
The light in the dark

Empty that's all they felt, Luli felt lonely. Luli was lonely and afraid. The cave was cold wet and dark. The darkness was eating her alive and consuming her. She stood up her stomach and back killing, gasping for air as fire went up her neck. Ye Yunan has saw her, Luli, he found her but she was different. She looked bigger a lot bigger. He stumbled through the grass and trees but falls over a rock and hits his arm.

Back in the castle all hell was breaking lose, Keami was raging and was furious to the point where if anyone looked at her they would be slapped or yelled at. Her breathing was unstable and she was blazing. The king and queen tried to calm her down but just got pushed to the floor. Keami yelled at them, ' HOW DARE YOU LOOSE MY FUTURE HUSBAND!?'. Everyone then began shouting, ' HE'S NOT YOUR HUSBAND'. Keami gasped and started balling her eyes out and whining as if she was just a new born child. The king got up and sent some guards to go looking for Luli and Ye Yunan. The queen had requested for someone to call the doctor as she couldn't move and felt paralysed, she was paralysed. Keami stood there and just waited, waited for her punishment.

In the forest Luli realised someone was there with her and she felt afraid and frightened. Her breath hitched as she felt kicking in her stomach and she yelped in pain screaming out, 'Help me!'. But no one came. Nothing was heard until a groan echoed throughout the whole forest.

What happened?. Will anyone help Luli?. Will they find them both?. How will Keami react?.