
Chapter 9

*Kira could not control her tears. She wept like a baby, she did not mind people looking at her. She rushed home, she did not meet Victor at home. She locked herself in, cried bitterly and slept off. When Victor came back, he checked her in her room, that is his daily routine. Whenever he comes back from work, he would check her in her room. He saw that she was sleeping, he closed the door gently and went to kitchen to prepare dinner. He later went in to wake her for dinner, he met her crying, he rushed to her.

Victor: Kira, what happened? Why are you crying?

Kira: *wiping her tears* nothing. I'm fine

Victor: you can't tell me that. You're crying

Kira: * shouted* I said I'm fine. *Her phone rang* can you please excuse me, I need to pick this call

Victor: okay. After the call you can come out for dinner. *He left her room*

*It was Kelvin calling her phone*

Kelvin: my love

Kira: Kelvin why would you do this to me

Kelvin: what did I do wrong? Kimberly is my friend and I'm moving closer to her because her father is very influential. She said after my master degree, she will talk to her dad to secure job for me and get my Green Card. You know my background is poor and I need to do everything possible to make it in life. I'm sorry if I hurt you today. I'm only trying to secure our future.

Kira: why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you introduce me as your girlfriend? Why did she left in annoyance? Why did you leave me and follow? I need answers to my questions.

Kelvin: I and Kimberly agreed not to bring anyone to our date because we want to discuss so many things and we don't want any one to disturb us. She was so annoyed when she saw you and she couldn't control her anger that's why she left.

Kira: I hope what you are saying is true I believe you.

Kelvin: trust me baby I love you I cannot do anything that will hurt you trust me.

Kira: okay dear

Kelvin: have you been crying?

Kira: yes, I was really hurt

Kelvin: sorry baby. We will talk later. Bye

*After the call Kira was relieved. She went to join Victor for dinner. She was smiling and beaming with joy. Victor was surprised.

Victor: were you not the one crying few minutes ago?

Kira: mind your business

Victor: okay.

Kira: hmm, you cook so well. Your wife will really enjoy you. How I wish Kelvin know how to cook

Victor: I hope this guy is not giving you any problem because something is not right about this guy.

Kira: will you stop saying that? The day you repeat that statement will be the last day I stay in this house.

Kelvin: I'm sorry. It won't happen again.

*They had dinner in total silence*

*Kira and Kelvin continue their relationship, Kira stopped giving him surprise visit to avoid heartbreak. Kira graduated the same year Kelvin finished his Masters. After graduation they both talk about getting married. It was Kelvin that raised the matter, Kira was so happy, she wanted to be Kelvin's wife as soon as possible. She informed her parents, they were against it, they had to call Victor to ask me what was happening and he explained everything to them.

Father: why are you just telling us?

Victor: Kira is not a baby, she knows what she want.

Mother: what's all this nonsense. That stup!d boy still found his way to USA to meet my daughter.

Victor: sir, ma'am, please, I will advise we let her do her wish. I can not force her to love me. If you force us to marry each other, we'll have big problem in our marriage. It is better we allow her marry Kelvin.

Father: hmm, you're a very intelligent boy. I'm sorry on her behalf.

Victor: it's fine sir. I will get over it

*Kira and Kelvin started planning their wedding, Kelvin said he want very low key wedding. Few months later they got married. Kira moved in with Kelvin. He had started working and earning well. After the wedding, sometimes he will sleep at home, sometimes he will sleep out. Kira always complain. Any misunderstanding, he won't come home for two weeks. Kira would started calling and begging him to come home. One day, Kelvin told her he would be going to the beach with some colleagues.

Kira: I'm coming with you

Kelvin: no, I'm going with my colleagues, they are not coming with their wives.

Kira: okay. Just that, it's been six months we got married and we've not hang out as a couple

Kelvin: don't worry, I will create time for us. I'm running late. Take care of yourself

* He kissed her and dashed out. Few hours later Kira received a call that her husband drowned at the beach and they could not find his body. She screamed and collapsed. Her neighbor heard her scream and rush to her door step, she rushed in and met her on the floor. The neighbor wanted to call an ambulance when Kira's phone rang again, it was Victor calling to check on her. The neighbor picked the call and told Victor what has happened. Victor immediately rushed down to Kira's house. He took her to his hospital. Some moment later she woke up and find Victor beside her

Kira: what am I doing here?

Victor: you collapsed and I brought you to my hospital. What happened to you?

*Kira explained what happened and started crying. Victor was shocked and sad, he felt for her. Victor called Kira's parents and explained everything to them. They asked him to bring him back to their village.

*Few days later Kira was discharged from the hospital and Victor took her to their village. Two days later Victor returned to USA.

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