scarlett why deny didn't our parents agree to the marriage". Pearl said smiling while cursing Scarlett in her heart.

"that's their business I wasn't there when they agreed to that so it's their business". Scarlett replied glaring at the witch (Pearl) in front of her.

"Andrew, Stella... I'm not getting married and not even anytime soon". Scarlett said smiling seeing Pearl's pale face she let out a little laugh. The latter was about to speak when the mc suddenly spoke:

"welcome to the 6th farewell party of light academy as we celebrate our seniors who are leaving to pursue their future. Today the owner of the hotel is personally here to congratulate our best graduating student who got admission into Kingston University, let's give around over applause for the CEO of Jackson Enterprise to give this award to Scarlett Smith.

The crowd screamed and cheered as the hall was full of noise Scarlett was hugged by her friend Stella and soon headed to the stage in smiles and she was presented a white envelope with her name on it. she smiled and shook Joshua's hand and suddenly a microphone was placed in her hand. A broad smile appeared on the latter's face as she grabbed the microphone:

"I want to thank everyone for been here as this award was represented to be but this award wouldn't have been mine without the words of advice from my mom before she died, she always told me to never give up and that's what I'm still leading on so I dedicate this award to her". Scarlett gave a bitter smile as she blinked back the tears about to roll out and walked down the stairs back to the crowd. the crowd cheered on for her and we're happy for her, the speech she said had moved some of them but not all Pearl was standing by the side of crowd furious why was Scarlett taking everything from from her first it was Andrew and second this award, she needed to teach her a lesson.

Scarlett smiled as the guests came to congratulate her, one by one the guests came to congratulate her and returned to enjoy the party when Scarlett had greeted all the guests, she returned to her seat with Andrew and Stella.

"congrats babe, I'm so happy for you". Stella screamed hugging her friend.

"thanks but you deserved to be up there not me you put in a lot of effort but...".

Scarlett was about to continue when Stella Stopped her:

"don't ruin the mood and it's all right because I also got into Kingston University to". Stella screamed happily as Scarlett hugged her and Andrew congratulated me girls.

"it's time to party". Andrew said and popped the wine and poured it into 3 glass cups.

"oh yes". the girls chorused and made a toast all together with Andrew and gulped the drunk.