
Child of The Sun And Moon

Given birth to on the forest floor in the darkness of night, he had always been alone.For him this was not an issue as it was the only life he knew and considered it of little importance as he found peace and contentedness within the forest he called home, little does he know his birth would cause an upheaval for the beings that rule within the shadows of the world, for his existence poses a tremendous danger to their rule and power. He will have to find out who he truly is along with the power he holds if he wants to survive these ancient beings. Will he be able to make the hunters become the prey or will he just be another count among the thousands of bones that make up their thrones? This novel is set in the world of twilight but will not be focused on the characters of the main story, instead it will delve deeper into the lore of the world and will even touch on new things that haven't yet been answered or exist in the lore. Our Main Protagonist Aidon is a character of my own making as well as others that will come along and is owned by me. the characters and the world it is set in by Stephanie Meyer is owned solely by her and I lay no claim to them except those of my own making. I hope this novel will be loved and if there are any mistakes within the writing of it I will gladly accept corrections. I will not answer any questions in regards to what or who the Protagonist is not what are his abilities. All will be answered the further into the world you go. Enjoy your journey.

micheal_martin · Fantasy
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14 Chs

07. Now I know my Aa Bb Cc

One would think that with me being in a Comatose state I would wake up groggy, confused and very unaware of my situation however that was far from the truth, as soon as I opened my eyes my brain processed instantly That I was no longer where I fell asleep, that I was moved and based on the position of the Sun how far I was moved and in which direction and also I was very refreshed I felt better than my best moment but was still wary of where I was because not too far away I could see the three beings looking at me with keen interest and a bit of agitation but also no malice,I could hear all three of their Voices in my head but none of the three lips were moving, they were rambling at a rapid pace but I couldn't understand what was being said but it all seemed very uniformed and seemed to follow some type of rule one that I could not understand and was more complex than the simple feelings I could sense from the animals of the forest and so I reach out with my mind to one of them, it felt as easy as lifting my hand to hold something I wanted and as I did I heard one of the beings let out a Yelp.

"Ahh,what the fuck was that!", 'what is it Zafrina, what startled you so much?" Ask Kachiri who still didn't take her eyes off of their new house guest even though she really wanted to attend to her sister who seemed to be genuinely startled by something."Oh nothing, just that it seems our little Monster here is a telepath and he just probed my mind with his", ""what?!"" Shouted both Kachiri and Senna at their sister, ' Yes, but it seems to be very new at this and may in fact be his first actual probe based on how pure it was", "what do you mean?"," Well when I say pure, I meant that in sending this probe he left himself completely open also for me to read it was like he was sending a handshake but through our mind, when he grasped my 'hand' I also grasped his, and in that moment I learnt all that there was to know about him well at least the most important thing I needed to know in this moment", "Well don't keep us waiting sister,do tell what is the most important thing?"," haha our little angel here has no concept of language or words, in essence we have a baby who needs to learn how to speak or at least understand what we are saying,' and will that take a long time to teach because he seems to be around 9 years old if he is like us won't he be frozen in the same mindset without much room for improvement, there is a reason we are forbidden to make a child immortal, you can't teach a mind that will never mature." Kachiri said sadly remembering something distant that happened to a friend of ours.'Usually you would be right sister, but you are forgetting that our little angel while he may look like us Smell Strongly like us and even crave blood like us, he is not the same as us, I think he can be taught, and better yet can possibly learn within a day.' how so?' 'Well for some reason when he made that contact he left a mark a kind of notification marker or a Message Placer. I think he want to learn what we are thinking or to him saying because he most likely can hear our inner voices as clear as if it was spoken verbally. With the marker that he left I can teach him about our language and how to use it to communicate with us. ' but won't that take a long time for him to even grasp?" Asked Senna, ' You are thinking of this too linear' said Zafrina shaking her head at her sisters,'I will be teaching him completely from my mind to his, he is a full telepath, which means anything I feel,think or can imagine he will be able to see hear and feel it in the purest of quality and with no worries of misunderstanding or information lost, plus it seems his brain is like ours when it comes unto processing information or probably several times better.

All of this was conveyed between the sisters in a small fractions of seconds, their rate of speech was so fast a human ear would never be able to decipher and it would sound like the static of electricity mixed with the chirps of birds.

From the sideline Aiden was watching all this with fascinated curiosity as he listened to both what was said verbally and internally he felt a nudge from the mind he first reached out and touched it seems she was sending something like a package of pure information which he accepted as he felt no form of malice of ill intention from it.

As soon as he opened this information package sent by Zaphrina, his whole view of the world and understanding of it changed because she sent him her entire understanding of communication and language from the very first words she spoke as a child to her learning how to read to the complexity of the language she and her sister spoke along with the ones loved by the humans, got it all in the purest of forms as he could feel,see,hear and understand everything she experienced when it came unto communicating. Within a few Seconds his brain processed compiled and understood it and was searching for more, this experience gave him a different kind of high than what he felt when he tasted the human's blood, as he got a new addiction, the addiction of knowledge and wanting to know more. And it all started from learning his ABC's.