
The Rumors III

The faces of the three have clear indication that they are scared. Adrian even used his ability so that they will be scared enough but still be able to tell their stories. He is also applying some sort of rush into their brains so that they also enjoy it in the process.

"We already told you the gist of our stories. It is now time for you to tell us the rumors about the school." Adrian stated as he looked at the three.

The three looked at each other as they are still unsure if they can spill the beans. The school principal already warned them not to spread rumors outside of school or risk being expelled. It suddenly dawned to them that both Lugh and Jihoon are already part of the school.

"We would not be breaking the rules if we actually tell them anyway. They are still students in our school. The principal only told us that we cannot spread it outside of the school who are not part of the school." Danny stated to convince the other two.

"I agree. We will not be breaking the rules. We are only looking out for our fellow classmates that just joined." Justin added.

"You are right. We do not want them to suddenly panic if they suddenly encounter something weird while they are in school. The principal does not want them to contact the police immediately after all." Jennie added.

"Success." Adrian thought as he smiled internally. He also stopped using his abilities since he already achieved the desired result.

"I will tell you guys the thing that happened first before all the rumors started. A girl from another class committed suicide in school grounds. We all saw her that day when she fell from the rooftop which is why the rooftop has been cordoned off." Jennie stated.

"Well…a good ghost rumor is not without any story about death." Jihan stated to make light of the situation.

"Our school is pretty normal before her death. You could even call it boring because we always had tests because they expect us to keep our grades to be in the top 10 in the country." Justin added.

"Top 10?! More like Top 1 because of the exhausting curriculum plus the academies that the others still attend after school." Danny stated as he already felt the studying culture of other countries to be laxer.

"How about you three? You guys do not go or attend academies?" Adrian asked as he saw some of their classmates being escorted to their academies.

"Jennie has one but me and Justin do not. My parents are cool with me not attending them because I am fine without it. Justin is just lazy." Danny stated.

"Hey! My parents know that I do not like those because they stress me too much. I also am fine without those kinds of things as I will not be attending college here anyway." Justin stated.

"I think we have veered away from the topic. Can we continue to the ghost rumors?" Jihan stated which made the other three apologetic.

"Anyways, strange things started happening in our school as soon as the incident." Jennie stated.

"What kind of strange things?" Adrian asked.

"Stuff from lockers will suddenly go missing and then will show up in another room. It was both funny and creepy because of certain situations." Jennie answered.

"The worst thing that happened are people becoming possessed." Danny stated as he saw one of them.

"Are they just acting so they could get a free pass out of school? You did say that the school was boring before the supposed haunting happens." Adrian stated.

"It is a real possession as it required ten boys to stop her from raging out. The most chilling part is that she started to speak in a different language that we could not understand." Justin added as he was near the room where the possession occurred.

"She could have just been mumbling words that did not make sense." Jihan stated as it is not farfetched to act that way. He knew that some people are willing to do anything just to get out of school.

"We thought so too until someone recorded the voice and found a translator online. She was actually speaking latin but some words could not be translated." Danny stated.

"What was the translation?" Adrian asked.

"You will all burn in hell for your sins. That is what she said over and over for an hour. She had to be injected with a drug just so that she can relax." Danny stated.

"Well, I just had the goosebumps. Let us just hope that nothing major happens while we are here. Our mother is very protective and might transfer us to another school if she learns about this fact." Adrian stated but the three looked at each other and smiled wryly.

"Did something happen before we came?" Jihan asked as it seems that they are reluctant to say it to them.

"It actually happened just yesterday which is why some of us are more playful in class. It seems that they want to take their mind of the thing that they witnessed yesterday." Jennie stated as she started to tell them what happened.

Jennie told Adrian and Jihan that a boy in the other class suddenly just went crazy. He started to bash his head to the wall until it bled. He only stopped the moment he fainted from continuous head bashing. The other students were afraid to stop him because they thought that they might get 'infected'.

"Actually, there is another reason why no one helped him. In my opinion, he deserved it." Danny stated as he was not bothered with what the boy in question did while Adrian and Jihan looked at Justin for an answer.

"He was a bully, and his family is somewhat influential in school. The school almost got sued if no one actually caught what he did in camera. Just because he is a bully does not mean he deserved to be possessed like that." Justin stated.

"Well, evil spirits tend to attach to people who have a lot of negativities in their life." Adrian stated while he smiled.