
Child of The Sun And Moon

Given birth to on the forest floor in the darkness of night, he had always been alone.For him this was not an issue as it was the only life he knew and considered it of little importance as he found peace and contentedness within the forest he called home, little does he know his birth would cause an upheaval for the beings that rule within the shadows of the world, for his existence poses a tremendous danger to their rule and power. He will have to find out who he truly is along with the power he holds if he wants to survive these ancient beings. Will he be able to make the hunters become the prey or will he just be another count among the thousands of bones that make up their thrones? This novel is set in the world of twilight but will not be focused on the characters of the main story, instead it will delve deeper into the lore of the world and will even touch on new things that haven't yet been answered or exist in the lore. Our Main Protagonist Aidon is a character of my own making as well as others that will come along and is owned by me. the characters and the world it is set in by Stephanie Meyer is owned solely by her and I lay no claim to them except those of my own making. I hope this novel will be loved and if there are any mistakes within the writing of it I will gladly accept corrections. I will not answer any questions in regards to what or who the Protagonist is not what are his abilities. All will be answered the further into the world you go. Enjoy your journey.

micheal_martin · Fantasy
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14 Chs

01. Who Am I ?

The first thing I remember in vivid detail is the night of my birth, I remember how I desperately wanted to get out as I felt cramped within the confines of my mother,of course I had no true cogitation as I knew no words or how to properly string my thoughts together into meaning as communication is the greatest tool towards intelligence,but I felt, and acting on how I felt I tried to claw and bite my way out, the walls were squeezing me on all sides and so I began to panic and trash even more, but then I realized the squeezing was helping me towards my goal of getting out despite how uncomfortable it felt. I could hear the roars of my mother, which was so loud the surroundings shook along with her body. Finally I was out and fell to the forest floor which was very dark as the leaves of the trees hid the light of the moon, but despite this I could see everything to the finest of detail, and I could smell everything for miles and strangely knew what was good to eat. Eat, Hunger,Thirst? upon realizing I could smell many things to eat I found myself insatiably hungry which gave me more discomfort than wanting to excape into this new environment outside the tiny space that was my mother's womb,but as a newborn I had yet the understanding of how to get to these delicious scents that called to me, I felt the need to cry but before I could I heard a low growl, but felt no malice just one of utter exhaustion, I turn my head towards the sound, and there she was my mother, even in her exhausted state I could feel the power that emanated from her body she was large and if she was standing would easily reach 7'2". Her hands and feet looked draconic and had deadly claws that had easily rip into the trees that lay lying around her that allowed the only bit of moonlight to enter this dark forest, her body was covered by white fur but I later learned this was a deception of the senses based on how it looked it was actually Pennae Volatus,Her face was like a Canine But much more fierce but also held such beauty it is hard to describe to this day, I could see that under all that fur like Volatus she had a very muscular physique but not too large to off put her flexibility, everything was just perfect, she was perfect in every way an apex being should be.

Her breath was coming out of her snout labourously and was so strong it made the leaves above move, and then I heard her heart which was beating with such intensity it sounded like thunder to my sensitive ears that could hear everything in the forest as I had already identified the marching of some ants a few meters away.

Upon hearing her heart my hunger came back in full effect mixed with a burning thirst, And then I smelt her scent which was the most wonderful scent I have ever smelt,But it didn't evoke as much hunger as the other beings I smelt a few miles away.

While looking at my mother who was lying tired on the forest floor her eyes finally met mine it looked like the moon,but was not blue and was more yellow with a tinge of light emitting from it like one sees when stared at by a predator in the stillness of the dark, her pupils were slited almost like a reptiles. She then open her Maws and I saw the most deadliest rows of teeth that could possibly rip through almost every prey, when she opened it she made a low howl that oddly was very loud and possibly could be heard from many kilometers, she looked at me once more and I realized what she wanted me to do.

I began to crawl towards my mother, when I began to crawl I realized I didn't look like her, well at least my hands didn't they were as I came later realized more human like but had nails that were like claws, Once I reached her body I climbed up to her chest, then I felt my Gum Begin to Itch and rows of Teeth began Popping out of them, sharp but was more towards a lions teeth but was in perfect symmetry with the size of my jaws so while the canines were long they didn't prevent me from closing my mouth, using both my nails and Teeth I ripped into the chest of my mother, she didn't even flinched but just kept looking at me, When I was close to reaching her heart I felt her huge hand hold the top of my head, I stilled, such was her power that despite her state and how weak she was at the moment a simply flick of her finger could possibly tear my infantile body in two, intuitively I knew this would not kill me but her hand was on my head if she squeezed it, it would instantly be crushed, and this made all my instincts screamed danger as this would most likely definitely kill me, I also saw that in the small interval that she stopped me her body was healing the damage I made but was healing a bit slowly. She then licked my face and nuzzled me with her snout,looking me all the time in my eyes, she then gently lowered my head back towards her heart that was slowly beating like a drum calling to me and so I began to feast on it, her heart was almost as big as me with each bite I felt stronger and the hunger slowly began to die along with the thirst that was quenched by her blood, the heart tried its best to heal itself but could not and when I finally ate it all, she made one final large howl and her hand fell from my head. Her body began to change all the muscles started to get more slender her Face began to change as the Wolf-like face that seemed more dragonic than wolf began to retreat giving way to the features of a human female, the Volatus Fur retreated and slowly the most beautiful female was shown to the world, her skin was Dark and the moonlight that fell on it danced off the melanin that glistened in the moonlight, her body was the most petite and a great contrast compared to her first form and now was prob only 5'2, her face was slender and her lips were full but small and had the softest hue of pink, her hair was very beautifully locked and her eyes were now light brown but still held that slit pupil but wasn't so obvious unless you paid close attention, she seemed young about 25 in age but her eyes seemed to hold a wealth of knowledge, she was still alive but was holding unto her last breath, I knew for some reason it was because of me that she could not heal herself, but she seemed to not have regretted her decision. With the last of her breath she said the first words I ever heard in this world. "I Love You Aidon".

This novel is set in the world of twilight but will not be focused on the characters of the main story, instead it will delve deeper into the lore of the world and will even touch on new things that haven't yet been answered or exist in the lore. Our Main Protagonist Aiden is a character of my own making as well as others that will come along and is owned by me. the characters and the world it is set in by Stephanie Meyer is owned solely by her and I lay no claim to them except those of my own making. I hope this novel will be loved and if there are any mistakes within the writing of it I will gladly accept corrections. I will not answer any questions in regards to what or who the Protagonist is not what are his abilities. All will be answered the further into the world you go. Enjoy your journey.

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