
The first time

kagura's pov

Hello everyone today we will have New transfer student please come in said our teacher. Then a guy entered why...why...does he look familiar. Nice to meet you my name is Hayabusa please take care of me. alright Hayabusa go sit beside kagura please raise your hand said the teacher. I raised my hand then our eyes met why do I feel this. Our little staring was cut when he walked to the seat next to me

*time skip*

3rd pov

2nd period has ended and it's time for lunch

kagura was walking in the corridor when suddenly she was pushing against the locker by none other than hanzo

kagura's pov

what do you want hanzo. seriously I'm tired of being pushed to lockers all the time. give me your lunch money. sigh why am I not surprised. here take it, he was about to take my money when suddenly he was punched by none other than Hayabusa.