
Childhood Nemesis

Nestor and Ace were pulled together by the fate of destiny, encountered each other by coincidence at a bar. Feelings for each other rekindled, Ace was pulled into a world of danger, possession and addiction. Threatened to kill Reinheart, he was pulled into a cage of dangerous love, with nowhere to go but to return to Nestor's side. "You will become mine once again, Ace."

ArtemisKo · Urban
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Vampires

Chapter 2: Vampires

The echoes of shrill screams had startled the people in the streets. People scattered and escaped to safety. The forces were alerted and had sprung into action, trying their best in protecting the citizens to the best of their abilities. Various departments were dispatched to subdue a threat that they could not identify the cause. The commander had sighed. The forces were capitulated within seconds. The commander had believed that the enemies, the root of the havoc, possess mutated genes, which surpassed human capabilities.

"Sir! We can't go on like this!" His subordinates advised their commander. They had already lost more than half of their forces. It was a great sacrifice. The loss was too much.

"We don't have a choice. We have to summon him." The commander had agreed that their loss was too great. They needed a new plan. His subordinates had stared at their commander. It was as if their commander had gone nuts. The commander took out his notebook and wrote a name and an address. His advisor was confusticated, baffled at his chief commander strange behaviour.

The note read:

Ace Silver


"Who is he?" the advisor had questioned.

The commander sighed, gazed over the blue sky. "He is the commander of the special unit, a crisis emergency specialist. He is a specialist who is capable of dealing with things like vampires." He had replied. "It's common that you don't recall such a high ranked officer. Even I barely remembered his appearance. He had clocked into the office thrice in seven years he had been in the force."

Ace received an emergency summon from the Bureau of Investigators. At 2:00PM, his cell phone had rung loudly. He had changed his phone settings were separate for private and business. He groggily reached for his phone and click the answer button. He had just completed his reports, had fallen asleep in the classroom. Although he was a full-fledged police officer, he had continued his studies even after his classmates and peers had graduated one by one. Ace's existence was extremely valuable to the force. A shrill, female voice screeched through the phone. His cell phone ringing during his class had earned himself a disapproving look from his professor. Refusing to answer his phone, he had turned off his cell phone, prompting the state force to march into the university institute.

The staff had paled at the sight of the force and military present on the institute grounds. With a permission warrant, they had trespassed and halted Ace's classroom, the professor was extremely dissatisfied.

"Chief Inspector Silver, please come to the station as soon as possible! We have an emergency!" The presence of the officers had terrified Ace's peers. Many had wondered of Ace's identity. He was one no one could get close to. A mysterious existence who worked through assignments and work like a machine. Whispers were heard, and gossip had circled. Including the professor. They realized Ace was a member of the state force.

Ace was jolted wide awake. He stared at the state personnel standing before him. "I'll be there in ten minutes. Do what you can first before I arrive," Ace had instructed the officers standing in his presence. Ace gathered his belongings, had excused himself from class. It was a rare sight. His classmates and peers were pale white, the impressive reputation of the man named Ace Silver. They were speechless. The watched the figure of the man named Ace SIlver had defused the horde of vampires on his way out. His peers and the staff had hugged each other in fright, clueless on what they should do. There never had been a colony of vampires threatening them in broad daylight. No one was trained for such emergencies. Ace got into his Honda Jazz and sped off, the engine growling towards the police station he was summoned. It wasn't a pleasant sight when Ace had arrived. The entire district was swarmed with vampires.

It was then they realized. Ace Silver was a supernatural specialist.

Vampires, a mystical entity which was said to be legends, myths, and folk tales spun by folks of the elder generations.

Ace rushed to the frontlines of the scene. "What on Earth happened?!" he demanded answers from his subordinates. Ace belonged to the special unit, where the officers deals with special cases when it is beyond the capabilities of the established departments. Ace turned to face the riot and glared at them. "Where's your boss?" he demanded. "You're disturbing everyone from resting. Now spill it, or you're dead."

A vampire at the frontlines had sneered. "What can a mere human like you do? Hmph!" He bared his teeth, sharpened claws at their next soon-to-be victims. "Master Nestor would have you all you burnt to ashes in a wink." The vampires were boastfully proud of their Master. They boasted of their almighty master. The officers were terrified. They couldn't imagine what would become of the humans when the almighty master appeared before the powerless humans. They would be perished to dust on the spot.

"What should we do?" The police officers had gathered at the entrance of the police station. Upon hearing the word Nestor, Ace's expression darkened. He glared at the vampires with pure antagonistic intentions.

"Tell me what his intentions are. Now." Ace was extremely hostile, horrifying his subordinates. They did not know what the vampires had done, litting the fire within Ace. Ace was extremely challenging in influencing affect. "Tell him, I demand to see him now. I am the Chief Inspector of the Special Unit, Ace Silver!" Ace's subordinates had never seen Ace this angered. Even after almost five years of service in the force, they had viewed Ace as desultory, deadpan and inscrutable. Ace had appeared as someone who lacked passion and humour, was often shabby and dull. For the first time in seven years, there was finally someone who could stir the fire within Ace.

No one had managed to light the fire within Ace. Even Reinhart, the man Ace had began dating after Ace's several rejections. It had proved that the vampire master was different.

The vampires had paled and faltered upon hearing the announcement of the officer who had dared to threaten vampires. The vampires had hustled among themselves, had reported back to their master. Nestor was settled comfortably on his throne, a glass of wine in his hands. "Master, there was a police officer named Ace Silver who had been causing trouble for us." One of the vampires had returned to Nestor's mansion, sent to report to their master. Nestor had smirked upon the mention of Ace's name.

"Ace… I didn't know you would willingly capitulate yourself to me." he smirked. The blood servants had stared at their master in confusion. Who was he, was a mystery. The mass of vampires causing havoc in public were blood servants of Crowley Family. Nestor rose from his throne. "Prepare for departure. I will meet with Ace." He told his butler.

The butler nodded, had expeditiously prepared his Master's coat, and his belongings. With a swift nod, Nestor had vanished from the manor. The blood servants were perplexed. "Who is that human? For master to show himself just because he had threatened his name in public?"

"You are wrong, Damian. Ace was the man once who once promised to spend a lifetime with Master Nestor. He is someone Master Nestor had regarded with utmost importance." The butler smiled. "I see Ace had matured since seven years of absence in his life. He had become even more alluring for our master."

Ace had glared at Nestor marched along the streets. The vampires had colonized the entire district. Humans were driven into a corner, seeking assistance from the police. "Nestor! What is the meaning of this?!" he had yelled at him when he finally reached the frontlines. "Take them back now! You can't do this to the people of this country!" The blood servants had parted ways for their master. Nestor was a highly respected master among the blood servants. Nestor wore a smug expression.

'I have one condition." Nestor had smirked. "Return to me. Then, I shall guarantee the people's safety."

Ace and his subordinates paled. It was not possible to sacrifice Ace. He was a valuable personnel which the force needed. "Chief, who is Nestor? Do you know him?" One of his subordinates had questioned. Ace glared at Nestor.

"You have already betrayed the people once. What's a second time makes any difference?" Nestor triggered the fear in people. He had glanced at the people gathered at the station. "Do you even know why he wears such a collar?" Ace had jumped backwards from Nestor's reach. Nestor had closed the proximity between them. The collar operated on a fingerprint sensor. The key was Nestor's fingerprint. Nestor unlocked Ace's collar, revealing the mark of the Crowley family scarred on his omega glands. It was Ace's feared nightmare. "He is an omega who belongs to us."

"You lied to me, Chief?" A police officer finally had the guts to stand at the frontlines. "You told me, it had been seven years since the both of you broke up!" Ace shivered, was clueless about what he should do. He was on the verge of breaking down.

"Reinhart… we did. What I didn't know, Nestor was a vampire, the master of the Crowley Family." Ace sighed. Reinhart couldn't believe him. Amidst the chaos, everything could be a lie. Everything could be the truth too. Nestor used his nail, had spilt blood on the ground. Ace, although had seen countless bloodshed and corpses due to his work, reacted to Nestor's blood.

"You are already mine, Ace. I told you, we shall meet again." He had taken hold of the Ace, who had collapsed and growing feeble due to Nestor's blood. "Reinhart, seems like Ace couldn't trust you with his life. Did Ace even loved you?" Reinhart was harbored pure anger towards Nestor. It was clearly Nestor who had manipulated Ace since seven years ago. He had bonded Ace with an everlasting contract, Ace was left without a choice, had willingly capitulated into the world of darkness with Nestor by his side. There were countless protests and objections. But the safety of citizens was more valuable than a single individual. Just like that, Ace returned to Nestor's side. The blood servants had watched in awe, shock and were infuriated. They had angered the mate of their master. Ace and Nestor were bonded seven years ago, before Nestor had vanished into thin air.

"Welcome home, Ace."

After the incident, the city returned to normal. People continued with their daily lives, unaware that they were saved by a single officer who had sacrificed his life for the hope of humanity. Ace's insignificant existence gradually, had vanished from their memories.

Ace was trapped firmly in Nestor's arms as they returned to the underworld. Ace was held like a glass princess, Nestor had disapproved Ace from walking on his own two feet. The next thing he knew, his clothes had been changed, he was in the middle of a grand four-poster king-sized bed. The frames were made from wood, were personally carved by famous craftsmen in the underworld. The grand elegance had suited Ace, who was like Little Thumberlina who was clueless about what had happened to him. He had remembered protesting against Nestor. His memories had went blank after that.

What on Earth happened? Where am I?

Ace was dressed in the traditional kimono, the intricate embroidery of elegance adorned the layers of refined fabric. Ace's was donned in a pastel green kimono, the symbol of the Crowley Family was displayed on his back. He reached for his neck, had sighed in relief when he felt the leather accessory was still hanging around his neck. Sighing, he reached out to the edges of the king-sized bed. Clank! He heard the chains clanking against each other. "Clank?" Ace had frowned. His legs were chained and bound. Ace glared at the chains with extreme hostility.

Nestor walked into the room. "Your glare won't stop them from doing its job, Ace." He settled himself on the bed, and had topped Ace, his mate was struggling beneath him. Nestor was encroaching against Ace, inching nearer and closing the proximity between them. They could feel the warm breath down each other's neck. His heartbeat was intermittent, had begun racing, its frequency was gradually increasing within minutes. "Everyone back in the mundane world must be in a shock now. Well, with the exception of August and Jeremiah. Your life had been mine since seven years ago. The man you had dated behind my back, he must be heartbroken. I am still the key to that choker I had placed on your all those years ago."

"Bastard. What did you do to me?" Ace had glared at Nestor. Nestor carresed Ace's burning cheeks, and the fallen strands of his pastel teal blue hair.

Nestor had smirked. "Your angry face looks so cute. Are you even trying?" He had chuckled, Ace was dumbstruck, reverberated with extreme shock. Ace had turned pale. The joke wasn't funny at all. How could he pull off such a terrible joke? You are mine, Ace." A blood servant knocked on the door, and bowed to their master.

"Master Nestor, the preparations are ready." The blood servant had bowed in respect. Nestor had nodded, unclasped the other end of the chains and carried Ace in his arms. Ace struggled, however his efforts were in vain. Soon, the pair stood before the pool of water. The pool of water was drenched in crimson blood. Ace ashened, had turned pale at the sight of the crimson red waters before him.

"What are you doing…?" Ace's spoke, his voice had turned rasp and feeble. He didn't dare to imagine the future events of what were to happen to him. Reality dawned on him. He was no longer in to the mundane world. He was kidnapped. Nestor had taken him, crossed into the spirit realm. Even for someone like Ace, humans cannot last in the spirit realm. Without permission or contract, they would be at the mercy of spirit masters. Nestor had rubbed the pale lips of his beloved. He had unlocked

"For the past seven years, I only had you, Ace. I love you." Nestor's expression turned gentle, taking Ace into a deep kiss. Their tongues battled for dominance, Ace felt like he was drowning into the depths of the ocean. The imperceptible trail of saliva connected to each other were evidence of their passion towards each other. Their breaths were intermittent against each other. Nestor had smiled. Although Ace had declared that they were over, Ace's body still accepted Nestor, just like they were seven years ago. It was as if the gap of seven years had never happened between them.

"Become mine, Ace."

Nestor held Ace in his arms. Nestor had dug his sharp nails into his palms, droplets of the purest blood had dripped from the injury. Ace's body had pulsed and shivered. The heat growing within Ace had increased tremendously. Ace's body was burning. He was at his limits. Nestor smiled. "Your body is at the limits. If you return to the mundane world, you will recover. But Ace, I won't let you go. You will become one of us." Nestor unlocked Ace's choker. The electronic system had recognized Nestor's fingerprint as its master, unlocked the lock, granting access to Ace's neck. The mark Nestor had made all those years ago had come into view.

"I'm going to mark you once more, Ace."

He bared his fangs. Nestor had salivated Ace's neck with vampire's saliva. A pure vampire's saliva had properties which will stimulate pleasures to the peak, just like an aphrodisiac. Nestor's fangs pierced through the pale, delicate skin and plunged into the blood artery located at the neck. Thick blood had profusely flowed tremendously. Nestor had injected a pure vampire's poison into Ace's bloodstream. As a pure vampire, Nestor fangs was laced with poison which was extremely lethal to humans. Ace's humanity was robbed, solely by the man who was mad in love with him. The man he once sworn his love to, and he was also the man who plunged him into the darkness of the spiritual realm. It penetrated each and every living cell and nerves Ace's human body had possessed. Robbing of his humanity, Ace would become one who would haunt the darkness, as a member of the immortal.

Ace shrill scream pierced through the night. The full moon was their witness. The union of a pair who had promised their future to each other. After seven years, Nestor had fulfilled their promise. The excess blood had trickled down his neck and stained the pearly white sheets, forming crimson circles of blotches on the sheets. Ace groaned and turned around, holding onto Nestor as if his life depended on it. Beads of sweat had trickled down his forehead, his breath and heartbeat had began racing. Ace trembled, the tremors prompted by Nestor's poison had induced hallucinations. Dreams he had tried so hard to forget. Sufferings he rather not remember. His life had revolved around Nestor, who was his beginning. Ace had moaned in his sleep, unconscious of the effects it had on him. Nestor had gently took Ace into his arms.

"It's going to be fine. Everything will be over at dawn." He whispered into Ace's ear. "Sleep, my beloved mate."

The blood servants of the Crowley Family were witnesses of the rebirth of the man named Ace Silver, the sworn omega mate of their master, Nestor Crowley. They had their fingers crossed. They were eager, patiently awaiting for the dusk of dawn to grace upon them. As the minutes of dawn inched nearer, the tremors and pain experienced decreased. At dawn, Ace snapped his eyes open. He was wide awake. His clear real irises were dyed crimson.

The clear vermilion irises of a vampire.

"Welcome to the darkness, Ace Silver."