
Chapter 3

*The following day, Victor went to Kira's house. When he got to the house, he met Kira's mother in the sitting room.

Victor: good day ma'am

Mother: *surprised* Victor, how are you doing? How are your parents?

Victor: they are fine ma. Ma, please I'm here to see Kira. Is she around?

Mother: oh oh, *smile* she's inside let me call her for you. You can have your seat.

Victor: thank you ma

*Kira's mother went inside to inform Kira about her visitor*

Mother: Kira, you have a visitor

Kira: visitor? From where?

Mother: when you get to the sitting room you will see for yourself

Kira: mom, I don't have friends, I don't have any one to visit me except Kelvin and he's not around. Maybe it's a mistake

Mother: when you get to the sitting room you will know whether it's a mistake or not. Stop questioning me

Kira: okay. Let me see who's looking for me

*Kira stood up and went to the sitting room. On getting to the sitting room, she was surprised to see victor.

Kira: *in her mind* why is he here?

Victor: hello Kira

Kira: hi victor. Are you the one looking for me?

Victor: yes. I'm sorry for visiting without calling you first, I don't have your phone number, I would have called before coming. I'm sorry

Kira: no, it's fine. Nothing to be sorry about. Just that I was surprised when mom told me I have a visitor. So, how are you?

Victor: I'm very well. I'm bored at home and I don't have friends here, all my friends are in the U.S. So the last time I came here when we were both introduced to each other, I was so happy because I know you will be a good friend.

Kira: *smile* how sure are you that I will be a good friend. I don't keep friends, I don't visit friends and they don't visit me. In short, I am boring

* Both of them laughed. They started gisting, laughing, Victor told her about his friends in the U.S. they talked for a while before Kira's mother came in

Mother: Kira, are you sure you're a good friend?

Kira: mom, what is it?

Mother: your friend is here since, gisting with you, you did not even offer him a water talkess of wine or juice

Kira: oh, I am so sorry. I'm not used to having visitors. I am highly sorry. What can I offer you?

Victor: *smile* water is fine

Kira: why water? Is it because of what mom said?

Victor: no, I just prefer water

Mother: give him wine

Victor: no ma'am I don't take alcohol

Mother: really? Wow

Kira: we have non alcoholic wine, or would you prefer fruit juice?

Victor: water is fine. I don't like sugary drinks

Kira: okay let me get you water

*Kira went to the kitchen to get the water, her mother went back inside.

Victor: thanks for the water

Kira: you're thanking me because of water? Okay o you're welcome

Victor: so, how far about your school? I heard your dad want you to further your education in the United States of America

Kira: yes, we are on it. I can't wait to leave this country.

Victor: well, in few weeks time I will return to the U.S.

Kira: are you still schooling?

Victor: nope, I'm through with schooling. Although, I still do some online courses but not full time. You know, I'm the one managing daddy's hospital in the U.S.

Kira: are you a medical doctor?

Victor: *with smile* yes ma'am

Kira: your dad did not introduce you as a medical doctor

Victor: yeah, I prefer to be called Victor Vincent to Dr. Victor

Kira: you're so humble

Victor: is that a compliment?

Kira: well, I don't know.

Victor: Kira, I want to take my leave now

Kira: oh, okay. Thanks for coming. I really enjoyed your company

Victor: same here. Thanks for hosting me. I wish to do this some other time. Please, can I have your phone number?

Kira: sure *she called out the phone number*

Victor: thanks. I will call you when I get home

*Immediately Victor left the place, Kira's mother came out*

Mother: the guy is H&H

Kira: what's H&H

Mother: humble and handsome *chuckle*

Kira: I think I like his personality

Mother: he's a good boy with good background

*Kira went to her room, thinking about Kelvin

Kira: Kelvin why would you do this to me I trusted you, I believe you cannot do this but you've not been calling to defend yourself this is not fair I'm hurting. I want to tell you I have a new friend he's so humble. I believe you are enjoying yourself with your new girlfriend while I am hurting here.

*Kelvin has gotten a new phone but couldn't retrieve his sim. Whenever he went to the network provider office, he always meet long queue and he was always impatient. So he decided to get a new sim. With his new sim, he kept calling Kira's number but always switched off.

Kelvin: I don't know what is happening to Kira now, ever since I spoke to her mother have not been able to speak to her.

*When Victor got home, he kept calling Kira's number but it was switched off. The following day he kept calling to no avail.

Kelvin: what is happening? I've been calling Kira since yesterday her number is switched off or did she give me a wrong number?

*Kira was waiting for Victor's call but no call

Kira: why hasn't he called? I thought he said he will call me when he got home why is he not calling or have I said anything wrong to him?

*The third day Victor came to Kira's house to confirm his curiosity. He met Kira in the sitting room watching TV.

Kira: hello Victor

Victor: Kira, how are you?

Kira: I'm good. You're not looking good. What happened?

Victor: what happened to your phone?

Kira: *she showed him her phone* nothing

Victor: I've been calling your phone since the day I left here but it was switched off

Kira: I've been waiting for your call since the day you left here but you did not call

Victor: it might be the network then. Let me try it gain

*He tried calling the number again but it was switched off*

Victor: you see now. I was even thinking maybe you gave me the wrong number

Kira: why would I do that, for what? Let me see the number

*She checked the number, she confirm it was her number*

Kira: you know what? let's do it this way, give me your number let me call you with mine then you can save it.

Victor: ok, bring to your phone

* She give him her phone and he input his phone number and dialed it. The phone rang and it shows another number

Kira: how come? This is not my number

*As they were talking her mother walked in

Mother: I was the one that changed your SIM because I don't want that stup!d boy to keep calling you so I had to change your SIM I flush your SIM and I replaced it with another SIM so enjoy your new SIM my baby girl. How are you Victor?

Victor: I'm fine ma'am

Kira: *with tears in her eyes* mom why would you do such? this is not fair and you know how much I've been waiting for his call, why would you do this to me Mom? this is not fair

*She went in angrily and started sobbing

Victor: ma'am, what's she talking about why is she crying?

Mother: my dear, never mind. Go to her and talk to her she might listen to you and tell you everything.

*Kira's mother showed him Kira's room. He started knocking

Kira: I don't want to see anyone. I want to be alone

Victor: it's me Victor please open the door let's talk

Kira: Victor please go home I am not in good mood to talk now I don't want to be rude please you've been a good friend please go home

Victor: if I am truly a good friend please open this door you've known almost everything about me but I'm yet to know some things about you open the door and let's talk as friends. Don't forget you told me you don't have any friend so who is she talking about who is this guy I really want to know let's talk please.